Zi Nu giggled and said, "My lord, don't lie to Mr. Han Fei anymore. If you go on, he might really believe in mermaids in this world."

Hearing what Zi Nu said, the excitement on Han Fei's face stagnated, and he sat back to his original position like a punctured balloon, "So Ming brother was joking?"

"Not really."

Tang Ming smiled and took a sip of the fine wine in the wine bottle, and said, "Everyone has seen our world before. It is like a water polo. This huge water polo has [-]% of the sea. With such a huge ocean area, who can really know whether mermaids exist or not?"

"But let's not talk about the mermaid. How did you and Zifang check at Zuo Sima's mansion?"

Han Fei shook his head, "Preliminary judgment, Zuo Sima Liu Yi was assassinated by a top expert. Then Mrs. Hu's reaction was a bit strange. I am a little concerned about one detail." He glanced at Nongyu, "On Mrs. Hu's waist, There is also a piece of Huoyu agate similar in style to Miss Nongyu. Is Miss Nongyu related to Mrs. Hu?"

Nongyu frowned slightly with her gentle Liu eyebrows, subconsciously glanced at Zi Nu beside her.

Zi Nu frowned and said, "Fire Rain Agate?"

Han Fei nodded, gestured to Zifang, and said, "We also got a Baiyue-style box in Zuo Sima's secret room."

The ovary lifts the box to the center.

Tang Ming glanced at it and said: "There is only one piece of cloth inside, with such a pattern painted on it." He used wine to draw the picture on the cloth on the table.

Everyone was a little surprised to see the contents of the box without even opening the box.Especially Zi Nu thought a little more about what kind of ability this is?perspective?Then in his eyes, he and others usually have no clothes on?

Thinking of this, Zi Nu subconsciously covered the important parts of her body.

Chapter 466 I wish you a long life

Seeing Zi Nu's actions, Tang Ming knew that she had misunderstood, so he couldn't help but smiled wryly, and said, "Miss Zi Nu, do you think I'm that kind of vile person?"

Zi Nu let go of her defensive posture with some embarrassment, and poured wine for Tang Ming to make amends.

Han Fei changed the subject and said, "What does this pattern mean?"

Wei Zhuang glanced at the pattern on the table, and fiddled with the box placed in the center. Along with his movements, there was a clicking sound, and the box opened. There was indeed a piece of cloth inside. He picked up the cloth and looked at it. The painted pattern is also the one that Tang Ming drew with wine.

"I'll go check it out."

Wei Zhuang took the cloth, turned around and left the private room.

Seeing Wei Zhuang going out, Han Fei smiled and said, "Then we can only wait for news from Brother Wei Zhuang now. But Miss Zi Nu may pay attention at night. I remember that Huoyu Agate was a specialty of Huoyu Villa back then, right? It is the land of Baiyue”

Zi Nu followed Han Fei's train of thought, "What do you mean?"

"My intuition tells me that the assassin's target may be related to the incident at the Fire Rain Villa that year."

Zi Nu glanced at Nong Yu who lowered her head and frowned, and nodded, "I understand."

Zifang next to her said: "If this is the case, what about Mrs. Hu? She also wears a fire and rain agate on her body. If an assassin comes to the door, Mrs. Hu may suffer badly."

Han Fei smiled and said: "It's okay, I have made arrangements. Madam Hu has a younger sister who is in the palace. Madam Hu can take refuge in the palace temporarily."

Zifang's eyes lit up, "Brother Han, you mean Mrs. Hu's younger sister, the beauty Hu in the palace? This arrangement is very good. When Mrs. Hu arrives in the palace, her life will be safe."

Zi Nu said: "Then I will take a good look at Nongyu tonight."

Next, everyone chatted about the four murderous generals in the night. According to information, the four murderous generals today do not know what they are doing except the one in the palace. Went to Bai Yifei's mansion, I don't know what they talked about, only know that the two chatted for a long time before Emerald Tiger left Xue Yihou's mansion.

While chatting, Han Fei suddenly asked, "Brother Ming, has Qin started to act?"

Tang Ming took a sip of his wine and said, "I've handed over the matter to the Yin Yang family. They will take care of it soon."

Zi Nu narrowed her eyes slightly, and said with a smile: "I got the news that the Yin Yang family has sent two peerless beauties, one is called Concubine Yan, and the other is called Moon God, both of whom are peerless beauties with strong martial arts."

Tang Ming said with a smile: "Miss Zi Nu and Miss Nong Yu are also peerless beauties."

His jade-white cheeks were slightly red, and he said in a low voice, "My lord is absurd."

Zi Nu giggled and said, "My lord can really talk."

Han Fei was a little interested in these things, but only a little bit. He was more interested in other things, and asked, "Brother Wei Zhuang, where is Gai Nie? Brother Ming will not keep the disciples of Guigu by his side. Swordsmanship, right?"

"I really learned a little bit of fencing from Mr. Ge Nie."

Tang Ming glanced at Han Fei with a smile, and said, "However, I did arrange other tasks for Mr. Ge Nie. Mr. is currently in charge of a small matter that affects the progress of human civilization."

"Affecting the progress of human civilization, but still a trivial matter?"

Han Fei was a little surprised, took a sip of wine, and asked, "Can King Qin let me know?"

The title was changed again inadvertently.

Tang Ming didn't care, and smiled faintly at Zi Nu, who was serving the wine, and said, "There's nothing I can't say, I've been planning this matter a year ago, and it probably won't take long for that thing to spread all over the world. "

Nongyu was curious about what Tang Ming said, and asked, "What is the young master talking about? How powerful is it?"

"Paper." Tang Ming spit out a word lightly.

Everyone frowned, "Paper?"

"What's the use of paper?" Han Fei asked curiously.

"The things that paper will replace are the current bamboo slips, wooden slips, and cloth. Compared with these, paper has great advantages."

Unable to explain it clearly, Tang Ming directly manifested a piece of rice paper on the desk with spiritual power.

As soon as the white and jade-like rice paper appeared, it attracted the attention of everyone in the room.Zifang approached, looked at a thin piece of rice paper on the desk and asked, "Is this paper?"

Han Fei stepped forward to touch the material of the rice paper, looked at it carefully, and his eyes became brighter and brighter.At this time Tang Ming asked Zi Nu: "Miss Zi Nu, does Zi Lanxuan have writing?"

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