Gong Shuchou was encouraged, full of confidence, and said: "Your Majesty, don't worry, I gained a lot of experience when building this engine. After experimenting with this engine, I will lead the children of the family to tackle other related technologies." !"

"good very good."

Tang Ming nodded in satisfaction, "Mr. Gongshu will give you a reward of ten thousand taels, and the rest will reward you a thousand taels!"

If the horse wants to run fast, it is natural to feed him grass, and he must eat the best grass.

Amidst the voices of thanks from Gongshuchou and others, Tang Ming took Yan Lingji and left again.He still has to go to the farmhouse to have a look.

Tang Ming, who went to university in Xiongbinglian, knows that in order to develop society, he must grasp light industry and heavy industry together. Only when he walks on both feet can he walk smoothly and quickly.

When they came to the farm's greenhouse cultivation base, everyone was studying the hybridization technology given by Tang Ming, and now they were doing comparative experiments.The former farm children didn't know these things. At most, they planted the crops in the field and used special internal force to ripen them.

Later Tang Ming recruited the farm children and gave them more scientific planting techniques and experimental procedures.Now they learned it step by step according to the manual given by Tang Ming, but they did it very quickly.

Tang Ming brought Yan Lingji over to see that everything was fine. He talked with the valley god of the farm and rewarded him with a lot of property. He brought a basket of cucumbers and tomatoes (the seeds Tang Ming gave) The Yanling Ji left.

Soon after, the snow on the ground melted and the branches turned green.

The streets of Xianyang are bustling again.

A group of craftsmen came from all directions. They were working in a spacious place on the streets of Xianyang, and they seemed to be building some kind of platform.

Many people were attracted by this group of craftsmen and gathered around to watch.

Someone boldly asked, "What are you waiting for?"

A leading craftsman replied: "Tonight, my Daqin No. [-] boy group "Mobai" is going to perform here, and we are here to build the stage for the performance."

Someone asked: "What is Daqin's No. [-] boy group "Mobai"?"

But the craftsman stopped answering, and put all his energy into the work of building five sets.The onlookers couldn't ask any questions, and after watching for a while, they dispersed in twos and threes.


Chapter 485

The craftsmen who built the stage in Xianyang made a lot of noise. Many people left after watching it for a while, and some people were attracted.

At ten o'clock after sunset, everyone in Xianyang City knew that there was going to be a grand performance in the evening.

At sunset, many people came to the performance hall to wait after dinner.

There is no curfew in Xianyang City at this time, and the methane from the street lamps erected years ago illuminates the streets brightly.

On both sides of the road, a team of ten night watchmen passed by from time to time. They were responsible for maintaining order in the city at night.

The three of Zicong came to the front of the stage early.

They saw that a huge stage had been set up by craftsmen, and on the stage, bright lights were shining.

In front of the stage, more than a hundred soldiers were maintaining order.

The front of the stage was divided into three areas.

There are three in the left and right.

There is a road between each area.Those who came to watch stood in three areas according to the soldiers' guidance.


In front of the three areas, there is a large open space filled with stools made by craftsmen after the year.

This place is reserved for Xianyang officials to sit.

The three of Ziyou followed the soldiers' guidance and stopped in the middle area in front of the stage.

Zimu pointed to the lights on the stage and asked, "Look, the light from this novelty is so bright, much brighter than any lantern candle."

Ziyou glanced at it, his eyes were dazzled by the light, and said: "This thing must be another treasure made by the King of Qin. If we have this bright thing, we won't hurt our eyes when reading and writing at night."

"In a few days, there will be sales in Xianyang City."

Zicong smiled slightly, "This light is much brighter than the previous biogas lamp."

At this time, there was a commotion nearby.

Zicong and the others looked on tiptoe like the others, and saw the king of Qin walking towards Mr. Fusu, leading him by the hand.

Beside King Qin, there were two elegant, gentle and charming women.

There are three peerless beauties behind King Qin.

One of them has a charming face and a fiery figure, and one can lose his mind just by looking at it.

The other two have cold and noble demeanor, with face scarves on their faces, only revealing a pair of watery eyes, moving lightly with lotus steps, like a fairy in the sky.

Behind the few women is Gai Nie, a disciple of Guigu, the master loses his revenge, and the rest of Li Si are other Xianyang officials.

King Qin sat down directly in front of the stage.

The rest followed suit.

The people in the three areas behind were still a little chaotic before, but now they are also quiet, except for occasional voices of discussion.

Everyone was looking at King Qin, feeling a little surprised.No one expected that the king of Qin would bring his son Fusu and the queen to the scene to watch tonight.

Zi Cong sighed: "Have all the officials in Xianyang City come? Isn't the King of Qin afraid of someone being assassinated at this time?"

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