"I am looking forward."

Concubine Yan and Moon God entered the palace.

Then the Yinyang family sent two other people, Zuo Dharma Guardian Star Soul, and Yun Zhongjun Xu Fu.

Xu Fu is the alchemist who betrayed Taoism, and I don't know what the Yin-Yang School and Taoism say, Taoism doesn't pursue Xu Fu's matter now.

When Tang Ming saw Xu Fu, he sized him up and found that he really had the aura of a fairy. No wonder he was able to fool the historical Qin Wangzheng.

Star Soul looked a little gloomy.

Tang Ming didn't like it very much. After meeting, he let the two of them go to fight against all the families in the world.

Their goal is Canglong Qisu of the Seven Kingdoms, which is not in conflict with Tang Ming's goal of unifying the world.

Qin State is still developing steadily.

In the summer heat, one-fifth of Qin's official roads have been paved with cement and turned into wide and flat cement roads.

One after another, the magically modified cars and trucks left the factory and were bought by a famous businessman. They either used them as cars or bought them to transport goods.

With the development of the transportation industry, the development of Qin State leaped all of a sudden.Now the people of the state of Qin no longer have to worry about food and clothing.

The rapid development of the transportation industry is because the Mohist giant came to Qin State at the end of spring and met the King of Qin.

After some detailed discussions, the Mo family joined Qin.

At the same time, one by one Mohist disciples entered Xianyang to observe the blueprints and learn new technologies. Soon, the related technologies of the engine were thoroughly researched and made breakthroughs by the Mohist and the Gongshu family.

At first, Gong Shuchou was very dissatisfied that King Qin recruited the Mohists.After all, the Mohists formed a relationship with the public losers hundreds of years ago.

Is that the end of the feud?

Tang Ming said forget it.

Gongshuqiu had no choice but to cooperate with the Mo family with a straight face.He didn't dare to resist Tang Ming, because Tang Ming could make him research without new technical drawings.

This is absolutely impossible.

For the sake of new technical blueprints, so what if there is a blood feud?Anyway, everyone is now a citizen of Qin.

It is worth mentioning that when the Mohist giant Liuzhi Heixia came, he also brought two world-famous figures.

A Gao Jianli, everyone in temperament.

A snow girl, the famous Zhao Ji in the world.

Six Fingers Heixia brought the two of them here in order to let them join the performance team of Bai Feng and Mo Crow, so as to deepen the cooperation between Qin State and the Mo family.

As a result, when they came, Bai Feng and Mo Ya had already left Xianyang and arrived in Shu County.

Tang Ming showed his hand on the spot, and directly teleported several people to Shu County thousands of miles away.Found Baifeng and Moya who were performing.

When Gao Jianli and Xue Nu came to Bai Feng and Mo Ya in the blink of an eye, they both looked at Tang Ming in horror.

The Black Man with Six Fingers was also stiff, and his body and mind were in a kind of great fear.

such means.

King Qin is still human? !

Gao Jianli and the others looked at Tang Ming with disbelief and fear.

Tang Ming didn't care, and greeted Bai Feng and Mo Ya, then smiled at Gao Jianli and Xue Nu who were stunned: "That's Mo Ya and Bai Feng. You giants and I will leave first."

As he said that, Tang Ming grabbed the stiff six-fingered black man, and disappeared with a teleportation.

Gao Jianli and Xue Nu subconsciously looked at each other, Gao Jianli swallowed and said, "Miss Xue Nu, are we dreaming?"

Xue Nu shook her head coldly, and bit her teeth lightly, "Although we can't believe it, we are not dreaming."

"How did King Qin do it?"

Gao Jianli looked around and exclaimed: "We came to Shu County from Xianyang all at once. Such a quick method is the method of a god! King Qin is a god?!"

No matter how frightened Gao Jianli and Xue Nu were.

After Tang Ming returned to Xianyang, he continued to climb his technology tree.With the development of commercial activities, Xianyang's architecture has undergone great changes.

Except for some representative buildings, the rest of the buildings were all pushed and rebuilt. Concrete buildings were built one by one, tiles were pasted, and glass was installed.

Outsiders who come to Xianyang for the first time will be amazed at the prosperity and fantasy of this city.

Tang Ming occasionally took Hanjun Nongyu and the others out of the palace for a stroll, occasionally finding a sense of familiarity from the modern city of later generations.

Xianyang Palace.

Xuan Jian, who hadn't appeared for a long time, finally reappeared.He was still so cold and stern, with a cold and ruthless aura all over his body.

"Have you found Cheng Yu?"

"found it."

Xuan Jian's voice was hoarse, "I killed him."

As he said that, a handsome man in elegant clothes stepped out of the shadows and looked at Tang Ming with a complicated expression, "King Qin"

Tang Ming glanced at Cheng Yu, then looked at Xuan Jian, "Very good. Do you need me to revive your wife?"

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