"Even if your six countries are united now, you are not my Daqin's opponent."

Thinking of Su Qin's "coupling" back then, Tang Ming threw the battle report in his hand aside, smiled, and took a sip of the hot soup handed to him by Jun Jun.

Han Jun glanced at the battle report and asked, "Your Majesty, General Wang Jian set off with his troops last month and entered the Zhao Kingdom. There should be news now, right?"

Tang Ming smiled and said, "Wang Jian is still waiting."

"What are you waiting for?" Han Jun asked suspiciously.

Tang Ming put down the hot soup and smiled calmly: "Wait until the troops of Yan and Qi reach Handan."

Jun Han was slightly startled and said, "Handan is the capital of Zhao State. If the armies of Qi and Yan reach Handan, wouldn't Zhao State be destroyed?"

Tang Ming shook his head with a smile, and said, "It can't be destroyed. My Daqin hasn't shot yet."

Since Daqin had already promised to rescue Zhao, he had to fulfill his promise. After all, this era is all about one word.In many cases, moral integrity is more important than any law.

The goal of Daqin is to unify the world, and for the stability of the world in the future, it is natural to take this into consideration. Otherwise, in the future, when the country unifies and wants to promulgate any policies and laws, the people will think of you today about the Qin state's untrustworthiness with the Zhao state. You have doubts and concerns about your policies and laws.

This is obviously not conducive to ruling the world.

So Qin State must save Zhao State

But I can make a move later. Before Handan falls, I will save you Zhao State, which will benefit my Qin State even more.

While Tang Ming and his queen were blowing the heat in the Xianyang Palace, the troops of Qi and Yan attacked the cities of Zhao State one by one in the icy cold wind, and soon reached the capital of Zhao State. Handan.

During this period, Zhao State has been sending envoys to ask Qin State, where are the reinforcements?Where are the reinforcements?If you don't come again, my Zhao Kingdom will perish!

Daqin did not want Zhao to die, but promised to fulfill it, so when the king and ministers of Zhao were on the verge of despair, the army of Qin finally came out!

Chapter 490

Qi and Yan have already besieged Handan, and as long as the city gates are broken through, Zhao will be destroyed.

King Zhao led a group of ministers and stood behind the high city wall in battle armor.At this time, King Zhao was already desperate.He did not expect Qi and Yan to unite.

No matter how powerful Zhao State is, it cannot be the opponent of the two countries!

King Zhao didn't want to ask for help from other countries in the past. In addition to looking for Qin, he also sent a gift to Wei and South Korea to move rescue troops. As a result, Wei did not mean to rescue at all.

Neither does South Korea.

On the contrary, Qin State said that Qin Zhao was a country of brothers and would send troops to rescue them. As a result, the combined forces of Qi and Yan had reached Handan, and the shadow of Qin State's army had not yet been seen.

King Zhao was almost in despair. He planned to wait for the city to break down, then jump off the city wall and die for the country.

A large area of ​​Qi and Yan's army was stationed on the ground far away from Handan.

Bang bang bang the war drum sounded!

The beating drumstick seemed to hit King Zhao's heart, making him pale, his lips trembling, and he almost lost his footing. Fortunately, the minister on the side supported him.

The minister looked at King Zhao tremblingly and said, "Your Majesty"

"Alas, my Zhao country has perished!" King Zhao sighed palely.

At this moment, the earth suddenly shook violently, and the rumbling sound was like rolling thunder from the horizon, and a loud roar came along with the tremor of the earth.

King Zhao supported the battlements on the side, looked around blankly, and said, "Fa, what happened?"

"King, Your Majesty!"

The minister seemed to have sensed the source of the vision, pointed to the horizon far away from the city and exclaimed, "Your Majesty! Look! It's the army of Qin!"

King Zhao stood on tiptoe and looked.


One after another steel tanks rolled over the ground, like a torrent of steel. The dark tanks reflected a cold metallic luster under the sun, and the ground trembled under their tracks.


King Zhao swallowed hard, "What, what is this?"

No one answered his question.

Everyone at the scene, not only the people of Zhao State on the city wall, but also the Qi Yan army below were shocked by the steel torrent coming slowly in the distance.

However, the general was also taken aback.

Behind the tanks, there was a group of Qin soldiers with strange weapons in their hands.The Qin army did not have a halberd and a crossbow, but a strange weapon that looked like a bamboo tube.

A thousand tanks stopped quickly, and Qin Jun also stood behind the tanks. Their faces were solemn, their eyes were cold, and their bodies were as tall as loose.The [-] Qin soldiers just stood there, exuding an aura that made the [-] troops of Qi and Yan tremble with fear.

Standing on top of a tank, Wang Jian took out a loudspeaker and shouted to King Zhao on the city wall, "Don't panic, King Zhao, my Daqin reinforcements are here!"

Zhao Wang's desperate heart immediately changed again.

In the Qi Yan army below, the two leading generals of Qi Yan frowned, and one of the generals asked, "Where did this sergeant of Da Qin come from?"

When they were besieging Handan, they excluded the scouts and searched the area of ​​[-] li, but they did not see the army of Qin State at all.

Now Qin Jun suddenly appeared like a ghost.

The two generals Qi and Yan couldn't help but feel a little flustered in their hearts. After discussing it again, they decided to divide three-fifths of their forces and turn their heads to deal with the Qin army, while the remaining forces continued to attack Handan.

The current situation did not allow them to think too much. After the discussion, they started the offensive with a part of the army.

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