Anyway, this restaurant was bought by his grandfather with money, and he didn't have to pay rent.

It's fun to guard a restaurant with no guests.

Tang Ming in front of the window was drinking tea and wandering leisurely.Suddenly, a luxury sports car stopped at the entrance of the restaurant, a handsome man wearing sunglasses got out of the car, and then a strong driver got off the driver's seat, and the two came to the entrance of the Chinese restaurant together.

"Happy, why is there a Chinese restaurant here? I like to eat hamburgers, so I'll change this place to a burger shop immediately. It's very close to my Stark Tower. I can come down for a hamburger at noon in the future."

The dashing man looked at the Chinese restaurant and said something very fast. Then, as if he had walked into his own home, he pushed open the door of the restaurant and walked in.

The driver named Happy smiled bitterly, looked at the back of Tony Stark walking into the Chinese restaurant, and followed him in with a look of helplessness.

Tony walked into the Chinese restaurant and looked around. When he saw Tang Ming sitting by the window, the expression on his face was exaggerated and surprised, and said:

"I didn't expect that there was still a person sitting here. Are you the owner of this store? Are you Chinese? You opened this store? Young man, you are really interesting to open a Chinese restaurant in such a place. No wonder there are no customers, I sent a kind heart to buy this store, I plan to change it to a hamburger restaurant, I like to eat hamburgers."

Tang Ming looked at Tony with a smile. As soon as the other party came in, his mouth was like a machine gun. Many words came out of his mouth, and he said it in a slap. Tang Ming didn't respond much, just looked at him with interest.

Seeing that Tang Ming didn't speak, Tony just smiled and said with a slightly apologetic expression: "Oh, sorry, I didn't know you were dumb. I just wanted to eat a delicious hamburger at noon."

"Sir, I'm not dumb."

Tang Ming finally said, "If you want to eat a hamburger, you can ask your driver to go to a special burger shop to buy it for you. I think as long as you tip enough, your driver will be happy to do it."

His tone was calm and had a special aura.

Happy looked at Tang Ming.

Tony felt Tang Ming's temperament and frowned slightly. He walked to the opposite side of Tang Ming's booth and asked, "Can I sit here?" Tang Ming nodded.Tony sat down unceremoniously, crossed Erlang's legs, and looked out through the window.

Tony said: "The line of sight here is really good, you can see Stark's building. Don't you think it's beautiful there?" He pointed to the letters on Stark's building, and those huge letters were shining in the sun at this time. Shenghui.

Tang Ming was noncommittal and took a sip of the tea in his hand.

Seeing that Tang Ming didn't talk to him, Tony took off the sunglasses from his eyes, looked at Tang Ming, put his fingers on the dining table, and said, "Okay, I'll give you five hundred dollars, this store belongs to me. Five million The dollars are enough for you to go elsewhere and buy these two stores."

Tang Ming shook his head, "Sir, this store doesn't sell it."

Tony looked at Tang Ming, "I just want to eat hamburgers here."

Tang Ming smiled calmly: "You can buy a hamburger and eat here, and I can provide you with tables and chairs for free."

Tony leaned forward slightly, "Really not for sale?"

"Not for sale."

Happy stared at Tang Ming vigilantly, it seemed that as long as Tang Ming made any move, he would immediately take action and put Tang Ming on the ground to ensure Tony's safety.

"Well, if you change your mind, you can contact my driver. Happy, give this gentleman your card."

Tony picked up the sunglasses on the table and walked away.

Happy took out a business card from his pocket and put it on the table, with a strange expression on his face, and left.He had never seen Tony when he was flat. What made Tony give up the idea of ​​buying this Chinese restaurant?

Although Happy didn't know why Tony wanted to buy the restaurant.

They were just passing by, and Tony suddenly said that he wanted to come down and see this restaurant, and then suddenly the idea of ​​buying this place and transforming it into a hamburger restaurant appeared in his heart.

Tang Ming glanced at the business card on the table, a gust of breeze lifted the business card, and then landed in the trash can beside him, he didn't even look at it.

Happy and Tony returned to the car. After Happy fastened his seat belt, he couldn't help but ask, "Boss, why didn't you buy it?"

Tony said: "Didn't that person promise me? You can let me eat hamburgers in his restaurant, Happy. At noon tomorrow, you can buy me a hamburger. I want to eat here."


Happy looked confused, he couldn't understand Tony's logic at all.

What is it that the other party agreed to ask me to buy you a hamburger to eat here tomorrow, why don't you eat directly in the Stark Building?

Chapter 494 God of Cooking?

The next day, Tony really came with a hamburger.

He sat down where he was yesterday and took the burger from Happy.

Tang Ming was sitting not far away, silently brushing his phone and drinking tea, but only looked up when Tony and Happy entered the door.

Tony ate a few bites of burgers and suddenly said to Tang Ming, "Are you the owner and chef of this restaurant?"

Tang Ming looked up at Tony and said calmly, "Yes, I am both the owner and the chef of this restaurant."

Tony raised his eyebrows, looked around, and asked, "Where's the menu?"

Happy ate the burger in silence, wondering what Tony was going to do.

Seeing that Tony seemed to be ordering food, Tang Ming put away his phone, took out the menu, and said with a smile, "Here is the menu." Tang Ming handed the menu to Tony, "What do the guests want to eat?"

Tony took over the menu, which was filled with pictures of dishes in perfect form.

As an authentic American, Tony looked at the pictures and couldn't see any color or fragrance, so he ordered a few dishes at random.

Tang Ming took it back and took a look, then went to the back kitchen.

Soon, a burst of aroma wafted from the back kitchen. Tony followed the aroma and saw Tang Ming wearing a chef's hat pushing a dining cart and walking over.

As it approaches, the scent is stronger.

Happy, who was sitting opposite Tony, was surrounded by the aroma, and his throat couldn't help twitching a few times.

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