"Mr. Fantastic?"

Tang Ming was a little surprised by this title.

"Actually, some people call Mr. Tang Ming a superman."


Why is this name getting more and more...

Xiao Chili was posing in the same posture that Tang Ming threw the giant battle armor around last night, and said, "This is really shocking, Mr. is too strong."

Chili Pepper's tone was full of shock, her eyes widened.

Tang Ming smiled, "This is nothing to say."

Apart from paying attention to Tony today, he was playing games after that, but he didn't care about the news related to him.

His fighting stance was also caught on camera from the helicopter last night.Because the recording was very vague, no one could see the specific details of the people inside, so Tang Ming didn't care about it.

Tony and Pepper didn't say much after eating Chinese food, and they didn't bother too much about Tang Ming's identity, so they left after eating.

Tang Ming's life was not disturbed, and many people didn't know that the owner of this Chinese restaurant was the "Superman" and "Mr. Fantastic" they were talking about...

Until one day, an enchanting woman walked into Tang Ming's restaurant.

"Guests, please wait, I'll end this game right now."

"It's ok."

Enchanting said it didn't matter, glanced at Tang Ming, and found a place to sit down.

Tang Ming quickly finished the game in his hand, looked at the woman with a smile, and handed over the menu, "What do you need to eat?"

The wine-red long-haired woman fluttered her hair around her ears, exuding a seductive charm. She glanced at Tang Ming with her eyes like water, and said, "If possible, give me one of the three above. share."

Tang Ming glanced at the menu and returned to the back kitchen with a smile.

At this time, a voice came from the hidden headset in the woman's ear, "Natasha, how is it?"

The burgundy-haired woman glanced in the direction of the back kitchen, and there was no movement, so she responded with peace of mind: "It looks very ordinary. Are you sure it's him?"

Instead of a firm answer, the man in the headset said, "Tony often comes here to eat."

"Maybe he likes the food here?"

"He does like the food here, but before that, Tony's favorite food was burgers. But now Tony's favorite food is here, which is the biggest anomaly."

"That's why you suspect him to be Mr. Fantastic that night? Superman?"

"There are other reasons."

"Okay, let's not talk about it, I'll eat first."

Aware of the smell coming from the back kitchen, Natasha sniffed subconsciously, interrupted the call, looked towards the back kitchen, and saw Tang Ming wearing a chef's hat, pushing the dining car to deliver the food.


Natasha left the restaurant.

A man's voice came from the headset again. He seemed to be monitoring Natasha's actions. After seeing Natasha coming out of the restaurant, her expression was a little wrong. He couldn't help but ask in the headset, "Natasha, what's the matter with you?"

Only then did Natasha get rid of that lofty state. She looked back at the Chinese restaurant. From the floor-to-ceiling windows of the restaurant, she could see the furnishings and environment inside. Except for her just a guest, there was no one in it.

Seeing that Natasha didn't answer, the man frowned and asked again, "Natasha, what's wrong? What happened in the restaurant?"

"The food there is so delicious!" Natasha replied in surprise.


"The chef at that restaurant was so delicious. Although it was my first time to eat Chinese food, it was so delicious that the wonderful taste still lingers in my mouth." Natasha added.


The man's brows wrinkled deeply, he touched his shiny black bald head, and couldn't help taking a deep breath.I asked you to test people, not for you to try food!

The man calmed down the emotions in his heart, and said without fluctuation: "Apart from the dishes, how about the person I asked you to test?"

Natasha finally came back to her senses. She suddenly realized that she was an agent, a cold and sharp agent. This feeling made her a little panicked. Damn, the other party's cooking skills have made such a big mistake in her mission. , even forgot his identity as a special agent!

Nataza took a deep breath and regained her sensible and cold agent form, saying: "I'm sure now that the other party is not an ordinary person. There should be something wrong with the dishes he cooks. When I go back, give me a check."

The man on the opposite side of the headset frowned. If there is something wrong with the food the other party cooks, then Stark is in danger. Now Tony can't have an accident, he is an important part of his plan!

While answering Natasha's words, the man called his subordinates.

Soon, a smiling man walked in, "Boss, what do you need me to do?"

"Colson, go and check Tony's body."

Coulson was stunned and looked at Nick Fury, whose black bald head was a little dazzling under the office lights, "Is there something wrong with Iron Man's body?"

Nick's one-eyed looked at Coulson calmly, and explained: "Natasha followed my orders to contact a Chinese restaurant under the Stark Industrial Building today, and she said there was something wrong with the dishes. Tony often went there to eat. "

Coulson's expression immediately turned serious, "I see. I'll go find Tony Stark right away." With that, he turned and walked out, showing the ability and decisiveness that an agent should be.

Natasha will be back soon.

As soon as she returned, she was taken for examination.

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