"Charitable foundation? One hundred million dollars?"

Pepper was taken aback.Although Tony is one of the richest people in the United States, [-] million US dollars is not a small amount.

"Mr. Tang saved me." Tony said.

The little pepper on the other side of the phone was quiet for half a second, and then said: "I see, I'll do it right away. Fortunately, you hired a new secretary, otherwise I wouldn't be able to spare time to do this."

"Don't you dislike Natasha very much?" Tony laughed.

Little Pepper said unhappily: "You like it very much! I'm hanging up, I'm very busy!"

"How dare you hang up the boss's phone."

Hearing a blind tone from the phone, Tony muttered and put the phone in his pocket.Seeing that there was still some distance to his own villa, Tony simply closed his eyes and began to think.Now that the Ark reactor has been taken down, the design of the battle armor has to be changed.


On the other side, Natasha eavesdropped on the phone calls between Tony and Pepper.After listening, she found a place where there was no one and reported the information to Nick.

"Nick, you don't need to deliver your 'charcoal'."

Natasha started with such a sentence. The "charcoal" in the words was taken from the idiom "send charcoal in the snow" in the ancient oriental country.


Nick didn't react.

Natasha said: "Just now I listened to the conversation between Tony and his assistant. The Chinese in the restaurant helped Tony heal his wounds and poison. You don't need to send charcoal to Tony."

"The means of healing?"

Nick silently recorded this information, and then said to Natasha: "No, my 'charcoal' is still useful."

Natasha didn't understand, and said, "But Tony is no longer troubled by palladium metal poisoning."

"But if he continues to be Iron Man, he needs a new harmless Ark reactor." Nick laughed.

Natasha thought about it too.

Nick said: "I will go to see Tony later, and get in touch with the restaurant owner by the way."

Chapter 500 Little Spider

Nick soon went to see Tony.

After talking with Nick, Tony knew Natasha's true identity, and through Nick's prompt, Tony found the video left by his father, in which he finally found the metal that replaced palladium.

At the same time, Tony also felt the long-lost fatherly love again through this video.

Not to mention the emotional Tony, after Nick reminded Tony, he drove to Tang Ming's restaurant by himself.At that time, Tang Ming was playing a game. When he looked up, he saw a dark person walking in. He knew who this person was, so he didn't care, and continued to play his game.

Nick was not polite at all, moved a chair and sat on the side, watching Tang Ming play games.As if talking to himself, he said: "We have checked your information. You were an ordinary person before, can you tell me, how did you suddenly become a Mister Fantastic?"

Tang Ming didn't even look at Nick, but asked instead: "Then can you tell me the secret of S.H.I.E.L.D.?"

Nick looked at Tang Ming thoughtfully. What he just said was meant to be probing, and this probing really revealed a lot of things.

Although Tang Ming only replied with a short sentence, this sentence expressed many things.

First of all, Tang Ming's words indicated that he knew the existence of S.H.I.E.L.D., and judging by his tone and expression, he knew a lot more.

So here comes the question, how did Tang Ming know about the existence of S.H.I.E.L.D.?

According to the search information, this guy was an ordinary person whose parents died before, and after his grandfather passed away, he inherited a Chinese restaurant.There is no intersection with S.H.I.E.L.D. before.Where did he get the information from S.H.I.E.L.D.?

Nick knew how to ask but couldn't.

Because Tang Ming had already given the answer.

Afterwards, the two had another verbal confrontation and temptation. Nick was worthy of being the helm of S.H.I.E.L.D., and when he was talking to Tang Ming, he dug a hole and planted a bomb from time to time.He just wanted to get some words and information out of Tang Ming's mouth.

But who is Tang Ming?

In Xiaobai's world, he is the Emperor of Heaven, and in Qin Shili, he is the Emperor.

Which of these two positions is no higher than Nick, the person he faces is the art of speaking every day, and the person he talks to can be full of one or two words.

Tang Ming has such experience, and what he says to Nick now is watertight, and he perfectly uses Huaxia's speaking art. Even a single word makes Nick ponder for a long time, and he can't wait to use the Oxford Dictionary to find out what Tang Ming said.

So when Nick walked out of the restaurant, his whole expression was in a daze.

He felt that he had talked a lot with Tang Ming, a lot, but when he went out, what did he talk about, how much useful information was there, no, not at all.As the King of Agents, Nick felt this way for the first time.

This Tang Ming is too weird.

Nick subconsciously looked back at the restaurant.Tang Ming continued to play games in the restaurant.

As time passed, the US military put more and more pressure on Stark, and they hoped that Stark would hand over the technology of the armor.Tony was bitten to death, and he refused to hand over the technology of the Mark armor.

The experience of being kidnapped last time made him understand that if Stark continues to make weapons, it will not bring peace, but will only bring war to the rest of the world.He, Tony, has turned his prodigal son back.

Tony is so uncooperative that the military already wants to rob him.

At this time, Ivan, a Russian felon, absconded to the United States and wanted to kill Tony.

The reason is that Ivan's father used to be colleagues with Tony's father, Howard, but later Howard lived a very happy life, while his father was poor. Beat Tony.

Tang Ming felt that Ivan's mind was probably not very good, and there was a problem with his three views. For such a reason, he came to Tony to fight.Fortunately, Tony has created a new Ark reactor and rebuilt a new armor. Facing Ivan's challenge, he easily defeated him and let the American soldiers put him in prison.

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