Not to mention that Odin was in a hurry to get angry.

On the earth, there are no major events happening. Except for some people, most people are enjoying a peaceful and quiet life.

2012 is coming soon.

This is a somewhat special year.Because of the Mayan prophecy, this year, most people in the world are discussing it.

Will we perish in this year?

How will the end times come?

Everyone is discussing.

But no one would have thought that New York would almost die in the US nuclear bomb.

May 5st, International Labor Day.

Tony and Pepper gave themselves a vacation and came to Tang Ming's restaurant for dinner.

Rogers cooked the meal.

Under Tang Ming's training, Rogers' culinary skills have gradually improved. In addition, he is a super soldier, and he has a good grasp of many subtleties.

The dishes were well done.

At least Tony's tongue didn't flare up after he finished eating.He wiped his mouth, glanced at Rogers, and then again, hesitating to speak.

Rogers couldn't help but said, "Just say what you want."

Tony said: "I didn't expect that you, captain, with big eyebrows and big eyes, even have a talent for cooking."

Rogers gave Tony a sideways look, too lazy to talk to him.

Just then, Tony received a call from Nick.

"Tony, are you in Tang Ming's restaurant now?"

"Yes, I'm here."

Tony glanced at the crowd in the restaurant.

"Nick, what's the matter with you?" Tony asked casually.

Nick: "Something big happened at the Bureau."

Tony raised an eyebrow.

"The Cosmic Rubik's Cube was stolen." Nick's usual calm tone was gone, and there was a rare trace of urgency in it.

Hearing the news, Tony couldn't help standing up from his seat, "What?! Someone stole the Rubik's Cube?!"


The rest of the restaurant looked at each other, then at Tony.Tang Ming didn't care about this, he just glanced at the anxious Tony and didn't pay attention.

The games on the mobile phone are more fragrant.

While Tang Ming was fighting with his teammates in the game, Tony and Captain America left in a hurry.

Pepper returned to the Stark Industries Building to support Tony.

When Peter came over from school in the afternoon and saw Tang Ming alone in the dining room, he was still a little surprised, "Master, where's the captain? Didn't he come to learn how to cook today?"

Tang Ming looked up at Peter, then lowered his head and continued his game, saying, "They went to save the world."

Peter's eyes lit up, "Master, I"

"Don't even think about it, how old are you now?"


Peter dejectedly went to change and warm up.

On the other side, Asgard.

Odin already knew Loki's location, and was immediately furious. That traitor really went to the atrium to make trouble.

Is he afraid that Asgard will not be destroyed?

Odin thought for a while, taking into account the ancient one, he didn't plan to go to Earth himself.He called Thor.

"Father, are you looking for me?"

Thor came over drunk, and when he saw Odin, he didn't realize the seriousness of the matter.

Odin looked at Thor who was walking a little staggeringly, his eyelids twitched.

This is also a worry!


Odin's solemn and majestic voice sounded.


Thor finally sobered up a little under Odin's coercive gaze, and he was still a little scared of Odin.Gathering his mind, Thor scratched his head and asked, "Father, what do you want from me?"

"Loki has appeared in Midgard."

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