Everyone who has Twitter has seen this news almost at this moment. Looking at the two people in the photo, people all over the world basically know each other.For a while, more than [-] comments and likes appeared under Tang Ming's message.

Comments are still going up every moment!

Chapter 518 Rogers' Speech

Wow, I know who they are, the one on the left is Tony Stark, who is also Iron Man; the one on the right is our hero, Captain America!

This comment was second only to Tang Ming's tweet in the number of likes.

Below, there are other comments.

"Captain America", "I am Iron Man", is this the twitter account of Captain and Iron Man?If so, I'm going to pay attention.

Tony replied to this message:

I am Iron Man: Yes, this is our account.The photo above is of me teaching the captain how to use Twitter.You know, the captain is an old man, and in his day the telegraph was their way of communicating smiles

Really Iron Man and Captain America!I am following!

Captain, I love you!

Tony noticed the comment and immediately replied:

Tell me quickly, do you love Iron Man?

Love, everyone loves Iron Man.That person I am Iron Man replied.

Tony smiled and swiped his fingers to continue flipping through the comments.

Am I the only one who noticed the name of the person who posted this tweet? god?God?Who is he that dares to call himself God?

Under this comment, many people commented:

Brother, are you being too serious?It's nothing more than a fictitious title on Twitter.

No no no, I'm not serious.But I tried to register this title before, but at that time Twitter didn't let me register, saying that the name was illegal, that is to say, the name could not be registered successfully.

Someone also responded:

I also tried to register, and like the guy above, I couldn't register successfully.

Could this person be an insider at Twitter?

Some people guess so.

Possibly smiling, he can take pictures of Iron Man and Captain America, indicating that the two of them are good friends.And Iron Man's good friends are usually rich.

At this time, the captain finally knew how to tweet.

He stumblingly edited on the smartphone Tony gave him, and then followed the example of Aite Tangming and Tony, posting:

Hi, my name is Steve Rogers.

Everyone immediately ran from Tang Ming to Rogers' tweet.

Welcome Captain!

team leader!I love you!

Captain, hello an!

Captain, can you fencing with me?

Rogers didn't understand the meaning of the news, and the majority of netizens immediately criticized this person.Rogers watched for a long time before he understood what the man meant, and shook his head with a wry smile.

Rogers' influence is very large. Within an hour of tweeting, his own account has risen from zero followers to more than [-] followers, and the zero after this [-] is still increasing rapidly.

Almost at night, Rogers' Twitter account has risen to more than [-] million, and there are people from all countries and regions, and there are even official accounts of many countries following Rogers.

And Rogers hasn't tweeted anything else since he posted the day's Twitter account.

And the Twitter message of "Hello everyone, I'm Steve Rogers" has over [-] million likes and over [-] million comments. In front of the comments, there are basically blessings sent by the officials of various countries.

Nick is naturally concerned about the movements of Tony and Rogers, seeing the uproar of Twitter today, Nick watching the hot searches on the phone screen and countless media reports about Rogers.

Nick couldn't help laughing, "Times have changed."

"Dear guests, friends and family, I'm Steve Rogers, and I'm familiar to you all"

"Stop, stop! We're not attending any wedding ceremony. You are the host. Don't read as if we were at a wedding scene, okay?"

Tony stopped Rogers, who was rehearsing his speech, with a headache.

Rogers looked at the paper in his hand and blinked, he just said according to the content of the paper.As for who wrote this piece of paper, Rogers turned his attention to Peter, who was scratching his head and smirking.

"Captain, don't use any speech scripts, just look at the camera and say what you want to say." Natasha suggested to come over to join in the fun.

Rogers thought for a while, nodded, and put the speech in his hand aside.He took a deep breath and looked at the camera with a serious look.

It is Tang Ming who controls the camera.

Tang Ming focused on Rogers. Rogers looked at the camera and began to speak: "Hello everyone, I'm Steve Rogers. Of course, you may be more familiar with my other name, captain."

"Of course, before Rogers and Captain, I was also human, a human living on this azure planet."

This sentence here is a sublimation point and a turning point, which directly makes Rogers' words rise to the height of all mankind. The next Rogers' words are also revolved around this. His words are slow, and his voice is sincere and full of emotion.

"Not long ago, we humans were almost in danger of extinction. The sun on which we depended went out, without warning. Although the sun has strangely returned to normal."

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