"What's the trouble, sit down. I'll be ready soon."

Shi Niang said, without waiting for Lin Haotian to reply, she turned and walked towards the kitchen.

Lin Haotian smiled helplessly, so he sat down and took out his mobile phone to scan Weibo.

The number one trending search on Weibo is really something about the Angel platform, and everyone is talking about it.

What's in the website created by Iron Man and Captain America?I really want to see it! ! !crazy

Don't think about it, I heard that there are very strict protection measures, even hackers can't get in.As for the scientists who received the invitation letter, it is estimated that it will not be exposed.

However, our country really has a queue. I heard that a total of more than ten academicians have been invited.

They are all old gentlemen of virtue and art. Iron Man and the others should have been strictly screened, and they have never seen the scientist with black material invited.

Speaking of which, what happened the last time the sun went out?

I heard it was blown out by a child.


are you kidding me?What about trouble?The child blew it out, why don't you say that the cow flew up to the sky and blocked the sun?

I'm just stating a fact, believe it or not.

Lin Haotian put away his mobile phone and stopped chatting with sand sculpture netizens on the Internet.He got up and went to the kitchen to help his wife cook.

On the other side, the Divine Spear Bureau.

"Old Zheng, have you seen the angel website mentioned on the Internet?"


"Hey, I don't think you seem to be very rare?"

Seeing Zheng Xian's disapproving expression, his colleagues couldn't help but be a little curious.

Zheng Xian smiled slightly, and suddenly took out a black USB flash drive with a pair of white wings on it.Zheng Xiandao: "I have something better here."

The colleague looked at the USB flash drive and asked curiously, "What's here? It's better than the one on the Angel website, but I heard from the scientific researchers in our bureau that the website has alien technology, and it's very tall. up."

"This U disk is the alien technology, but the science, technology and knowledge on that website is only part of it, mine is all, and it contains all the technology and information of Angel Ming."


"Ah for what?"

"No, a small USB flash drive can hold all of Ming's technology and data? Lao Zheng, you have to pay attention to basic logic when you are joking?"

Colleagues obviously don't believe it.

Zheng Xiandao: "I didn't believe it at first, but this U disk is a black technology. It really contains the technology and information of what Angel Ming, I have read it, really!"

The colleague was suspicious and asked, "Where did you get this USB drive?"

"It fell from the sky."

"It fell from the sky? You said you weren't joking! Why didn't I see money falling from the sky?"

"Is Lao Zheng just joking?"

Zheng Xian said sternly.

The colleague looked at Zheng Xian as if he wasn't joking, and couldn't help but frown slightly. Could it be that what Lao Zheng said was true?But is there really such a thing as falling pie from the sky?

"Tell me about the specific process of how you picked up this USB drive," the colleague said.

"last night"

Zheng Xian began to speak.

Here's the thing: last night, Zheng Xian was going home to discredit him, and he was walking when something suddenly fell from the sky and hit him on the head.This is an incredible thing.

You must know that Zheng Xian is not an ordinary person. As a master who has lived for hundreds of years, Zheng Xian will basically not be hit by anything, because he can dodge in an instant, but the USB flash drive is still firmly hit on his head. superior.

At that time, Zheng Xian hurriedly looked up and saw that there was nothing on the top of his head, and there was no suspicious existence around him.He picked up the USB drive and couldn't help but wonder.

Zheng Xian knew that this USB flash drive was definitely not easy.

He was worried at first that this thing was a bomb, but checked it out, it was a fucking USB stick.Then he was worried that this thing was something that steals information, so he didn't dare to read it on his computer.

In the end, he deliberately bought a new computer to check the USB drive.

As a result, something weird happened.

When Zheng Xian plugged the USB flash drive into the computer, a whirlpool suddenly appeared on the computer screen, and the whirlpool directly swallowed Zheng Xian. When he realized what happened, he was already in a place called "Melo Heaven". Virtual space.

In this virtual space, there are very beautiful and elegant buildings, but what makes Zheng Xian strange is that he did not see any creatures, only the phantom of a seraph appeared in the sky above Merlot, and then a voice guided Zheng Xian Go to the Angel's Hall of Justice to get the legacy.

"Why do I sound like I'm listening to an urban power?" the colleague said with a strange expression.

Zheng Xian raised his eyebrows, "Then I'm the protagonist."

"Fuck you, you are the protagonist."

The colleague made fun of Zheng Xian, with a straight face, and said: "Come back, you said that plugging the USB flash drive into the computer will open a virtual space, right?"

"Well, that's right."

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