
Peter didn't know how to communicate with his master.Is the master really God?But could God be a man from an ancient country in the East?

If the master is really God, doesn't that mean that he is God's disciple, Jesus?


Jesus is the Son.

But it seems that the apprentice and the son are similar in the ancient country of the East, right?

Peter was having a lot of fantasies because of Tang Ming's words.

At this time, the door of the restaurant was pushed open, and Tony walked in from outside, "Are you there, Peter?! Tang Ming?!"

Suddenly seeing Tang Ming, Tony and Peter reacted the same, full of amazement.

"When did you come back?"

Tony asked as he walked over.


Tang Ming smiled.Then he hugged Tony who came up.

Tony said: "You walked silently for eight years, but it made us worry."

"Go to other worlds to find my stuff." Tang Ming explained with a smile.

"Aren't you hurt?"

Tony looked up and down at Tang Ming and asked.

Tang Ming shook his head and smiled: "No one can hurt me."

"Stop talking about that."

Tang Ming changed the subject, "The development of the earth looks good. But it seems that they are developing independently. The United States is developing genetic technology, Japan is researching energy, and European countries are developing weapon systems. Are they preparing for the third world war? "

"At least most countries are working together to develop interstellar navigation."

Tony shrugged helplessly.

He thought that he and Rogers could use the technology of angels to unite all mankind on earth, but this proposition was too difficult.

The human mind is too complicated.

Every country has its own thoughts.

Tony and Rogers don't have that much energy to influence a country's policy phalanx, not even with Angel's technology.

However, Tony and Rogers did not limit the spread of angel technology, because from a macro perspective, although the countries of the earth cannot work together, the spread of angel technology can still greatly enhance the strength of the earth.

Chapter 528 Different Developments

Tony chatted a lot with Tang Ming in the restaurant, and Peter was listening all the time. Today, he wasn't in a hurry to go out to be a vigilante.

The two didn't talk about anything.

Basically talking about the changes over the years.

Different from the original timeline, on the timeline where Tang Ming was located, Ultron, the amusing artificial intelligence, was beaten by the artificial intelligence of Angel Technology before he could show his power.

Ultron was eliminated by the artificial intelligence "Angel".

So Age of Ultron didn't happen.

At the same time, because of the emergence of Angel Technology, the attention of the United States has been shifted from superheroes to Angel Technology.

So the Civil War between Captain America and Tony didn't break out.Everyone is busy absorbing Angel's technology,

This side of the earth has made great efforts to develop and upgrade technology.

Not all peace on Asgard's side.

Because of the emergence of the ether particles, the dark elves revived, and a war occurred with Asgard.

Unfortunately, this time, Odin temporarily got rid of the fate of falling, and went directly to the battle, holding Gungnir with the heroic spirit of the Hall of Valor, and defeated the dark elves.

Thor changed his recklessness and stupidity because he knew the important responsibility of his father Odin. In this war with the dark elves, he led the warriors of Asgard to fight bravely!

At the same time, Thor also cooperated with Loki, under the command of Loki, after detouring, he severely damaged the large army of dark elves.

After this detour, the pressure on Odin's front was suddenly reduced, and Odin took the opportunity to lead the heroic spirits to pursue fiercely, which directly led to the defeat of the dark elves.

Frigga's fate also changed.

She is not dead.

This is for Thor and Loki.Perhaps the best news, because in the original timeline, Frigga would die because of this catastrophe.

This is also Thor's most regretful and sad moment. Even if he grows into a new generation of god-king in the future, he still can't let go of his mother's death.

During the violent turmoil in Asgard, Thanos' plans are still slowly progressing.He is searching for the Infinity Stones all over the universe.

Maybe soon, he will reach out to Earth with his minions.After all, there are not only the space gem of the universe Rubik's Cube, a time gem of the Eye of Agamotto, but also a gem of spiritual knowledge on the earth.

Three gems are enough to attract Thanos.

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