Rogers tightened the shield in his hand. He was wearing a World War II uniform, and his eyes were firm and pure under the mask. He looked at everyone, including Spiderman Peter, nodded, and said: "Very well, then, the Avengers gather, we Set off!"

Soon, a small spaceship flew out of Artemis and flew towards Thanos' battleship.

"Old Zheng, don't we go together?"

"Stupid, we are all on board, what about the battleship?"

On Chang'e, Zheng Xian, the director of the Divine Spear Bureau, shook his head, "I discussed with Rogers and the others before. If the firepower of Chang'e and Artemis cannot destroy the enemy's warship, then they will go up to fight the ship. Responsible for responding."

"Oh huh?"

The colleague suddenly pointed to a small bright spot on the monitor, and said: "The small spaceship that followed the enemy's battleship also flew towards the local battleship. Could it be the enemy? Shall we help the Avengers shoot them down?"

In the dark cosmic starry sky, Star-Lord and his spaceship flew towards Thanos' battleship under the control of Rocket Raccoon.

On the spaceship, everyone is ready.

Even Groot stared fiercely ahead, as if he wanted to use his own eyes to kill Thanos.

Chapter 534 Nebula vs Avengers

"Try to shoot down."

Without knowing whether it was an enemy or a friend, Zheng Xian pondered for a while, and asked his colleagues to prepare to shoot down the unknown spaceship flying towards the Thanos battleship.

The colleague nodded, and then fired small energy bombs at the spacecraft with others.

The energy of the cannon's mouth is still in the cd, which is why Tony and the others chose to fight side by side with Thanos and the others.

Earth's technology is still far behind, so people have to take risks.Otherwise, you can use shelling from a distance to destroy Thanos' battleship. This is the safest way to fight.

But now the technology is still not enough, so I can only try it myself.

"Master, they landed on our battleship, and they are now at this location."

Ebony Throat pointed to a bright spot on the virtual map in front of him and said.The map is the map on the battleship, and the highlight is the location where Tony and the others entered the battleship.

Thanos glanced slightly, nodded slightly, nodded slightly to Gamora and Xingyun, and said, "Go and deal with them."

Gamora glanced at Nebula.

Xing Yun bowed to Thanos, "Father, I will bring their heads back and dedicate them to you."

After finishing speaking, she left murderously.

Gamora sighed secretly, and left behind Nebula.

After Tony boarded the ship, alien fighters soon surrounded him, but these alien fighters were not that strong, and Hulk didn't even make a move. Hawkeye shot a few bomb arrows, Tony fired a few energy cannons, and the They all worked out.

"They are really weak."

Seeing the enemy's corpse lying on the ground, Peter couldn't help but said.Why did this group of people fall before he made a move?He still wants to use the fairy art he learned from his master!

"Don't take it lightly."

Seeing that Peter was a little relaxed, Rogers reminded him.Rogers participated in World War II and is a veteran soldier who knows very well that it is a taboo to relax on the battlefield.

"I see, Captain."

Reminded by Rogers, Peter focused instantly.

"Let's keep going."

Seeing that everyone was almost ready, Tony continued walking forward.

Hulk stood in front of everyone, Peter, Hawkeye, and Rogers were protected in the middle, the Panther was on the flanks, and Tony was cut off.

A few people walked forward, and alien soldiers surrounded and suppressed them from time to time, and everyone shot one after another. Hulk slapped a group of them, and Tony could kill a group of alien soldiers with a few missiles.

Rogers helped block the energy bombs, Spider-Man shot spider webs to provide control, and Hawkeye was responsible for the output. The three of them cooperated tacitly and beat the alien fighters to the point where they couldn't fight back.

But Black Panther, it is a bit difficult for one person to deal with an alien warrior.

Once again, the alien fighters who came under the siege were emptied.

Tony was about to let everyone take a break, when suddenly, in front of them, two alien women with a female figure appeared, one of them was mostly mechanical, and the other was green all over.

It was Nebula and Gamora.

Nebula looked at Tony and the others coolly, and said, "I need your heads."

Tony raised an eyebrow under his visor, "Cool! Here's our head, if you can get it."

Nebula no longer speaks, her acting style is the same as her overall tone, full of coldness.She pulled out a short blade and rushed directly to Hawkeye, who seemed to be the main output.

Just because Hawkeye held a bow and arrow in his hand.

Nebula is obviously well versed in the fact that shooters are the first to fight in groups.

Hawkeye hurriedly shot an arrow at Xingyun, but Xingyun's speed was so fast and his body was so agile that Hawkeye's arrows couldn't hit Xingyun at all. In the sound of explosions, Xingyun's eyes approached Hawkeye coldly.

Seeing that Nebula was about to approach Hawkeye, Hulk punched out, blocking Nebula's progress.

Hulk's fists carried unparalleled strength, and Xingyun's heart rang alarm bells, and he jumped away quickly. With a bang, Hulk directly punched a huge hole in the floor of the battleship.

Good guy

Xingyun's eyelids twitched. If he hadn't dodged just now, he might have been punched to pieces.

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