Tang Ming spread his hands, indicating that you started it first.

Chapter 557 We Are Kissing

Tang Ming discovered his own problem because of Harry's research.

In the process of traveling through the heavens, his strength and everything about him will be awakened in a brand new world following the awakening of his main consciousness.

He originally thought that this was the reason for the mission reward system of the heavens, or his own high-dimensionality, which gave him such magical characteristics.

But now it seems that everything is not what he thought.

The mission reward system of the heavens was created by the huge and shining Tang Ming in the mysterious consciousness space, and it was a tool to assist the weak Tang Ming in the early stage.

The reason why the system "finds" Tang Ming in the real world is not accidental, but inevitable.

Even the moment when I was in a trance when I crossed the road, and the moment when I was hit by a truck and flew into the air, it was a preordained fate.

Him, Tang Ming.

Destined to walk the heavens and travel all over the world.

Just to find the fragments of broken Chaos Orbs.

Only when all the fragments of the Chaos Orb are collected and the Chaos Orb is restored to perfection, he

"Xiao Ke, what's the matter with that huge and shining you?"

Harley put her arms around Tang Ming's arm, almost sticking half of her body to Tang Ming's body. She tilted her head slightly, recalling the shining Tang Ming she saw in that mysterious space, with many doubts in her eyes.

Other different forms of Tang Ming can also be interpreted as Clark's other personalities.But that Shining Tang Ming standing above the sky, Harley didn't think it was a personality.

"He is one, broken one."

"It's me too, the whole me."

Tang Ming replied with a smile, and at the same time helped Harry smooth the red and blue hair at the back of his head.

Harry blinked, then shook his head.

She doesn't understand.

"It doesn't matter if you don't understand, it's not a big deal anyway."

"Not a big deal?"

Harley looked at Tang Ming worriedly. As a psychiatrist, he used to be.

But you don't deny that Harley was once one of the top psychiatrists in the world, otherwise it would be impossible to let her do psychotherapy for the clown.

She knew how terrible the consequences of split personality would be.When a person is physically injured, there is always a way to treat it, but most of the psychological problems are difficult to treat.

"Won't they affect you?"

Harry asked.She still thought those Tang Mings were Clark's other personalities.

But Tang Ming shook his head, "They are not my other personalities. They won't affect me. Don't worry, Harley."

Before that, Tang Ming also believed that the main consciousness he awakened in other worlds was Tang Ming's consciousness in Douluo Dalu.

But after going to that mysterious space of consciousness, all of them, Tang Ming, discovered that what they called the awakening of their main consciousness was actually the consciousness of the huge shining Tang Ming.

The Tang Ming who seemed to have existed there since the beginning of Chaos was the most fundamental self of all Tang Mings.

Harry looked at Tang Ming.

The firm lines outline Tang Ming's profile like the most perfect sculpture.

"Okay. If you think there is no problem, it's ok."

As Harry said this, his red lips were printed on it again.The two kissed together again.

"Hey, cousin, what are you doing?"

Suddenly, a figure appeared next to the two of them. Kara, who had grown into a fifteen or sixteen-year-old girl, appeared from nowhere.

"Xiao La, we are kissing."

Harry let go of Tang Ming, and explained to Kara with blinking eyes.

"cough cough"

Tang Ming coughed twice.


Carla's face quickly turned red visible to the naked eye, bright red, like an apple with dew on an apple tree in autumn.

She glanced at Tang Ming and Ha Li, and asked, "Are you two together?"

"Ahem, the so-called thunder from the sky stirs the fire on the ground, and the love does not know where it came from, but the deep love is also called the reeds are green, the white dew is frost, the so-called Iraqi people are on the side of the water"

Tang Ming said frightenedly, and finally looked at Kara seriously, and concluded: "We hit it off, so we kissed."

Kara: ""

She was about to be dazed by her cousin's words just now, but after all she said, there was only this final summary?

At this time, Harry suddenly ran to Kara's side.Holding her arm, he asked with a playful smile, "Xiao La, do you want to kiss me?"

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