"You are as smart as your father"

Zod sighed regretfully, then raised his head and looked at Tang Ming coldly, "But at the same time, you are as stubborn as your father. Sorry, Karl, Krypton is everything to me!"

After the words fell, Zod rushed towards Tang Ming.


The force faster and stronger than Zod directly hit Zod's face, and Zod flew out in shock. This time, the abundant force made him directly blast through the bulkhead and fall out of the spaceship.


Fiora regained her strength, and before she had time to catch her breath, she saw Tang Ming punching Zod out of the spaceship, and immediately got up in a panic. At this moment, Kara flew forward and punched Fiora, Fiora didn't check for a while, but was punched by Kara.

Damn, cousin, you don't talk about martial arts

Tang Ming's eyelids twitched.

After Kara beat Fiora to the ground, she proudly gestured to Tang Ming for her fist, indicating that she had helped too.

At this moment, an invisible phantom rushed from outside the spaceship, it was Zod.He knocked Tang Ming into the air in an instant, and the two hit the spaceship, directly piercing the spaceship. Tang Ming was knocked into space by Zod.

In space, Zod punched Tang Ming flying.

In order to test Zod's strength, Tang Ming suffered this punch.

After flying not far away, Tang Ming stopped.

The two stood facing each other in the dark space.

To be honest, Zod is very powerful, but for Tang Ming, he is too weak. The punch just now was like an ant pushing him. If he didn't cooperate, he wouldn't even be able to fly so far.

Invincible how lonely

Tang Ming sighed.

Pretty boring, isn't it.

He looked at Zod with a serious and alert face, and didn't want to play any more.No point, bullying people is no point.

Tang Ming stretched out his hand and pulled out a section of time and space in front of him. This section of time and space contained Zod, and immediately turned the place Zod was in into a strange space-time sphere.

Zod was sealed in the space-time sphere, and Zod was struggling in shock in the space-time sphere. He even used heat rays without a teacher, but no matter how Zod struggled, the space-time sphere could not be broken. sign.

The power of this time and space has surpassed Zod's understanding.

Unless Zod is promoted to a five-dimensional creature and can see the physical time, maybe he will be able to decipher the space-time ball created by Tang Ming.But Zod is not. He is just a Kryptonian. Even if he is a high-ranking Kryptonian general, his life essence is still the same as other creatures in this universe, just a three-dimensional life.

Tang Ming didn't care how Zod struggled, he stretched out his hand to capture Kara who was fighting with Fiora, and then threw the time and space in his hand towards the spaceship.The space-time sphere enveloping Zod flew towards the spaceship along with Tang Ming's movements.

Fiora wanted to escape, but Tang Ming had already blocked the time and space around the spaceship. Fiora wanted to fly out, but she returned to the same place every time, as if encountering a ghost hitting a wall.Fiora was dumbfounded.

Soon, the space-time sphere touched the spaceship.

The spacecraft was immediately packed into the space-time sphere, and Fiora and other Kryptonians also wanted to break the space-time sphere.But what Zod couldn't do, how could his subordinates do it?

"What did you do to them?"

Kara looked at Zod and the others trapped in a special space-time sphere, and asked curiously.

Tang Mingdao: "I intercepted their time and made it into a closed circle. From now on, their time can only reincarnate in this circle. It is equivalent to a sealing method."

After a pause, Tang Ming pulled out another period of time and space.

Suddenly, a huge vortex appeared in the place of the spacecraft, sucking the spacecraft in, and the next second, the entire space outside the earth was calm.

Kara felt that the vortex just now was very familiar, and couldn't help asking: "Is that the phantom space?"

"Yes, I threw them into the phantom space again."

Kara: ""

Let me go, cousin, do you want to be so ruthless? As far as I know, General Zod and the others just escaped from the phantom space not long ago, right?

Now you're shutting them into phantom space again?

Simply ruthless!

"I'll talk to them, they won't listen." Seeing Cara's expression, Tang Ming knew what she was thinking, and said with a shrug.

"Is there any chance they'll get out?" Carla asked.

Tang Ming stroked his chin, "It's impossible."

I rely on, ruthless!

Carla opened her mouth, trying to speak, but couldn't say anything.

Chapter 561 Showing affection?

Tang Ming and Kara returned to the earth.

When they came to the Batcave, Batman and Wonder Woman were observing the battle in space through satellites. Although Tang Mingkala and Zod fought their battles, although they didn't see all of them clearly, they saw part of the battle.

Seeing the powerful Zod and Fiora being crushed by Tang Ming alone, especially the last method Tang Ming used, both Batman and Diana were a little shocked.

The two of them couldn't understand what Tang Ming did, but the effect they showed shocked them.

What did Clark do?

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