By the pool, two "people" stood.

Human head and snake body.

Ordinary people would be frightened and fainted when they saw it like this.

But Tang Ming has seen too many strange species, and in his Chaos Academy, there are even more strange wild creatures.It's no wonder.

Seeing two fellow Taoists with human heads and snake bodies, Tang Ming subconsciously came up with two names in his mind: Fuxi and Nuwa.

Mainly because the illustration was too impressive.

It is estimated that students who have read history books will have some impressions.

"Are the two Daoist friends Fuxi and Daoist Nuwa?" Before waiting for the two great gods to speak, Tang Ming took the lead and asked in a salute.

Fuxi was a little curious, and also learned Tang Ming's actions to return the salute, and said: "I am Fuxi and Nuwa, how did you know?"

"I have heard the myths and legends of the two, and I have seen two fellow Taoists in Xia Tang Ming."

"Nvwa has met fellow Taoist Tang Ming."

Nuwa also greeted Tang Ming, and then smiled again: "It turns out that Tang Ming, who was widely spread around the world earlier, is the fellow Taoist himself."

At that time, what Tang Ming said to the world was heard by both Fuxi and Nuwa.

The two also wanted to go to Chaos Academy to see, but unlike other primordial creatures, they were born gods, and they had enough knowledge about the world and cultivation since they were born.

So it is not as urgent as other creatures.

But I didn't expect that the person I met today would be the Tang Ming who told the world.

Both Fuxi and Nuwa were a little surprised.

Chapter 566 Chaos God Thunder

"Are you two practicing here?"

After getting to know each other from the two mythical characters, Tang Ming looked at the surrounding scenery and asked.

Here, the empty valley is quiet, the birds are singing and the flowers are fragrant, and the spiritual energy is abundant.

A very nice place.

"Nuwa and I were born here. We have always lived here and have never left this place," Fuxi replied.

At this time, there is no awareness and etiquette for the guests to sit down, because the tables and chairs still appear, and there is no such concept.

One person, three fellow Daoists who are not human, just stood beside the small water pool and communicated.Fortunately, when Phoenix fell, she shrank in size, otherwise the small pool would not be enough for her to stand alone.

It stands to reason that under the guidance of Tang Ming, many mythical beasts have been transformed into human forms, and Phoenix should be no exception. that.

But the phoenix did not transform into a human form.

At this time, she still maintains her phoenix body, and her beautiful feathers are extremely beautiful in the sun.

Talking with Fuxi Nuwa, I can't avoid cultivation, and my views and perceptions of the world.

Tang Ming's cultivation at this time was higher than that of Fuxi and Nuwa.

In terms of cultivation, he also has many unique insights and insights of his own, and he is not stingy at the moment.After some conversation, both Fuxi and Nuwa benefited a lot, and were inspired and comprehended by many of Tang Ming's views and insights.

I learned a lot during the conversation.

Tang Ming did not suffer from the communication with Fuxi and Nuwa.

The two great gods are both born gods. Fuxi has a very deep understanding and understanding of Yin-Yang and Yang-Yi gossip. Nuwa has an extraordinary view on life and fortune. Tang Ming learned a lot from communicating with them.

Phoenix did not participate in the communication between the three of them, but while she listened, she learned a lot, and her cultivation level rose as a result.

The three chatted for a long time, the sun rose and the moon set, and they all forgot the passage of time.Fortunately, they are all cultivated, just talking about the world, they will not be exhausted, and they will be hungry and sleepy.

Tang Ming was immersed in the atmosphere of this discussion of Taoism, and he also forgot about time.

Every time I get insights from the other party's words, I will sit down and practice and understand. In this way, Tang Ming discussed with Fuxi Nuwa here for more than a year, and finally parted with them.

Sitting on Phoenix's body, Tang Ming asked with a smile, "Have you gained something this time?"

As the phoenix spread its wings and flew, he replied: "I have gained a lot. It is estimated that if I go back to retreat and practice this time, I will be able to break through to the realm of Daluo Zhenxian."

"That's good."

Tang Ming nodded, "Go back, you should retreat well."

"Yes, Dean."

Phoenix responded with a sound, and her body rose to ride the wind, soaring in the vast sea of ​​clouds, leaving a rainbow-colored trail wherever she flew.This rainbow-colored trail will then turn into nectar and drop.

The place that has been moistened by nectar will be more full of vitality.

If a lucky bird is baptized with nectar, he will even get the form of a phoenix, and his bloodline will evolve.It's a really big benefit.

Phoenix quickly took Tang Ming back to Chaos Academy.

Jin Long stood guard at the door, and when he looked up, he saw Phoenix and Tang Ming descend from the sky.The phoenix landed at the gate and landed, bringing a gust of wind.

Tang Ming jumped off the Phoenix.

Jinlong bowed his head to say hello to Tang Ming, "President, you are back."

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