Open a chapter and talk a few words

Why suddenly open a single chapter?

I'm really scared of being scolded by everyone. When I look at the book review area, almost all of them scold me and this book. Some book friends don't just scold for one day, but squat in the book review area every day.

Why in the end, you are unhappy with my book, and you click the cross when you are finished scolding, how about deleting the bookshelf?

Out of sight out of mind.

I wonder if several book friends are uncomfortable reading this book, why are you scolding here every day?

You are suffering, and so am I!

There are also book friends who hold on to the protagonist of the primary school students and scold the primary school students in various ways.

I decided to use elementary school students as the protagonists because I thought it was fun and innovative.

Everyone came here from elementary school, so what are you scolding elementary school students for?

If you don't like primary school students as the protagonists, then delete the book and find other books.There are so many books in the reading group, you don't like this one of mine, you scold me for the book, and then leave to find the book you like. There are so many books, you are not afraid that you will not find one that suits your taste?

I really don't understand why you want to scold elementary school students.

Who was not a primary school student before?

My mentality is really a bit blown now. Every day I open the book review area, there are all kinds of "rubbish" and "poison". I know that my writing is not good, and I am also trying to improve my level, but it is still a bit uncomfortable to be scolded like this every day.

Other book friends say that my recommendations are all bought with money.

I laughed.

I have this money. I sit in front of the computer every day and I work tirelessly to write some novels. Isn’t it good for me to use this money to play games, and I have to update myself every day to scold me?

Then, occasionally there will be a few book friends who give good reviews in the book review area, which I really appreciate.

But some people say that these book friends who give good reviews are my trust.


Do I have the money to buy referrals?Do I have the money to look for a trustee?

I didn't know I was so rich.

If I was so rich, what would I worry about graduation thesis, what would I worry about about work, just lie at home and be a rich man.

Having said so much, I don't know what to say.

But when I opened the comments recently, all kinds of negative comments made me very uncomfortable.

I have written two books before. The first book was not signed, and I wrote more than [-] words. It was discontinued.Because at that time I was the monitor in the school and was approaching graduation. There were many things in the school, and our homeroom teacher didn't care about anything, so I was very busy during that time. book friend.

As for the second book, I signed a contract, but I saw a recruitment campaign for this book at the time. I thought of a title and started writing it. At first, I didn’t expect to sign a contract. One hundred thousand words, the problem arose, because when I opened the book, I only thought of a book title, the more I wrote it, the more blocked my thinking, the conflicts between various settings before and after, and the first order was only less than ten, so I reluctantly.

Then there is this book. This book was conceived in school. After I came back from school, I have been preparing for it. After saving about twenty chapters, I started publishing it on Chuangshi, and then I signed a contract. .The update of this book has been very stable since its opening, and it has basically not been updated until now, but I did not expect to be scolded by so many book friends.

Really, I never expected to be scolded so hard.

Before, my book grades were not so good, but my book friends said it was okay, and occasionally said that it was poisonous, and the comments would be very rational and calm.

But this book made me scold me a little suspicious.

Am I not suitable for writing novels?

Really poisonous, so rubbish?

But the results of this book are still good. Although there are not many recommended votes, it is really good to collect. So far, it has 8000 collections, which is four times the collection of my first book.

My book can't be liked by everyone, that's what I knew from the beginning.

Therefore, I have always respected every book friend, and I have not deleted any negative comments in the book review area.I just hope that I will stop scolding elementary school students, and I will pay to buy referral seats and ask for help.

I am a poor man with zero monthly income.

I don't even know what to say here.

Finally, I would like to express my heartfelt thanks to my book friends who are still supporting me!Thank you very much for your collection, recommendation, and reward!thank you very much! !

You gave me the courage to persevere, thank you!

Yuncheng will do its best to live up to everyone's love!

Chapter 64 武魂融合技?

The wind blade came from the sky, and the speed was extremely fast.

But Tang Ming and Zhu Zhuqing were faster, they both disappeared in place, the man's wind blade cut into the air and hit the ground of Dou Soul Platform.

After Zhu Zhuqing dodged the man's wind blade, he turned into a phantom and rushed towards the white-haired woman on the opposite side.

Facing Zhu Zhuqing's speed, the expressions of the man and woman changed slightly.

What a great speed!

In their eyes, they could only vaguely capture the traces of Zhu Zhuqing left in the air.The next second, the woman suddenly felt a cold light strike in front of her.

The first soul skill, Netherworld thrust!

Zhu Zhuqing flashed from the air, and the sharp claws on his hands grabbed at the white-haired woman.

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