Shinomiya Kaguya shook her head: "It looks vulgar at first glance, I'm not interested."

Yukinoshita Yukino crossed her arms and said, "I don't want to waste time on these stalls."

Mai Sakurajima said softly: "As long as I'm with you, I don't care what's around me."

Nishino Mu exchanged a moved look with Mai Sakurajima's eyes under the bunny mask. This woman can really talk, and it's always a pleasure to be with her.

Seeing him and Mai Sakurajima looking at each other affectionately, Shinomiya Kaguya said coldly: "Can you stop blocking other people's way here and go to the mall?"

Yukinoshita Yukino said contemptuously, "You're so moved that you're about to cry with just one sentence?"

Xi Yemu pursed his lips: "I'm not a heartless person, if someone treats me well, of course I should be moved."

Shinomiya Kaguya was furious: "Say some useless nonsense just to be nice to you?"

"Sinomiya," Sakurajima Mai blocked Shinomiya Kaguya's gaze at Nishino Mu: "No matter if it's nonsense or not, I have conveyed my heart to Nishino, and it is normal for him to be touched. Why are you angry, anyway You don't like him either, do you?"

Shinomiya Kaguya was speechless.

Yukinoshita Yukino looked at the passers-by who were staring at them with interest: "You should pay attention to the occasion when you speak, and don't make noise here like rude people."

This woman can't speak anymore, she has a bit of a poisonous tongue.

Nishino Mu smiled helplessly: "It's nothing to make a fuss about, let's go to the shopping mall to have a look."

For so long, he has been used to women being noisy around him, and he is a bit tired of this kind of life in spite of his helplessness.

In a milk tea shop on the second floor of the shopping mall, three women in kimonos who were discovered by Yukinoshita Yukino before were sitting together.

One of them took off his mask, revealing a face full of country and city. It was the literary girl Nishino Mu had seen, namely Fumino Guqiao.

She stirred the milk tea in front of her, and said to the two people in front of her: "Sigong Kaguya is arrogant, Yukinoshita Yukino is cold, and Sakurajima Mai has a dark belly. If three women like this have a dispute, no one will back down." , Nishino should be getting impatient."

"Why?" A woman across from her also took off her mask, and it was Ogata Rizu, her beautiful sky blue eyes blinked suspiciously: "Nishino must have a good temper."

The last girl was Wugeng Liuli, she pushed the mask above her bangs: "I also want to know the reason."

Guqiao Fumino added some sugar to the milk tea, and took a sip calmly: "We all know Nishino's character, brave and confident, bold and careful, talented, like quiet, but after amnesia, he became a straight man and has not made any progress. Heart.


Fumino Guqiao turned the milk tea cup and said with a smile, "Nishino prefers to be alone in a quiet environment, and the three women around him are too competitive."

"How do you know?" Ogata Ritzu asked in surprise.

"I had contact with Nishino once, and I took the initiative to talk to him at that time, but with my appearance, he was still very vigilant towards me." Fumino Guqiao became angry when he thought of this:

"It's all the fault of those three women. If it weren't for them, you could have gotten to know Nishino slowly and regained his trust."

Wu Geng Liuli sighed softly: "I should also be responsible. I quarreled with Mai when I first met Nishino, and left Nishino with the impression that women like to be noisy and extremely annoying."

Ogata Ritzu said distressedly: "When Nishino didn't lose his memory, we were arguing around him all day long, and it's still like this after he lost his memory. Aren't we the ones who love him the most? Why make him suffer!"

Fumin Guqiao twitched her heart, and patted the back of her hand: "Don't worry, I will always support you."

Wu Geng Liuli gave her a blank look: "And me!"

"At that time, the two of you will settle it privately, and I can't cut Nishino in half and give it to you."

"Don't say such horrible words." Ogata Rizu's eyes were watery, and he took the hands of Gogen Ruri and Fumino Furuhashi: "I don't want to quarrel with anyone and upset Nishino, he has already lost his memory very poorly.

I've made plans for Nishino to marry someone else, and I'll never marry, but I really don't want to leave him, I'm scared, and I don't know what to do. "

While talking, Ogata Rizu's tears flowed out, and she no longer knew what to say.

Guqiao Fumino hugged her head and put her head on his shoulder: "Don't be afraid, I will help you."

Seeing Ogata Rizu hold her hand tightly, her eyes became firm, and she looked at Wu Geng Liuli who was in a trance: "What are your plans?"

"I, I want to fight again!" Wugeng Liuli put her hands on her thighs and held them tightly: "If Nishino marries someone else, I may never be able to get close to him again. In this case, I must work hard."

Guqiao Wennai shook his head: "Your chance of winning is not great."

"I know, but I can't wait to die! Wen Nai, what can you do?"

Fumino Furuhashi hesitated, if Ogata Rizu didn't plan to marry Nishino, she wanted to work hard and help Wugeng Liuli at this time...

Ogata Rizu straightened up, and said with sad eyes: "Black Cat, don't force Fumino to help you. The reason why I don't want to argue with you is because I know Fumino also likes Nishino."

Wugeng Liuli suddenly felt dizzy, and looked at Guqiao Wennao in disbelief.

She waved hurriedly: "Rizu, don't talk nonsense, how can I like Nishino, I just want you to marry Nishino."

"It's not fair!" Ogata Rizu burst into tears, and said in a low voice, "You originally planned to help me marry Nishino, but you never married, just stayed by my side silently, and I know your plan to see Nishino every day."

Guqiao Wennai was startled: "How do you know?"

Ogata Rizu closed her eyes, and said in pain, "You had a dream last night, and you said it yourself."


Fumino Guqiao covered his face in shame.

Wugeng Liuli took a big sip of milk tea, but still felt dry mouth: "Lizhu, are you really going to be mentally prepared not to marry Nishino?"

"Wen Nai can do it, so can I."

"Wen Nai, what do you mean?"

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