"Missed?" Shinomiya Kaguya gritted his teeth and stared at his big hand held by Wu Geng Liuli, and forced a smile: "Are you really going to go in with the black cat to buy a tie?"

"Wait!" Nishino Mu came back to his senses, just about to let go of Wu Geng Liuli's palm, but the other party's grip was even tighter.

"So what!" Feeling the warmth from her palm, Wu Geng Liuli blushed, took a deep breath, and said in a trembling but firm voice, "This is the choice of fate."

Mai Sakurajima rolled her eyes, and separated her and Nishino's hands: "Don't bother, just go and buy a tie."

"You guys go first, I'll go talk to Yukino." Fumino Guqiao nodded to them, gave Rizu Ogata a look, and went to Yukinoshita Yukino.

"Let's go in and buy ties too." Wu Geng Liuli led the way into the clothing store.

Nishino Mu wanted to turn around and leave, but when he saw the girls around him discussing what to choose for him, his heart sank instantly.

If he really left, he might offend all these women.

what!It doesn't seem to be a problem if I get offended, anyway, I don't want to have so many girls around me.

To show them that I am a ruthless person.

Nishino Mu raised the corners of his mouth slightly, turned around and left.

"Nishino?" Ogata Rizu called out in surprise, "The black cat is still in the shop."

Xi Yemu turned around and said, "I didn't say I wanted to buy a tie."

It seems so.

Ogata Rizu was stunned for a moment.

Shinomiya Kaguya stopped Nishino Mu, and asked in a low voice, "Aren't you going to tell the black cat that we're leaving?"

After reminding her, there is no way to leave.

Nishino Mu shook his head: "Don't tell."

"Stop talking about this, Nishino, can you go buy a pair of high heels with me?" The mask on Mai Sakurajima's face has not been removed, but from the tone of this sentence, it can be inferred that she is in a very happy mood.

Instead of buying a tie with the black cat, buy high heels with you?

No way, the black cat went to Wenyuan to trouble Yukinoshita Yukino because of the novel last time, if he goes again this time, the office may not be peaceful.

Nishino Mu refused, "I want to wander around alone."

Shinomiya Kaguya put her fingers against her smooth chin, and looked at Sakurajima Mai with contempt.

I really don't know what you are happy about.I can see that Nishino doesn't want you to choose what to buy for him, but I can't see that Nishino is troubled by the fact that there are too many women around him?

Otherwise, why do you think I pretended not to like him in order to go back to the stranger-friend-lover route.

You know, a man will not cherish a woman who is too easy to get, especially a woman who likes him, he will always look at her through colored glasses.

Sensing Shinomiya Kaguya's gaze, Sakurajima Mai glanced at her coldly.

Don't think that you are the only one who is smart, and everyone understands the truth that the easier it is to get, the less cherished it is. The problem is that he never wants to get us, but we want to get him.

Ogata Rizhu looked at the two silent rivals, then at Nishino Mu who was about to leave, turned around and went into the shop to look for Wugeng Liuli.

Whether it is Shinomiya Kaguya or Sakurajima Mai, they are difficult to deal with, and it is safer to go to Wugen Liuli.

A cubicle in the restroom on the third floor of the mall.

Nishino Mu focused and used a supernatural ability - [Love Notes].

After the ability was activated, a notebook with a heart-shaped pattern on the cover appeared in his left hand, and a ballpoint pen with a thunderbolt symbol appeared in his right hand.

Nishino Mu opened the notebook, and wriggled on it with a ballpoint pen, wrote [Hold your hand and grow old with you].

In an instant, a tiny lightning bolt appeared one centimeter above his head out of thin air.

What does it mean?

Before Xi Yemu could react, the thunder and lightning hit his head with a "shua".

I go!

The notebook and ballpoint pen in Xi Yemu's hand disappeared instantly, and tears were about to flow out of pain.

It took more than ten seconds before he regained his strength.

Should not be!

He was writing and playing alone, and he didn't even have a girlfriend, so he got hacked.

Fortunately, this lightning strike was the weakest kind.

Nishino Mu hesitated for a long time, but still summoned the love notebook.

He swallowed, and opened the notebook in fear.

I found that the line I wrote just now had disappeared, but it was replaced by [Scribbling - punished].

Nishino Mu was so angry that he almost threw the notebook into the toilet: "What rubbish, I didn't say it before, I won't say it until I get hacked."

Another tasteless ability.

Nishino Mu put the love notebook back angrily, and walked out of the toilet cubicle.

A middle-aged man is on the phone.

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