She shed tears as early as the day she first learned about Nishino's amnesia.

Realized that Nishino was so disgusted with women that he wanted to deliberately make women hate him.

They have already discussed the countermeasures.

At this time, Shinomiya Kaguya sneered and said, "Nishino, do you look down on women? Do you think women like you?"

"It's nothing," Nishino Mu said seriously, "I want a life where everyone is good friends and doesn't quarrel all day long."

"So you just look down on women and are tired of us!" Mai Sakurajima said, "Are you thinking of making us angry on purpose and want us to leave you?"

Why are these women so smart?

Xi Yemu was extremely depressed, he didn't know whether to nod or shake his head.

According to these women.

If he nodded, it meant that he looked down on women so much that he wanted to make women angry on purpose.

If he shook his head, it meant that he was very happy to have a lot of women around him.

Nishino Mu's brain cells were burning wildly, hoping to think of a solution.

Before he could think of a way, Wu Geng Liuli said again with tears in his voice: "If you hate me, you can just say it, why do you have to make me cry? Could it be that bullying me is a pleasure for you? What do you think of me?"

She never thought that simply leaving without saying goodbye would hurt her so much.

Nishino Mu sighed helplessly, and boldly bowed down to apologize: "I'm sorry, I really didn't mean it. I just want you to know that I'm not a good man, so there's no need to waste time on me."

Mai Sakurajima said: "It's not up to you to waste time on you, just be yourself, we know what to do."

Ogata Rizu nodded, and said softly: "Nishino, don't deliberately play the bad guy in front of us. The more you do this, the more uncomfortable we will be, and the unhappy you will be."

"I understand."

"I believe you really understand," Wu Geng Liuli wiped away tears, broke into a smile, and took out a blue twill tie from her bag: "This is for you."

She bought a tie after all.

Considering the current situation, Nishino Mu took it with a smile: "Thank you."

"Don't forget to transfer 4999 yen to me."

"Didn't you send it to me?"

"Of course not, I just help you choose and buy for you, who made you angry with me."

The implication is: If you are not angry, this tie will be given to me?

Nishino Mu silently calculated the cash he owns, and he didn't feel any regret at all.

"Yukino is going to draw a lottery." Ogata Rizu said suddenly.

A group of people looked at the prize redemption desk.

Yukinoshita Yukino bit her lip and tapped lightly on the tablet.

Seeing her expression, Wugeng Liuli shook her head regretfully: "The chance of winning the grand prize is too small."

Mai Sakurajima said softly: "I hope she can get it, otherwise I don't know how long I have to wait for her."

Shinomiya Kaguya was well aware of the inside story, and smiled: "The chances of outsiders getting these big prizes are very small, and I even suspect that there are no big prizes at all."

Ogata Rizu looked at the Mr. Pan doll placed behind the award booth, and whispered, "This Mr. Pan doll is a limited edition, sponsored by Disney. If you want it, you can only draw a lottery."

As everyone expected, after a while, Yukinoshita Yukino came back holding a bunch of papers with a dejected expression.

Mai Sakurajima took out two packs of paper from her arms: "It's paper again, it's hopeless, all you draw are third prizes."

Yukinoshita Yukino didn't change his expression, he made up his mind and said: "Draw more times and you will win."

She handed the rest of the paper to Shinomiya Kaguya: "Hold it for me first, and then I'll go buy a bracelet."

Wu Geng Liuli laughed at her: "With your luck, you won't be able to smoke for the rest of your life."

"Black cat, you are a fallen angel, maybe you have sucked up all my luck, can I trouble you to stay away from me?" Yukinoshita Yukino said calmly.

"Your luck is so little, you don't need me to take action at all, obviously you have done too many bad things yourself, bad luck is entangled..."

Speaking of this, Wu Geng Liuli saw Xi Yemu's frown, and changed the subject: "Xi Ye also bought a lot of things, why don't you let him smoke it for a try? You're so unlucky."

"Yes." Yukinoshita Yukino didn't get serious with her in front of Mr. Pan, and decided to accept this suggestion.

She put her gaze on Nishino Mu, and said in an irresistible tone, "I'll hold the tie for you, and you go to the lottery draw."

Nishino Mu thought of the mobile phone and watch he bought, as well as the tie that he didn't have the receipt in his hand.

No matter what, there is always a lottery.

He handed the tie to Yukinoshita Yukino, and went to line up under the expectant eyes of several women.

The shopping mall is brightly lit, and the street lamps and car lights outside also illuminate the world.

All this indicated that it was getting late, and there were fewer people in line.

In just five minutes, it was Xi Yemu's turn to draw a lottery, and he looked back with a tacit understanding.

The girls were excitedly waving at him behind the line, attracting a lot of attention.

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