Well, keep trying to figure out how to spend the rest of the company's money.

Chapter 51 Ogata's father is a daughter

Nishino Mu didn't know that Yukinoshita Yukino was trying to spend the company's money. During his work in the afternoon, he had a phone call with the head of a headhunting company.

The two sides conducted friendly consultations and clarified the business contacts for a period of time in the future.

The specific content is to spend money to hire a headhunting company to find suitable people to work for him according to his requirements.

At around 4 pm, Yukinoshita Yukino went to discuss the copyright of books with some small publishing houses according to the previously arranged itinerary.

What Wenyuan Fiction Network lacks most is books. In order to meet the needs of readers, she decided to continue buying book copyrights as early as last week, and arranged the time.

Her act of buying books can be regarded as a disguised use of the dividends that Xi Yemu is about to receive.

Relying on the prosperity of Wenyuan Novel.com, the development of the Classical Chinese Publishing House is quite good. During this period of time, many books have been published and a small profit has been made.

Yukinoshita Yukino was still worried that Nishino Mu would divide up the money he earned and sell the shares to go back to his hometown.

In fact, her worry was superfluous. The reason why Nishino Mu was not self-motivated was because he had escaped the low-level interest of making money.

He is not short of money, and making money is not too difficult for him.

Nishino Mu's biggest wish now is to develop Wenyuan Group and give himself an upper-class status in the eyes of outsiders.

Otherwise, the women around him are too powerful, and he will lose face.

After get off work in the afternoon, Nishino Mu loosened the tie Wu Geng Liuli bought, stuffed it into his trouser pocket, and only wore a white shirt.

As soon as he opened the door, he saw a cute legal girl with loli eyes.

Ogata Rizu's cheeks were flushed, she grabbed the hem of the skirt with both hands, and lowered her small head vigorously, wishing there was a hole in the ground for her to stuff her head in.

Probably because he didn't expect the office door to be opened suddenly.

Nishino Mu smiled and said, "What's wrong?"

"I think, I want to invite you to my house for dinner." Riju Ogata mustered up her courage and whispered bold words.

Nishino Mu looked at her in surprise, not sure if the words were really from the shy girl: "Why do you want to invite me to your house all of a sudden?"

"My father wants to see you." Ogata Rizu looked up at Nishino Mu, and shyly looked away quickly.

Why is it time to meet the parents? If I go, I won't be able to clean up even if I jump into the Yellow River.

Xi Yemu wanted to refuse, but he was afraid that she would be hit, and would hang himself after crying like Wu Geng Liuli.

Alas, blindly avoiding is definitely not what a gentleman does.

Xi Yemu said firmly, "I'm going to see my uncle, and I'll make an agreement first, I won't promise him anything."

"It's okay," Ogata Rizu said unabashedly happy, just as Fumino said, he agreed.

Seeing Ogata Rizu's happy appearance, Nishino Mu sighed silently.

Life is so difficult!I don't know who owed whom in the previous life, but in this life he was entangled with so many women.

Nishino Mu couldn't help touching her hair: "Let's go."

Ogata Rizu covered her head and nodded vigorously: "Yeah."

"How do you usually go to and from get off work?"


It turned out to be a female driver.

Arriving at the parking lot outside the office building, Ogata Ritzu started a red car deftly, and Nishino Mu drove behind her.

The two cars drove one after the other for about half an hour and arrived at an ordinary street.

Rizu Ogata parked the car in front of an ordinary single-family building, and Mu Nishino got off the car almost at the same time as her.

Ogata Ritzu took out the key and opened the door of the small building: "This is my home."

Nishino Mu suddenly thought of the most important point: "I forgot to buy a gift."

Ogata Ritzu grabbed his sleeve: "No, my father doesn't mind."

Nishino Mu complained secretly, it was the first time to visit an elder at home, what would it be like to not bring a gift.

He planned not to listen to Ogata Rizu's words, and went to buy some gifts nearby.

But before he left, a middle-aged strong man with a ferocious face came out of the small building.

He stared at Xi Yemu: "What are you talking about at the door, come in quickly."

"Father." Ogata Ritzu dragged Nishino Mu into the house.

I can't get away now.

Nishino Mu could only accept his fate.

A few minutes later, he was sitting in the middle of the living room, across the table from Ogata's father.

A cup of tea was placed in front of the two men, and the steam from the tea covered their faces like two barriers.

"Empty hands?" Ogata's father preemptively, with a sneer at the corner of his mouth.

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