"Okay, President Nishino is amazing, I also asked the music supervisor to contact her, but she was not invited.

How did you get such a big star to sing for our anime? She usually holds concerts and releases singles, and rarely even sings the theme songs of movies. Personally, she is considered the laziest singer in the industry. .

However, she has a strong appeal and her fans are very united. If she sings our theme song, "Bai Yuan Knot" will definitely become more popular. "

An Yilun really didn't lie, this woman is really famous.

Nishino Mu glanced at Bingtang Michiru, who was also whispering something to An Yilun with a displeased face.

"Since it is possible, I will definitely choose her."

"I have no objection, but her appearance fee may be more expensive. I hope President Nishino will notify the financial supervisor in advance."

"rest assured."

When An Yilun sees something he likes, he will try his best to promote it.

If Bingtang Michiliu, whom he recommended, has the ability to go further with "Hundred Fate Knots", it's okay to spend a little more money.

As long as you don't let "Bai Yuan Knot" lose money and bankrupt him, everything is easy to talk about.

While Bian Hang and Cheng secretly admired Xi Yemu's free and easy way, they raised another question:

"Since Hido Michiru's debut, most of the songs she has sung have been written by herself. It just so happens that our theme song hasn't been decided yet, so can President Nishino ask her to write a song by the way?"

Michito Hido impatiently gestured OK.


"Haha, that's great. I also have someone on my side, but compared to Michiru Hido, he's far behind."

"Please take care of me."

Nishino Mu hung up the phone, and Bingtang Michiliu couldn't wait to say: "Bian Hang and Cheng Cheng are bastards, they said that I am the laziest singer, and he himself is the laziest supervisor."

"Okay, okay, don't be angry." An Yilun also comforted her.

"How can you not be angry, how can a girl be called lazy."

"You are not lazy, why don't you sing a few more songs, he is right."

"I don't like those songs, so naturally I won't sing them."

"You can't make money with your temper."

"Aaron, you are my manager, okay? Don't you know that the money my cousin earns can't be spent in a lifetime."

"But I don't make much money. If you give me a little money a month, I will live broadcast to subsidize my family."

"Who told you to buy so many expensive figurines, don't think that I will give you the money, or you will buy figurines again."

Poor An Yilun, no wonder he is so poor, all the money was withheld by his cousin.

"Damn it. Nishino, when will "Hundred Fate Knots" be released?"

"Not sure."


Seeing that the two of them were about to quarrel, Xi Yemu hurriedly said: "Since this matter has been settled, I will trouble you to go to Bian Hang and Cheng to talk."

Michiru Hido turned his face away, folded his hands on his chest: "It's fine for Aaron to talk about it."

An Yilun also sat up straight: "Don't worry, I will work hard."

What are you trying to do?

Try to pray that my cousin will give you more money for the cost of the performance you want, and then you can use it to buy a figure of "Bai Yuan Knot"?


After seeing off the pair of cousins, time passed quickly, and they got off work inexplicably.

So the second miss Yukinoshita can only control him to come to work on time, but can't control him from being lazy.

It's a pity that the laziness was exposed the next day. Shinomiya Kaguya found out from the surveillance, and then informed Yukinoshita Yukino.

So Nishino Mu could no longer sleep in the office, and was asked by Yukinoshita Yukino to inspect the bookstore under Wenyuan Publishing House.

The two bookstores are both in remote places.

Nishino Mu first took his assistant to the first bookstore that was closer to Wenyuan.

The bookstore is called [Xinyu], which is located on the other side of Nakano Station.


As soon as the car came to a complete stop, the manager of the Xinyu shop hurried up with three employees.

He opened the car door, waited for Xi Yemu to get off the car, and immediately bowed beside him: "President is welcome to take time out of his busy schedule to guide us in our work."

Nishino Mu nodded calmly, and looked at the empty bookstore: "No one usually comes?"

"The business in the store is still good, but it happens that no one comes during this time."

Facing the boss's boss who came to inspect for the first time, although the manager of Xinyu Store was nervous, he was not afraid.

Under his leadership, Xinyu Bookstore has changed from a monthly loss to a current breakeven, and even made a small profit.

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