The white car behind waited for them to bypass the road and parked, and couldn't wait to speed up. Xi Yemu was taken aback by this idiot.

If the white car was driving at the same speed as before, and there was a delay in stopping, nothing would happen, but if it speeds up, who knows what will happen.

Xi Yemu hurriedly got out of the car and followed it, waving and yelling desperately to signal it to stop. The driver of the white car seemed to have seen him, and began to slow down, and turned on the turn signal, ready to stop.

In the next second, the red car lost control and changed lanes, passed the front of the white car, and hit the human-shaped road next to it.

Fortunately, for some reason, the red car is not as fast as in the video, and the humanoid path is one step higher than the road. It is true that the red car hit the step, but it did not hit it.

Although a young man above was taken aback, nothing happened.


Scared people to death!

Nishino Mu looked at the red car not far away with lingering fear.

Why was he so stupid to get out of the car and tell the white car to slow down or stop? If the white car was really hit, would the driver scold him in hell for causing the accident by shouting and screaming?

Nishino Mu looked at the traffic accident with an uncertain expression.

"President, President," the assistant called out cautiously after getting out of the car.

If Xi Yemu hadn't asked him to stop, it would be hard to say whether the car accident would happen to them.

The assistant's voice trembled, and there was a hint of fear and gratitude that nothing happened.

Xi Yemu turned around and patted him on the shoulder, saying in a deep voice, "No one was hurt, it's a small matter."

"This... the president knew there would be a car accident?"

Anyone with a discerning eye could see that if Xi Yemu hadn't told the white car to stop, the white car would have been hit.

"I don't know, I'm just looking for the driver of the white car for something. Do you have a cigarette? Give me one."

"Yes, President, here it is."

Xi Yemu took the cigarette and saw that the surrounding vehicles and crowd had stabilized, and walked unhurriedly towards the white car parked in the middle of the road.

In this white car, only the front body was rubbed by the red car's buttocks, and the rest of the car was fine.

"Brother, borrow a fire!" Nishino Mu knocked on the window of the white car.

After a few seconds, the car window was rolled down from inside, revealing a pale and delicate face.

Brown hair in a single ponytail, beautiful golden eyes, and a well-fitting aqua blue dress.

She is a beautiful woman, her appearance is not inferior to that of Miss Yukinoshita.

There are so many beauties in this world.

"So it's for the beautiful lady, I'm very sorry, I just want to smoke, that's why I asked you to stop and borrow a fire, don't get me wrong.

Hmm, I seem to have heard that women can also smoke. Are you on fire? "

What is this term called?

There are no three hundred taels of silver here.

Whatever it is, as long as it is useful, since there are no personal safety accidents, it should be able to fool the traffic law enforcement officers.

Xi Yemu doesn't know how to smoke, so he can only simply stuff cigarettes into his mouth, looking like a foolish smoker.

The assistant touched the [-] yuan lighter in his pocket, but he still didn't take it out to be scolded, so he couldn't influence the president to pick up girls.

From the assistant's point of view, Nishino Mu turned his head inadvertently and saw that the driver of the car behind was a beautiful woman, so he asked him to stop with the driver of the white car, and wanted a contact information, who knew that it happened to save a life.

However, this beauty seems a little familiar.

The assistant thought for a while, his eyes lit up, and he leaned into Xi Yemu's ear and said, "This woman is Qingshan Qihai."

No wonder she is so beautiful, she seems to be a powerful voice actor.

Nishino Mu nodded calmly, seeing Qingshan Qihai in the car still looking dumbfounded, he couldn't help feeling a big headache.

This woman is not stupid.


Qingshan Qihai only felt that she was going to die, just now, she experienced the most terrifying thing in her life.

I had a dream last night and didn't want to wake up, so I accidentally fell asleep until 10 am.

Remembering that she was going to have an interview with a voice actor at Yingcai Animation Production before 11 o'clock today, she hurriedly took a shower and changed clothes, brushed her teeth, washed her face, and tied a ponytail.

Everything was settled, and it was already fifteen minutes later when we drove on the road.

As a result, the car hadn't run for ten minutes, and encountered a traffic jam on the road, which lasted for more than [-] minutes.

After finally squeezing out, another Mercedes-Benz ran in front of her from the side road. What was annoying was that this Mercedes-Benz ran steadily and slowly.

Considering that there were more than ten minutes left, this speed should be able to reach Yingcai Animation Production Company, so Aoyama Nanami was not busy overtaking.

After driving safely for five minutes, the Mercedes-Benz suddenly turned on the turn signal and slowly pulled over to the side of the road.

Obeying the traffic rules is everyone's responsibility.

Qingshan Qihai stopped the car and waited anxiously for the ink-stained Mercedes-Benz driver, is the big leader sitting in the car?Driving is more stable than her as a woman.

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