"Huh?" Nishino Mu frowned suspiciously.

"Don't pretend to be stupid. When the teacher left Zongwu High School, you brat said that the fat and water would not flow to outsiders' fields. Why don't you let it go? I said I want a child, but you said it's okay to have a child, but you must stay and not leave. .

How can this work!You are not going to marry me.What the teacher wants is freedom and slack, not to be a canary by your side, I was so determined when I left, just to prove that I can live well without a man.

I said so much to you just now, in fact, to pave the way for what I am going to say now.Although it is difficult to live alone these years, I have managed to survive until now, and I don't care anymore.

But Nishino, if possible, I don't want Yukino and the others to follow the path I am taking in the future, do you understand what I mean? "


Nishino Mu turned his head to look at the birds flying by outside the car window, envious of them being able to fly freely.

I wouldn't want any of you to get hurt if I could.


Nishino Mu, Nishino Mu,

What were you thinking back then!

Why do you have to provoke so many women!

"Things have developed to this point, and I also have a certain responsibility. If you were not allowed to leave school for a long time back then, you would have brought disaster to the Zongwu High School and the female students in the nearby areas at the most."

"It seems that I'm not entirely to blame for this. I feel much better." Nishino Mu felt a little more at ease inexplicably.

Hiratsuka Shizuka recalled the past with a lot of emotion.

There are three problem students in my class.

Although Hikigu Hachiman is still withdrawn, he has many friends around him, enough for him to grow up slowly.

It's a pity that he is too obsessed with his own sister, and I am no longer his teacher, and I am not qualified to discipline him.

Although Yukinoshita Yukino is still aloof, she transfers her admiration and longing for Yang Nao to the man around her, and even has a deep love for the man around her.

And this man is trustworthy!

More importantly, Xue Nai also has many friends. Although many friends are still rivals in love with her, everyone is arguing that the relationship is better.

The above two are growing better and better on the whole, and finally they are the man beside them—Nishino Mule.

This guy has been smart since he was a child, has excellent grades, is very prudent in his work, and has extraordinary means of regulating the relationship between classmates in the class.

The whole person is like the male protagonist in a light novel, extremely attractive to women, and also very resourceful, and will always easily solve any problem for interested people.

The kind of strength that can handle all kinds of things at will, not to mention Yukino and the others who were only students at the time, even her teacher has been moved more than once.

What's even more frightening is that this man was unwilling to be huddled in the small Zongwu High School, so he went to other schools during the holidays and Chinese New Year, and then gained a group of fans.

In the end, under his entanglement, I foolishly agreed to let him leave school for a long time.

Then the biggest failure in my educational career appeared.

Nishino is indeed going to save those students who are in crisis, and the slogan he shouts is still: Crack down on cold violence on campus and make students' dreams come true.

He really helped several students, including Mai Sakurajima.

But many of the students he helped were beautiful women, so these poor people who had not experienced much in the world fell into the clutches of his love one by one.

When I found out, the day lily was cold.

In the end, he had to force him to swear not to play with the feelings of those female students at will.

In fact, there is no need to force this bastard to swear. He is really a bit upright and pedantic. Although he has helped many women, he has never asked for anything in return, as if participating in helping those women can satisfy his personal regret.

So forcing him to swear is just to save a little bit of his poor self-esteem, just to prove to Xue Nai that the teacher really doesn't want him to become an accomplice of Neptune, and the teacher was also deceived.

After three thousand words and ten thousand words, things returned to the original starting point.What should we all do now when we grow up?

Thinking of how he once helped others, he would occasionally make Nishino an exchange student and personally drive him to other schools.

Hiratsuka Jing couldn't bear it anymore, she patted the head of Nishino Mu who was in a daze angrily, under the eyes of him recovering, ready to take revenge.

Calmly opened the car window, lifted the skirt of the dress, took out the lighter from the black pouch tied on her thigh, lit the cigarette, and took a deep breath.

"Cough cough!"


Nishino Mu was originally angry at being hit on the head by her "sneak attack", but now he opened his mouth involuntarily when he saw this scene.

"Shut up! I'm not terminally ill, I'm just choking."

"No, the skirt is raised too high, I can see inside."

"Pervert!" Shizuka quickly put down her skirt, and was about to hit him again.

"Teacher, don't do anything. I'm going to the martial arts gym anyway. I'll solve it once and for all. I just want to ask you a question. Your legs are so white, how do you take care of them?"

Hiratsuka put down her hands and said proudly: "I haven't taken care of myself. I just eat, sleep, drink alcohol, and eat meat. Smoking is harmful to health, so I don't advocate it."

"Oh, pig raising flow!"

Chapter 60

I went to the martial arts hall and asked for a training room.

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