The concrete is too thick for the power of a pistol to penetrate.

The owners of this house and nearby houses were naturally awakened, but under the night, they did not find Xi Yemu on the roof.

After missing one shot, Nishino Mu had no intention of firing another shot.

One is that the man in black has jumped off the roof and disappeared.

The second is that this is the island country of Tokyo, a densely populated area.If you accidentally hit someone else, it will be too late to regret.

Xi Yemu quickly approached the roof where the man in black jumped off, stood on the roof and looked down, but found nothing unusual, as if the man in black had never been here.

Where have people gone?

Xi Yemu scanned the alley under the roof and saw that the manhole cover of the sewer not far away was opened.

With the behavior of the man in black when he ran away, wouldn't he close the manhole cover properly?

But what if he was really inside?

Nishino Mu jumped off the roof and walked slowly down the sewer.

Ai Hayasaka curled up, trying to hide on the other side of the roof next to the sewer.

She opened the manhole cover on purpose to lure Nishino Mu over.

The man who caught the thief with a gun must get the lesson he deserves.Do you really think that Ai Hayasaka can only run away!

Finally, Nishino Mu came to the sewer, and carefully clasped his hands as if holding a gun.

Ai Hayasaka almost laughed out loud when she saw it. It turned out that this guy didn't have a gun and was scaring people. No wonder he didn't even hear the sound of the gun that was equipped with a silencer.

She suppressed a smile, and took out the small pistol from her pocket, which she had just unloaded.

Hayasaka Ai gently stood up from the roof, and then jumped hard...

Xi Yemu stood in front of the sewer, looking carefully, the stench was irritating.

It's not easy for the man in black to be able to endure such a dirty place.

At this moment, he suddenly noticed a gust of wind coming from behind, so he turned around hastily.

But in the next second, along with the sound of a heavy object falling to the ground, there was also the feeling of a hard object pressing against his waist.


Am I captured now?

A series of big question marks popped up in Nishino Mu's mind.

[Crisis Insight] Why didn't it activate?

Or, is there really no danger?

Nishino Mu imagined in his mind that he resisted vigorously, but [Crisis Insight] did not activate.

Well, since there is no danger, then resist.

After successfully subduing Nishino Mu, Hayasaka Ai was very calm, and said in a disguised voice: "Hand over all the money and rob!"

Xi Yemu had already decided to resist, but now that he heard this, he was not in a hurry, but said leisurely, "I won't hand it over, what can you do?"

Hayasaka Ai got angry and kicked his ass.

Nishino Mu had been prepared for a long time, and his right hand stretched out like a long eye and grabbed her ankle.

"court death."

The ankle was caught, and Hayasaka Ai immediately leaned back, supported her body with both hands, and kicked Nishino Mu's ass again with the other leg.

In fact, it would be most appropriate to kick Nishino Mu's knee or crotch here, but she didn't dare.

After Nishino Mu grabbed Ai Hayasaka's leg, he didn't stay idle, but gently pulled it forward.

This didn't stop the imminent powerful attack, and the ass was kicked firmly.

After his ass was kicked, Xi Yemu took a few steps forward under the force of his body. If he didn't take big steps, he would have fallen into the sewer.

At this time, he was still holding on to Hayasaka Ai's right ankle to prevent her from breaking free, so the maid was miserable, and she was pulled by him and slid forward for a certain distance with her hands.

Stabilizing his footsteps, Nishino Mu changed his left hand to pull Hayasaka Ai's right leg, and quickly turned around, just in time to see a left leg kicking.

Needless to say, reach out and grab it.

After grabbing the opponent's legs, Nishino Mu discovered that the man in black had a bulging chest, which seemed to be a woman.

Also, this pose is more subtle.

In an alley under the moonlight, a woman in a black leather jacket propped her hands on the ground, facing the sky, and her legs were grabbed by a man with both hands.

Under the woman's raised buttocks was a foul-smelling sewer.

"who are you?"

Although the other party was a woman, Xi Yemu did not lose his vigilance and still did not let her go.

Up to now, Hayasaka Ai is also very helpless.If it was true, Xi Yemu would have died in her hands, but it is a pity that it is impossible.

She put one hand on the ground, pulled down the night vision device, revealed a familiar face of Nishino Mu, and said calmly, "Don't you know me?"

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