I suggest that everyone take action to expose Xi Yemu's scumbag, and give Mai-chan a bright future.

In order to prevent being stopped by Mai Jiang who is dazzled by love, this article will be destroyed after reading it, and must not be leaked. 】

[Which bastard posted it online? 】

[The author of this article on the first floor? 】

[It's me, everyone take action to expose Xi Yemu's scumbag face]

[Laughing to death, you are ruined after reading it, and it’s all on the hot search]

【top!Let more like-minded comrades see it. 】

[I have collected some information about Nishino Mu and posted it on the Internet, everyone rush, I want Mai-chan to see it]


Nishino Mu's whole body is not well. Looking around, no one has said anything good about him, and they are all talking about him as a scumbag.

If he really did what a scumbag did, he would definitely not complain at all, but what is this?

Last night he was still guarding his body like a jade, but today he was sprayed as the strongest scumbag in history, so uncomfortable that he wanted to cry.

In the bedroom on the second floor, Mai Sakurajima was lying on the bed and talking on the phone with her manager.

"Just look for the entertainment news agency, the one that can write the most nonsense, the more detailed the better."

"As long as the hero and heroine are me and Nishino, I will never sue them."

"Just rest assured, I'm still a virgin."

"Will you lose your virginity if you go to a hotel? It's nonsense."

"That's it, bye."

After hanging up the phone, Mai Sakurajima giggled excitedly.

I finally took the most crucial step. As long as I occupy the dominant position of Nishino's girlfriend in public opinion, all women who compete with me in the future will be sprayed as mistresses, and they will naturally be hated.

Downstairs, Nishino Mu put his phone aside to charge.


Nishino Mu frowned, picked up the phone, and the phone screen showed charging...

what happened?

No one was called to repair the line yesterday, so why is there power inexplicably.

Nishino Mu scratched his head, and walked up to the second floor suspiciously: "Sakurajima, there is electricity suddenly at home, have you called an electrician to repair it?"

Mai Sakurajima, who was still smirking, hurriedly got up and adjusted the instrument, and opened the door after confirming that there was no problem: "Yes, when I booked the hotel, I called someone to help repair the line."

Her eyes are bright and sincere, but she is secretly complaining in her heart. Of course, the circuit that Ai Hayasaka broke was also repaired by her.

"Okay, I see. The maintenance fee and last night's accommodation fee will be transferred to your bank account later." Nishino Mu said.

"Hmm." Sakurajima Mai knew that it would be better to accept the money, anyway, it was a small amount of money for the two of them, and it could take care of Nishino Mu's face.

After a brief chat with Mai Sakurajima, no problems were found during the conversation, Mu Nishino went back to the first floor to sit down, and picked up the phone again.

As the saying goes, the more I think about it, the more I get angry. Isn't there no one on the Internet who speaks for me?I built my own trumpet to protect my reputation.

Nishino Mu first created a new line number, and then added them one by one according to the group numbers of Mai Sakurajima fans recruiting.

It has to be said that Mai Sakurajima has too many fans, as long as a fan group number is announced, it will be filled almost immediately.

Nishino Mu spent a lot of effort to add a newly created group. This group is not Mai Sakurajima's fan group, but a fan group created by Aoyama Nanami's fans.

It seems a bit weird, forget it, whatever, it's not easy to join a group.

If a group is created, he, a fake fan, might be exposed in a matter of minutes.

[Qihai sauce, blow it up! : Unify the format of the group name, and add numbers after Qihai according to the time of joining the group. 】

[CP of Nanami Mai Team: I like Mai-san too]

[Seven Seas 1: There are enemies, kick them. 】

[Nanami 32: Kicked 1]

[Nanami 46: Kicked 2]


Nishino Mu changed the group name, Qihai 69.

Just when I was about to send a kick to 10032, that poor guy was kicked by the group leader in seconds.

[Qihai sauce, blow it up! : Get rid of the internal enemies, everyone is their own, the leader of this group does not talk nonsense, but dry goods. 】

【Screenshot jpg】

【Screenshot jpg】

[Qihai sauce, blow it up! : Everyone has seen that Mai Sakurajima's fans call her a mistress under Nanami-chan's twitter, who can bear it? 】

[Seven Seas 91: I can't bear it! 】

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