"You wait for me." Mai Sakurajima paced away, came back after a while, and sprayed anti-wolf spray from the door: "Bastard pervert, go to hell!"

"Mai Sakurajima!"

Chapter 75 Mai wants to change her surname to Nishino

The volatility of anti-wolf spray in the air is not excellent, and it will only work when it is sprayed on the target's face or skin.

Mai Sakurajima's behavior of spraying at the room seemed scary, but Nishino Mu was in front of the computer desk, and nothing happened.

"Nishino, how are you? Are you afraid? If you dare to tease me again, I'll spray this bottle of anti-wolf spray on your face." Mai Sakurajima put her left hand on her hip, shook the anti-wolf spray with her right hand, and raised her head proudly .

Anti-wolf spray is one of the big killers for women to deal with men. If it is accidentally sprayed, it will take only 1 to 5 seconds. Unless it is a person with extraordinary talents, the skin will definitely feel burned, and the eyes will also burn. It was so painful that I couldn't open my eyes, my breathing was short and weak, and I temporarily lost the ability to move.

Unfortunately, Nishino Mu is a person with extraordinary talents, and [Absolute Suppression] endowed him with twice the fighting power than Mai Sakurajima.

Taking advantage of Mai Sakurajima's frenzied pressing of the anti-wolf spray, Nishino Mu rushed forward and pushed her out of the door, closing the door.

"Nishino, you... bastard!" Mai Sakurajima staggered from being pushed, almost fell, and angrily raised the anti-wolf spray to the door and sprayed it twice.

"Stop making trouble, go back to sleep." Xi Yemu moved two stacks of books and blocked the door, but gently advised her to go back.

"Nishino, you wait for me." Sakurajima Mai did not open the door again, but left angrily.


"This is today's breakfast?" Nishino Mu held up a plate of dark brown objects in disbelief.

"That's right, this is the chocolate that I got up at six o'clock this morning and took more than an hour to make." Mai Sakurajima still had a charming smile on her face.

"The result is a slouchy hairstyle?"

"Who is Lazy Goat? His hairstyle is in this shape?" Sakurajima Mai's eyes widened in surprise, with a strange expression. She didn't expect someone to like this thing.

"Lazy sheep is a sheep, don't care who he is. Sakurajima, I want to know if you made the chocolate into this shape on purpose." Xi Yemu tapped the top of the chocolate with chopsticks, feeling nauseated inside.

"It wasn't intentional." Mai Sakurajima denied.

Just as Mu Nishino was about to say no, Mai Sakurajima said proudly, "I did it on purpose."

this woman...

Nishino Mu's eyes narrowed, and he said with a smile, "I won't eat it, let's see what you can do to me."

Mai Sakurajima raised her fist and said cutely: "You can't eat it, you have to eat it all, this is my heart."

"Don't eat."

"Shame on you!" Mai Sakurajima picked up the chocolate and was about to stuff it into Mu Nishino's mouth.

"Stop, stop!" Nishino Mu stretched out his hand to stop it.

"Today you will eat as much as you eat, and you will eat as much as you don't. Put my surname, Sakurajima. If you don't eat, I will take your surname."

Nishino Mu snorted, and hit the plate with a wave of his hand. The chocolate fell to the ground with a "clack", and the puppet cat who had been waiting for a long time ran over to lick it like the wind.

"Oh, you can't eat chocolate, go and go." Mai Sakurajima squatted on the ground, and hurriedly reached out to catch the cat.

Nishino Mu picked the cat up to Mai Sakurajima with his feet calmly, and crushed the chocolate by the way.

"Nishino!" Mai Sakurajima grabbed the cat and stared at Mu Nishino with fire-breathing eyes: "You stomped the chocolate I made!"

"Misunderstanding, I didn't mean it." Nishino Mu raised his hands with an innocent face: "I just want to save the cat."

"Meow~" the puppet cat cried out cutely.

"Look, the cat is thanking me for saving her life."

"You can't understand what she's saying, you're just trying to annoy me!"

"I didn't mean to piss you off, I meant to piss you off."

This is called using one's own way to treat one's own body.

Mai Sakurajima picked up the cat expressionlessly and put it in front of the water basin.

Nishino Mu was startled, what is this woman doing all of a sudden?I won't be angry and get hurt internally, so I want to abuse the cat, right?

"What are you doing?" Nishino Mu asked.

"She just licked the chocolate a few times, just in case, I let her drink some water."

"You're not angry?"

"Who knows."

Nishino Mu rolled his eyes: "Okay, Sakurajima, I was wrong, your lord has a lot, please forgive me."

"It's okay if you ask me to forgive you," the cat obediently drank water by itself, and Mai Sakurajima sat cross-legged on the tatami next to her: "You, Dogeza, apologize."

"Dogezaza apologizes and you forgive me?"

"Of course it's not that simple. You have to massage my back every day for a week."



Nishino Mu patted her on the head: "Don't think about good things all day long, feed the cat and drink water. I'll clean up the crushed chocolate, and be careful not to be scratched by her. I'm going out for an interview later. "

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