Mai Sakurajima hung up the phone, posted on the Twitter website, and refuted word by word what she thought was wrong in the reporter's manuscript.

[Sakurajima: For the reporter... I have the following statement.

First, I really like Nishino, I trust him 100%, he is also very good to me, and he will not be angry with me when I am pregnant.

Second, Nishino did say that he does not want children for the time being, because we are still young and we are not in a hurry.

Third, Nishino is a scumbag without a doubt, and he has been ambiguous with many girls, but I don't mind, I believe he will be as good as a jade after marriage.

Fourth: It's not that Xi Yemu doesn't want to establish a relationship with me, it's because he has too many excellent women around him, it's hard for him to abandon them and choose me.


For the time being, these [-] items will be covered. After the interview video is edited and played, everyone will understand the specific situation. 】

After tweeting, Sakurajima Mai took a nap contentedly, and didn't even notice the message sent by Liujia Keni:

You are really a husband-guarding madman, a good scumbag Nishino Mu, you have washed him as an indecisive hero, it was a waste of my mother's effort to find someone to hack him.

Nishino Mu lay on the bed in silence for a long time, and continued to watch Twitter after 2 o'clock in the afternoon.

At this time, the edited original video of the interview and Mai Sakurajima's husband's Twitter content have already been ranked second and first on the hot search list.

Nishino Mu first read Mai Sakurajima's Twitter content, and disagreed with the sentence in which he said that he saw one love one, but overall he was satisfied.

He took a quick look at the comments, and found that most of the netizens believed that Mai Sakurajima was a beauty in the eye of the beholder, and they couldn't believe everything they said, only half of it.

Mu Nishino can understand this, but what he can't understand is that, without knowing what happened, there are still quite a few people in the comment section of Sakurajima Twitter who are madly supporting Aoyama Nanami, and what's more, they directly say that Mai Sakurajima is the superior of the mistress.

Xi Yemu thought for a while, thinking that this might be the result of the nail planted before, he turned on the phone, and saw a prompt saying that a bunch of text messages and calls from strange numbers had been intercepted.

Not having time to see who the owners of these numbers are, Nishino Mu entered the fan base of Qingshan Qihai.

[Qihai sauce, blow it up! : Nanami 69's strategy finally played a huge role today. After Sakurajima Mai said that unless I was a third party, I would not break up with my boyfriend, a large number of Sakurajima fans turned to support Nanami-chan up. 】

[Qihai 46: They are using Qihai sauce, so they have to guard against it. 】

[Qihai 108: The most urgent task is to help Qihaijiang regain her good reputation and save her popularity. 】

[Qihai 234: Being a mistress these days has not come to a good end. Qihaijiang almost lost her default selection ambassador because of reputation problems. I heard that even the appearance fee was reduced by [-]%. 】

[Qihai 157: As long as Qihaijiang's reputation can be restored, Nishino Muzhiliu is nothing but a clown. 】

[Qihai sauce, blow it up! : How many comrades-in-arms have you recruited? 】

[Qanhai46: The group I built has more than [-] people. Everyone who joins the group has to go to the comment section of Sakurajima Twitter and post something like "You are a third party, return Nishino Mu to Nanami-chan", I'll look at the screenshots and decide whether to kick them or not. 】

[Qihai 58: I have more than a thousand people here, the same operation. 】

[Qihai 108: I have two groups here, with a total of 2144 people, and everyone has to post. 】

[Qanhai 27: You are going too far, but I like it. I hereby announce that I will spend one million yen to sponsor you. 】

[Seven Seas 46: Tyrant!I'm here to be your friend, don't say anything, just watch my performance. 】

[Nanami 51: jpg. This is a screenshot of me tweeting that Sakurajima is the mistress and returning Mu Nishino to Nanami-chan, and more than 5000 people liked it. 】

[Seven Seas 27: Receive a red envelope, you should be rewarded. 】

[Qihai 190: I'm so stupid! 】

【Qihai462: I'm going to fix one too. 】

[Qihai 176: Go!rush!rush! 】

[Qihai sauce, blow it up! : The owner of this group also sponsors you 120 million yen, I will go all out. 】

[Qihai449: You are all crazy, okay, I will also accompany you crazy, and sponsor 50 yen. 】

[Qihai sauce, blow it up! : Is there any sponsorship? I will pull you into the fund management group. The group owner will personally check every sum of money and send it to those who sincerely support Qihai sauce and work hard for the reputation of Qihai sauce. 】


This is my brother-in-law!

Nishino Mu was undoubtedly choking with excitement, and it took him a long time to recover, and with trembling hands, he typed on the phone screen: [Qihai Sauce Saigao! (Breaking sound)】

Chapter 78

Without proper guidance, public opinion pressure can really kill.

Nishino Mu would not be "killed". He watched all kinds of hilarious greetings from his group of friends for a while, and felt much happier.

He returned to Twitter and clicked on the comments section below the interview video.

The first thing that catches the eye is a top message: Huo Huo Huo!

What does three fires in a row mean?

Nishino Mu was puzzled and clicked on the reply from the netizen below.

[How unreasonable!Just clicked on the video and there was a poster of two people kissing each other, I feel a little uncomfortable]

[The content caused extreme discomfort, it's time to set fire to the sky]

[Thinking that Mai-chan will be ravaged by him at night, I feel like my hair has turned green]


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