"No, absolutely not, don't, Nishino, don't, I made it so hard." Sakurajima Mai hugged Nishino Mu's neck tightly with a pleading face.

"Which step have you achieved?" Nishino Mu asked.

"That's right, just eliminate women who don't know about your amnesia."

"How did you do it?"

"They don't know that you have amnesia, and their memories of you are still in the past. When you noticed that I hinted that I was pregnant with your child in public, you would definitely stop it immediately, but you didn't stop it during this interview. They It is very likely that you think I am really pregnant with your child and give up competing with me."

"If I noticed that you were talking about pregnancy, I would definitely stop it immediately, but I didn't turn my mind around at that time."

"Hee hee, I know." Mai Sakurajima put her face on Nishino Mu's shoulder: "You didn't sleep well last night, and you woke up so early in the morning, you must be in a trance, and the memories in your mind are trivial, so you didn't react It's normal, and I bet you won't think of pregnancy immediately because of my retching."

"When a normal man sees a virgin retching, would he think that she is pregnant? I didn't consider the external environment at the time. I thought you ate a little while making chocolate yourself, and your stomach was nauseated."

"Well, so handsome Nishino-kun, can you forgive me and not post the video you just shot?"

"No, I have to seek justice, and then punish you for deceiving me."

"What, you are a terrible man, you just don't want to let a woman you don't know leave you."

Nishino Mu shook his head: "I'm worried that someone will commit suicide because of this matter. This person may be your loyal fan or a girl who likes me, but no matter who it is, they should not lose their lives because of a false news."

It's a real possibility, some stupid fans will do terrible things.

Mai Sakurajima pouted helplessly: "Okay, okay, no matter what, you are right, so let's send it."


In the evening, Mu Nishino uploaded the edited video to Twitter, and also stated that he and Mai Sakurajima slept in separate rooms and had no relationship with her.

As Mai Sakurajima's rumored boyfriend, there are quite a few people who follow him on Twitter. The video was posted less than half an hour ago, and it has already aroused many heated discussions among netizens.

Nishino Mu glanced at the comments, and found that many people were skeptical, and generally more people believed.

"That's enough, it's not one-sided shouting at me."

Nishino Mu didn't dare to read the first netizen's comment, and got angry after reading it.

Netizens who don't know the truth can't wait for him to die immediately and stay away from Sakurajima.

Mai Sakurajima issued a declaration to protect her husband, and the interview video was uploaded to the Internet. There are not so many people who scold him.

Well, they all go to complain that Mai Sakurajima is a mistress, and they should stay away from Nishino Mu and return this scumbag to Aoyama Nanami.

"Sakurajima." Mu Nishino called Mai Sakurajima, who was fidgeting on the opposite side, with a calm voice that seemed to be on the verge of attack. The big star lowered her head in embarrassment: "Yes."

"Do you realize that you made a very serious mistake?"


"What's wrong?"

"I shouldn't have lied to you on purpose."

Nishino Mu pouted: "What else?"

Mai Sakurajima tilted her head and thought for a while: "Also, the author should not be induced to write some false things."

"That's right!" Xi Yemu nodded seriously: "Your behavior is smearing and using me. I'm actually quite angry."

Mai Sakurajima said angrily: "As long as we are together, the rumors will be self-defeating, and I will treat you well for the rest of my life."

"You woman...!" Nishino Mu was anxious: "Why don't you understand me? I am a majestic man, and when I go out, someone pokes my spine and says I am an out-and-out scumbag. What is my face?"

"So that's how it is!" Mai Sakurajima calmed down, her face flushed instantly, "I didn't think about it, I just thought it would be good for us to be together forever."

Nishino's face darkened: "In short, something has happened, you must pay the price for what you did wrong, and use practical actions to atone for your sins."

"What do you want me to do?"

"First clarify our relationship on the Internet, then I will apologize, and finally give me a back massage for a week."

"Eh? You man is too narrow-minded!"

"No, just use your condition for forgiving me."

Chapter 79 Mai, can you compete fairly?

"Comfortable, a little to the left, yes, that's right there."

Nishino Mu was lying on the tatami, and Sakurajima Mai knelt beside him, massaging his back with her slender fingers.

"Sakurajima, have you learned massage specifically, why is it so comfortable?" Nishino Mu asked.

"I have never learned that being massaged by someone is a comfortable thing, and it is the massager who suffers."

Sakurajima Mai disliked the inconvenient massage by rubbing her back through the clothes, so she lifted Nishino Mu's short-sleeved shirt up.


Mai Sakurajima's fingers lightly touched the skin on her back, and the warm touch made the corners of Mu Nishino's eyes twitch, and she shivered comfortably.

Mai Sakurajima gently rubbed Nishino Mu's waist with her fingers for about ten minutes. She felt her back hurt and adjusted from kneeling to duck sitting.

Xi Yemu turned back and squinted at her: "Are you tired after only ten minutes? At least half an hour."

"Understood, young master." Mai Sakurajima thumped Nishino Mu's back, and asked tenderly and considerately, "Is there anything else that feels uncomfortable?"

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