"Boring." Sakurajima Mai couldn't bear it, so she didn't continue to beat fiercely. While beating Nishino Mu's shoulder, she let go of her thoughts and thought of Aoyama Nanami.

After paying such a high price, did it have the expected effect on her?


Naturally, there was an effect. After Aoyama Nanami learned the false news that Sakurajima Mai was pregnant with Nishino Mu's child, she was so sad that she couldn't eat, and she didn't even want to go to the recording studio.

She lay on the bed in frustration, exactly the same posture as Xi Yemu when she was uncomfortable.

"Am I late? Nishino Mu has already decided to marry Mai?"

Qingshan Qihai watched the interview video over and over in a daze, trying to find out that the content inside was deceptive.

"Here, Mai stopped Nishino Mu from speaking twice. She was definitely covering up something. I still have hope."

Qingshan Qihai jumped up from the bed, made several calls in a row, and successfully got the mobile phone number that Nishino Mu is currently using, and then...hesitated for almost half an hour before calling.

This dozen was like sinking into the sea without causing any waves.

Nishino Mu didn't answer.

Qingshan Qihai's eyes were red, and tears flowed out of their eyes.

"If you don't answer the phone, do you really have no feelings for me?"

"Impossible, I definitely have a chance, maybe he doesn't know this is my mobile phone number, yes, it must be so."

Qingshan Nanami embraced this life-saving straw and opened Twitter.

She wants to confess her love on Twitter, and let everyone know that Qingshan Qihai has grown up and is a brave girl.

However, her hands were shaking and she couldn't type. What if Nishino really fell in love with Mai Sakurajima?

Aoyama Nanami held her phone, looked at the comment section of Twitter, said that Mai Sakurajima was a mistress, and returned Nishino Mu to Nanami-chan's comment, curled up in the thin Xialiang quilt, and cried into tears.

On the other side, Mai Sakurajima finally finished working for [-] minutes. She happily lay down on the tatami and played with the puppet cat.

Mu Nishino opened Twitter and looked, and found that Mai Sakurajima did not explain the relationship between the two on Twitter, and urged her: "Quickly explain the things between us on the Internet, and return my innocence."

"It should have been posted. I called Ke Ni and asked her to help run the account and explain it."

Under the watchful eyes of the puppet cat, Mai Sakurajima broke off part of the dried fish in her hand, leaving only a fish tail for her.

Nishino Mu refreshed her Twitter: "No, she didn't post it."

"How could it be?" Mai Sakurajima frowned, picked up her mobile phone, and called Liujia Keni.

"Kennie, why is there still no movement?"

"I want to post it too, but the vice president of the company said that posting it like this will affect your image, and is asking the clerk to polish your pen."

"What about embellishing the pen? It's against him. I'm the major shareholder of the company. I'll post it directly. Forget it, I'll post it myself."

Mai Sakurajima hung up the phone and explained to Mu Nishino: "The vice president has been chasing me because he is very capable of making money. Although I didn't give him a good look, I didn't drive him away. Who knew he was messing around here. I want to modify everything I want to post, and I will ask the board of directors to help him resign later."

"Stop talking nonsense and go first."


[Sakurajima Mai: Everyone is making trouble like this, so I have to say a few more words. In fact, the relationship between me and Nishino is that of the suitor and the pursued. I liked him since high school, and I am pursuing him.

But he doesn't like me for the time being, and I still live in his house with a stern face. We live in two bedrooms separately, and there is no super-friendship.

The so-called pregnancy is just because of the chocolate I ate in the morning, my stomach is uncomfortable, and I feel sick.

The reason why I didn't explain it before, and it was tacitly accepted that I was living with Nishino and was pregnant, was because I wanted to suppress Aoyama Nanami and others who robbed me of men!

Yes, I have many rivals in love, each of them is more powerful than the other, Qingshan Qihai is one of them.

But don't worry everyone, Nishino is still a virgin under our mutual supervision. In fact, if he doesn't choose one of us, he might be single for the rest of his life.

As for why we like him, those who are interested can search for related content on the Internet, and I will not explain them here.

There was also a hotel incident. Because there was a problem with the wiring at home and the air conditioner couldn't cool down, Mu Nishino and I went to open a room and stayed for one night. We didn't do anything bad.Because if you want to be at home, you don’t need to go to a hotel at all...]

Less than two minutes after sending it out, a tweet from Qingshan Qihai appeared:

Mai, I haven't seen you for more than two years. The last time we met was I went to find you. Unfortunately, I couldn't meet Nishino at that time. Fortunately, we all meet again now. I don't want Nishino to leave me again. Can we compete fairly? ?Don't do that anymore.

Chapter 80 Mu is an idiot

After tweeting, Mai Sakurajima lay exhausted on the table, staring blankly at the cat eating fish tail.

This time, the popularity should go all the way, and everyone will be shouted and beaten like a mouse crossing the street.

If Qingshan Qihai or a few other people were successfully withdrawn, it would definitely not be a loss to pay such a high price, but now it seems that the expected effect has not been achieved, and it is completely empty.

I'm so unhappy!

Mai Sakurajima covered her head and lay motionless on the table, not even daring to read comments from netizens.

Nishino Mu took out half of the dried fish that Mai Sakurajima broke off from the dried fish bag: "Why do you only give her the fish tail?"

"The cat is still young, a whole fish is too much to eat, and she can't eat too much."

"I can't eat more." Nishino Mu put half of the dried fish back into the bag: "Let's feed her at night. Don't you want to read netizens' comments?"


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