"President!" The head of the Human Resources Department's eyes flashed brightly, and he roared angrily: "How can we let them all disperse and leave their posts during working hours? Their bonuses must be deducted!"

Shiraishi Kazuki kept his eyes on his nose, his nose and his heart, and didn't speak. Rizu Ogata showed a look of resentment, but he didn't come out to dissuade him.

The assistant said solemnly: "President, I support their dismissal. The island country lacks everything, but no shortage of people!"

What an idiot, after finally persuading these people, you want to fire them, Wen Yuan will not be able to hang out in the industry in the future.

Nishino Mu said with a headache: "It's too much to dismiss them."

The assistant nodded, and winked at Nishino Mu: "President Renyi, since that's the case, just deduct their bonuses."

Other ministers also expressed their stance to call out the monitoring and punish the troublesome employees in accordance with the rules.

Many company executives discussed this in public, scaring a group of employees who rely on courage and enthusiasm to make trouble. They can resign because of impulse, but impulse is the devil. Now that they have calmed down, they don’t want to be deducted from their bonuses or resign. He looked at Xi Yemu in fear.

Nishino Mu was still wondering what it meant for his assistant to blink his eyes, so he looked around.

Ogata Rizu's entanglement, Shiraishi Kazuki's indifference, the assistant's expectation... the panic of the troublemaker.

Is there any room for maneuver in this kind of thing?

Nishino Mu narrowed his eyes and understood the meaning of many company executives.It is unrealistic to fire all the troublemakers or deduct their bonuses, which will easily arouse public outrage and make employees secretly hate.

But the assistant and many ministers still talked about dismissing them or deducting their bonuses.The ultimate goal is naturally to be a villain, and let myself, the president, be a good person who rejects their proposal. In order not to make myself stupid and accept their suggestion, the assistant gave me a wink.

Nishino Mu thought about it again. Rejecting the proposals of many company executives can indeed bring him a good reputation, but even if he does not punish everyone who participated in the resignation incident, at least he must punish the first few people who made troubles at the beginning, so that they can resign later. Don't dare to make trouble at will.

This is called killing chickens to scare monkeys!

After paying attention, Nishino Mu looked at Kazuki Shiraishi.

Ogata Rizu didn't speak because she was gentle, and she didn't want to see these employees really get fired or lose their bonuses. Why didn't he speak?

Thinking that he has solved this matter and gained his own appreciation and affirmation, so he doesn't want to offend the employees anymore, and become this villain?

Nishino Mu asked: "Minister Baishi, what do you think about this matter?"

"Whatever the president arranges, I will do it honestly." Shiraishi Kazuki said.

The assistant smiled obsequiously: "President, me too."

Nishino Mubai glanced at him, and said to many employees: "Everyone go back to work first, this matter ends here, and I will not let anyone pursue it."

Although he wanted to make an example of others, he couldn't just say that he didn't know that these employees were resigning because their leaders opposed him.He can't know, otherwise not dealing with these employees will damage his dignity, and deal with them will not help stabilize the hearts of the people in the company.

Killing chickens and monkeys can only be done in secret, and the human resources department will be notified later, and the investigation and monitoring will be done to see who started the trouble first, and they will be forced to leave the job directly. The final effect is the same, and everyone knows it.

"Thank you, President." A group of employees didn't know that Mu Nishino, an increasingly qualified president, was planning to make trouble. Most of them turned and left, and some looked at Rizu Ogata.

Wenyuan employees have their own set of procedures for resignation.

If an employee wants to resign, he first goes to the Human Resources Department to get the resignation form, and then takes the resignation form to the immediate leader to sign. After the immediate leader signs, he must go to the psychological counseling department for psychological counseling. Resignation, not because of impulse or other reasons, will be signed.

Finally, the employee returns to the Human Resources Department with the signed resignation form, hand in the resignation form, badge and other items, and then they can leave.

It seems cumbersome, but it’s actually not that difficult. It’s just a formality. If you want to go, the company basically can’t stop it.If you don't want to leave, the company doesn't want you anymore, and you have to leave if you don't.

This part of the people looking at Ogata Rizu has reached the stage of psychological counseling, and the resignation form is still in Ogata Rizu's hands.

Ogata Riju glanced at Nishino Mu who was expressionless, and sighed: "The five people who handed me the resignation form at the beginning, I think you really want to resign, and I will return the signed resignation form to you..."

Nishino Mu was secretly startled. Just now, he was praising Xufang Lizhu for his gentleness, so he changed hands and killed the five people as if they were killed chickens.

This is also fine, and there is no need to specifically order the human resources department to deliberately catch employees' pigtails and fire them.

Nishino Mu chuckled and walked away leisurely.

Although Ogata Rizu is gentle, she understands me very well.

Chapter 83 Don't Be Afraid, I Have Foreign Aid

After solving the company's major crisis, Xi Yemu returned to the office to reward him for his meritorious service.

He thought for a long time, and finally appointed Shiraishi Kazuki, the biggest hero in this incident, as the executive director of Wenyuan Publishing House.

Seeing that there were still two minutes before the off-duty time, Nishino Mu no longer hesitated, patted Shiraishi Kazuki on the shoulder, and said to him earnestly:

"Director Shiraishi, work hard. You are now the managing director of Wenyuan Publishing House. If you do a good job at your job, I will also appoint you as the executive director, or even the president of Wenyuan Publishing House. If you do an outstanding job, I will also appoint you I will promote you to Wenyuan Group as the managing director, and I will naturally give you shares."

"President, please rest assured, for the company, I will definitely go all out and work hard!" Kazuki Shiraishi bowed and expressed his loyalty.

He thought he could only be a minister or an executive director, but he didn't expect to be promoted two levels in a row and become an executive director, which is so cool!

Nishino Mu nodded calmly. Shiraishi Kazuki is ambitious and capable, and without Yukinoshita, promoting him as the managing director of Wenyuan Publishing House should save him a lot of time.

"You said to the resigned employees that you were a fan of Sakurajima, was it true or not?" Mu Nishino asked.

"Fake," Shiraishi Kazuki quickly disentangled the relationship: "I don't have any inappropriate thoughts about Sakurajima-san. I said that to the troublesome employees purely to break into them and win their trust."

"Yeah." Nishino Mu breathed a sigh of relief inexplicably, and officially chose to clock in and leave work.

Driving back to Gensokyo, Mai Sakurajima was calling someone on the sofa in the living room.

She put her legs on the back of the sofa, her back against the sofa cushions, and put the phone to her ear. She waved to Xi Yemu and continued, "Don't worry, I can't really get pregnant out of wedlock. I'm not talking to the reporter." Well, that’s not my real opinion.”

"You still make fun of me, how old are you now, no, you still haven't found a boyfriend."

"Hahaha, you're laughing at me to death, none of the men around you are chasing you?"

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