"I'm a holy angel cat!" Wu Geng Liuli emphasized.

Nishino Mu asked suspiciously: "Is there any difference between the two? Also, why did your clothes become white? They used to be black, right?"

"When there is darkness in the world, the fallen holy black cat will turn from a member of darkness to a holy angel god cat. The clothes are naturally white, and the god cat represents purity." Wugeng Liuli quickly explained the setting.

White does not necessarily mean purity, you wanted to use holy light and holy power to expel the succubus Mai Sakurajima.

Mai Sakurajima looked at Mu Nishino: "What are you thinking? You said that I can eat after I get out of the shower. What about the food?"

"It's... the meal is not a problem, I'll prepare it right away." Oops, I just chatted with Wu Geng Liuli and forgot to cook.

"I'm so hungry, hurry up," Mai Sakurajima said.

"Understood." Nishino Mu hurried downstairs, almost stepping on the cat lying on the steps.

I just cut a few tomatoes just now, and it is too slow to make scrambled eggs with tomatoes, and I have to go shopping with Wu Geng Liuli to buy new clothes later, time is limited, so it's better to make candied tomatoes.

Candied tomatoes are sliced ​​tomatoes, poured with sugar water, sweet, sour, delicious, but not for rice.

Not eating is actually not a big problem, whether it is Wugeng Ruri or Sakurajima Mai, they are all women with super small appetites. They eat tomatoes, drink a bowl of miso soup, and eat a few mouthfuls of rice, and they are full. .

"The tomatoes are so delicious," Wu Geng Liuli wiped her pink lips with tissue paper: "I'm going to wash the dishes."

"No, you are a guest, let me do this kind of work." Mai Sakurajima took the plate away first.

"I'm here as a boarding house, so it's only natural to help with housework." Wu Geng Liuli stood up.

"Black Cat, let Sakurajima do the laundry," Nishino Mu took out his phone, "The clothes you're wearing are inconvenient, let's go buy new clothes first."

Mai Sakurajima paused as she walked towards the kitchen, and turned her head to cast an angry look at Mu Nishino: "You want to go out with her? Can't you wait for me to finish cleaning the dishes?"

"No!" Wu Geng Liuli took Xi Yemu's arm and left: "It's getting dark, let's go back quickly."

"Wait for me, I'll go too," Mai Sakurajima put the tableware back in the kitchen, and hurriedly walked to the second floor, intending to change the bathrobe: "Nishino, you must wait for me."

Nishino Mu reminded her: "Don't step on that cat nestled on the steps."

"Don't worry." Sakurajima Mai avoided the cat and walked into the bedroom on the second floor.

"She just got out of the shower, and she's still a big star. She needs to put on makeup for a long time, are you sure you have to wait?" Wu Geng Liuli asked.

"This...don't wait, I'll go and tell her."

"Just send a message."

"Hmm." Mu Nishino sent a message to Mai Sakurajima - don't clean up, we're leaving first.

"Let's go." Wu Geng Liuli took Xi Yemu's arm and happily walked out of the room.

And then... Big Wings was blocked by the door.

"It's okay." Wugeng Liuli let go of Xi Yemu calmly: "You go out first."

"Okay." Nishino Mu walked out of the room, watched as Wu Geng Liuli grabbed the two crossed ribbons on his chest, closed his wings completely, and walked out generously.

"Big wings are troublesome." Nishino Mu said.

"No trouble," Wu Geng Liuli loosened the ribbon, and the wings became V-shaped again, then pulled the ribbon again, and the two wings formed a line, forming a "1" shape behind her.

"How is it?" Wu Geng Liuli showed off happily: "I spent a lot of effort to get it done."

"It's really good, can you close it sideways?" Xi Yemu said: "Just like a real angel, stick the wings to the back."

"I can't do it for the time being. I tried it. I need a lot of ropes, and it's too ugly to hang on my chest." Beautiful and practical, Wugeng Liuli chose beautiful, which is what normal women would choose.

"Let's talk about it later," Xi Yemu drove out the car: "Let's go shopping for clothes first."

As Wugeng Ruri said, although Mai Sakurajima changed clothes as quickly as possible, it was still [-] minutes later.

She stood at the entrance of the room, gritted her teeth and looked at the phone: "You bastard Nishino, you said you'd wait for me, but you actually ran away with her."

Clothes and make-up are all ready, and they must not be wasted. Mai Sakurajima walked out of the house angrily, choosing to go out alone.

Going shopping with Wugeng Liuli this time, Xi Yemu has a clear goal, buy clothes and leave, and never stay longer.

There is also Mai Sakurajima who may be sulking at home. If it takes too much time to buy clothes, you may be scolded when you go back.

However, Wu Geng Liuli thought it was a rare time for the two of them to come out once, and it would be too bad if they didn't play hard for a while.

She took the trouble to try on one gorgeous dress after another.

Nishino Mu sat on a chair in the store, saying things like "It looks good" and "You look beautiful in it" from time to time.

Guys next to me, don't envy me, no matter how beautiful this woman is, I have seen it enough to see it twenty or thirty times, but she is still trying on, I have already developed aesthetic fatigue.

Huh?Nishino Mu scratched the back of his head, and stared at Wugeng Liuli's chest, which seemed to have become much smaller.

Speaking of which, she seems to have grown up when she was wearing a gothic lolita outfit. Is there anything weird about it?

Nishino Mu became interested. On the way the two bought clothes and left the mall, he realized that the fabric on the chest of the gothic loli outfit had been thickened.

The combination of handsome men and beautiful women made Xiyemu and Wugeng Liuli always attract the attention of passers-by.

The main reason is that Nishino Mu has his own eye-catching magic, and Wu Geng Liuli is wearing a gorgeous gothic lolita outfit. When the two walk together, it is difficult not to be noticed.

The final result was that Mai Sakurajima asked passers-by and easily found them at the entrance of the mall.

"Dare to leave me." Mai Sakurajima grabbed Nishino Mu's arm, her eyes were burning: "Do you really want to get rid of me and be alone with other women?"

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