But when it comes to their beauty level, as long as their shortcomings are not too outrageous, they can be easily forgiven.

Nishino Mu explained: "I don't have the urge to marry you for now."

Under what circumstances would a man have the urge to marry a woman?

Mu Nishino didn't know, and Mai Sakurajima didn't know either.

"I bought it back." Wugeng Liuli held a handful of game coins in his hand, walked to the arcade machine and put one in, and put the rest in his pocket: "Nishino, let me show you how to play first.

The first thing to do is to choose a character. I prefer to use the mentally retarded goddess. She is one of the characters in the sewer, but this game is fun when the weak defeat the strong..."

Watching Wugeng Liuli play again, Nishino Mu couldn't wait to say: "Isn't this just a combo of skills to fight, it's trivial, let me try."

"This game is really not difficult," Wu Geng Liuli took out a game coin from his pocket and stuffed it into the arcade machine.

Nishino Mu squeezed her away, grabbed the handle, and chose the battle mode.




Games start!

Nishino Mu Miao chooses Mikoto. This character is nicknamed Dengeki Girl because of her ability to discharge electricity. She wears nasty safety pants. I don’t know where the cuteness is. She can even make herself call her wife before she loses her memory.

The other party chose a white-haired, flat-chested female high school student. Ogata Rizu said: "She is the president of the student council, and her nickname is Angel. She is a very strong character."

"Strong? Can I be as strong as me?" Nishi Yemu pressed the button to control the electric shock girl to approach the motionless angel.

Try it with flat A first.

was blocked.

Nishino Mu felt the pressure, the opponent was very strong!

"Angel's defensive skills, if you don't use the skills to break the shield, level A is invalid for her." Mai Sakurajima explained the characteristics of the skills.

Nishino Mu asked in surprise, "You still understand this?"

"You told me that when you played the game before."

"So it's like... I'll go!"

Xi Yemu didn't finish his sentence, and the electric shock girl who was in control was caught in a row by the opponent's angel.

"Don't bother me with your words, I will play this game seriously." Xi Yemu invited the opponent to start another round, and the opponent readily accepted.

At the beginning of the game, Nishino Mu came up with an offensive skill. After a cool combo, the opponent's blood remained intact.

"What's going on?" Nishino Mu asked Wu Geng Liuli in disbelief, "Is he cheating?"

"No, he dodged all of them." Wu Geng Liuli said with a smile: "You can evade your skills by moving and blocking."

"I still don't believe it!" Nishino Mu lost his temper. Just as he was about to continue to attack, he was knocked out by a series of attacks from the angel.

"I underestimated the enemy, let's play another round." Xi Yemu learned the lessons of the previous two rounds, played the game meticulously, and did not dare to be sloppy at all.

After persisting for half a minute, the opponent seized the opportunity to kill him in seconds.

"Look, I've already lived a few seconds longer than before. If this continues and I play a few more games, I'm sure I can kill him." Xi Yemu continued to invite the other party unwillingly, who knew that he refused, and wrote in the reason for the rejection : Black cat, you are too good!

I wrote down your ID!Wait for me!

"I'm a top [-] player in the entire server, and the opponent I'm matched with is of course a player. You can't beat me normally," Wu Geng Liuli said with a smile, "Use your own account first."

Nishino Mu nodded unwillingly, and logged in with his own account.

This time, the matching opponent was not so strong. Nishino Mu controlled the Dengeki girl to fight him in a [-]-[-] split, and really realized the charm of the game.

When the skill hits the opponent, Dengeki girl will say something, such as: "Come on, face me."

Handsome figure, touching voice, cool special effects for skill release... Mu Nishino fell in love with this character all of a sudden.

"As expected of my wife, she is amazing. The blue-haired maid with a meteor hammer on the opposite side can't beat me at all." Nishino Mu said excitedly.

"Nishino, you used to say that the blue-haired maid with the meteor hammer is also your wife, and you nicknamed her Remulin." Mai Sakurajima showed a strange smile on her face.

"Really?" Mu Nishino knocked down the opponent, and after the victory, he watched "Railgun, Eternal" on the screen, and decided to use Remlin next.

"I said, you can't really keep playing like this, can you still play other games?" Mai Sakurajima said helplessly.

"I won't play any more," Nishino Mu promised.

This second picks Remlin, and the opponent picks Mikoto.

"I chose Miqin, and I really don't want to beat him," Nishino Mu said happily.

"You don't know about Remulin's skill mechanism, let's talk about it after you win him," Wu Geng Liuli said.

"It doesn't matter if you don't know," Nishino Mu smiled confidently, "I know Mikoto's skill mechanism."

At the beginning of the game, Nishino Mu was killed before he used his skills conservatively and tried out the effects of each skill.

"Okay, the game is over, let's go to other places to play." Sakurajima Mai is going to Laxi Yemu.

"Wait! Remulin is fine. I'm not reconciled to losing, so let me play again." Mu Nishino looked at Mai Sakurajima pleadingly.

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