"President, I will definitely supervise the bookstore in person. Will another printing factory be built?" Kazuki Shiraishi asked.

Compared with the bookstore, the only printing factory in Wenyuan has a booming business.

Who made the island country Tokyo have a lot of small publishing houses without printing houses, and the printing houses not only print books, but also print various advertisements, posters and textbooks.

Nishino Mu hesitated: "If the production capacity of the printing factory is limited, can't you find another printing factory to print books? Why do you have to create another one?"

Shiraishi Kazuki said with a wry smile: "The printing fee of "Hundred Fate" alone is enough for us to acquire a small printing factory."

"Really?" Nishino Mu asked in surprise: "Can the paper version of "Bai Yuan Knot" sell so well?"

Shiraishi Kazuki said calmly: "The marketing department has done a questionnaire survey, and the final data shows that the sales volume of "Hundred Fate Knots" is very likely to exceed [-] million."

The island country is the main area where light novels are active. If the sales of a light novel exceed [-] million copies, it is normal for the island country to digest five or six million copies.

How much can a printing house earn by printing five or six million books?Even if the profit of a book is one yen, it is five or six million yen.

The question is whether "Bai Yuan Knot" can break through tens of millions of copies. The light novels that have sold tens of millions of copies in the history of the island country are all giants, and none of them have released the electronic version for free in advance.

"Hundred Fate Knots" is also a masterpiece, but unfortunately the electronic version has been released for free.

"Are you sure the sales volume of "Hundred Fate Knots" can exceed [-] million?" Nishino Mu frowned, not quite convinced.

"Bai Yuan Knot" started serialization on June 6th. I wrote 15 words in a week, and now I have written more than 8 words. I have already earned a lot of money for the source. berserk.

In Nishino Mu's view, it would be considered good if "Bai Yuan Knot" can sell one million paper copies.

Kazuki Shiraishi said respectfully: "President, among the readers of light novels in the island country, adults who can make money account for a large proportion. They are used to buying paper books for collection, preaching and viewing. The electronic version is for them. To quench your thirst, not to satisfy your hunger.

Some readers who don't have the money to buy three books, after reading the electronic version of "Bai Yuan Knot", they think it is very exciting, so they want to buy a paper version to support the author.

There are also some readers who have tipped the books, but they are not used to reading the electronic version, so they will buy the paper version.

The remaining people are divided into those who didn’t spend a penny for watching the electronic version, and those who have tipped the electronic version and will not buy the paper version again.

These two types of people are generally very few, and have little impact on the sales of the paper version of "Bai Yuan Knot".

In the island country before Wenyuan, readers had to buy the book before reading it. After buying it, they found it ugly and couldn’t get a refund.

After the establishment of Wenyuan, a new era has been created. Readers read the electronic version of the book first, and if they find it enjoyable, they will buy the paper version of the book for collection.

This is all thanks to the president's foresight and calm layout! "

Nishino Mu looked bewildered, am I that good?I just want to build a free novel website, earn advertising fees with clicks, and reduce readers’ reading costs by the way. How do you understand that readers decide whether to buy physical books after reading the electronic version?

"Director Baishi, I understand the general situation. Let's build another printing factory. It's best to buy one directly, otherwise it will be too late to print books."


Kazuki Shiraishi exited the office.

Xi Yemu pressed his thumb against his temple, what is going on?What went wrong?What kind of strange human beings are island readers, why are they different from what I thought?

Nishino Mu thought about it irritably for a long time, and finally decided to ask Mrs. G.

Ten minutes later, he figured out the standard answer on the Internet. The reason for this result can be attributed to the four words "cultural thought".

Islanders have long had the habit of reading and collecting physical books. Reading the electronic version always feels uncomfortable and has no substance, and they think that only those who cannot afford the paper version will read the electronic version.

If the islanders want to read a book, they will first consider spending money to buy the paper version. If they have no money, they will force themselves to read the electronic version.

So even if you read the electronic version, there will still be a large number of islanders buying paper books for collection.

As Shiraishi Kazuki said, the islanders regard the electronic version of books as the evaluation criterion for whether to buy the paper version, rather than saying that they will not buy the paper version after reading the electronic version.

For many people in the world, the most important thing about a book is the content inside. After reading the content, it is equivalent to reading the book, and if you buy it again, you will lose money.

But for islanders, reading the electronic version is not called reading, but reading the paper version is called reading.

"The ideology and culture of the people of the island country are so terrifying! I wanted to lighten their burden, but I didn't expect it to increase their reading costs. It's a crime."

Just as Nishino Mu just wanted to repent, he suddenly thought that maybe his "obsession with love" was secretly working on this incident, secretly affecting the spiritual culture of the island people.

Thinking about it carefully, I was always worried that Wenyuan Novel.com would go bankrupt, but who knows that now it caters to the needs of the island country market by mistake.

However, there is no such thing as a coincidence in reality. Maybe it's just the golden finger playing a role.

"Sure enough, it's best to follow fate. As long as my mentality does not collapse, everything will develop in a direction that is beneficial to me. No matter whether my obsession is strong or weak, I will never let bad things happen to me."

Nishino Muhuo is so big, it's the first time that he feels that his life is not bad.

dong dong!

There was a knock on the office door, and Xiao Lizhu, the cook, opened the door and came in: "Nishino, today's lunch is dandan noodles and seaweed rice balls."

Before he knew it, it was noon, and Xi Yemu was hungry, so he ate a little less than before.

"Isn't it delicious?" Ogata Rizu bit her lip.

Great, this girl is too careful.Nishino Mu was slightly taken aback, thinking that maybe she was secretly observing how much I ate every day, otherwise how would she know that I ate a little less than usual today.

"I'm not very hungry today, I've eaten too much in the morning." Nishino Mu smiled moved, and there is nothing more difficult to bear the grace of a beauty than this.

"That's good, I thought you didn't like today's food," Ogata Rizu clasped the chopsticks with her fingers, and said shyly, "As investors, why don't we go to visit the dubbing scene of the anime "Hai Yuan Knot" together?" ?”

"Yes!" This must be possible, the dubbing scene of the anime, if you don't go, you will feel sorry for the life you have lived again.

"Great, let's go together after dinner, Fumino is waiting for us." Ogata Ritzu said happily.

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