Xi Yemu took out his mobile phone and called back the number of Teacher Bronzebeard.


The phone rang once and was connected.

Nishino Mu opened his mouth, not knowing what to say.

Can't come up with just one sentence: Teacher, do you need my help with anything?

If you really said that, even if Teacher Bronzebeard had something to do, I'm afraid he would be ashamed to say so.

Nishino Mu was silent for a moment, then called out in a relaxed tone: "Teacher Bronzebeard."

"Nishino? It's really you, why call me when you have time, aren't you accompanying your two little girlfriends?"

Considering the time when the teacher called before, it is very likely that the two girlfriends are Mai Sakurajima and Nanami Aoyama.

Nishino Mu said calmly, "Sakurajima and Aoyama are not my girlfriends."

"I didn't mention them. I was talking about Fumino Furuhashi and Rizu Ogata." Teacher Bronzebeard seemed surprised: "Could it be that you have something to do with Mai Sakurajima and Nanami Aoyama?"

Nishino Mu swallowed, and glanced at Fumino Fumino Furuhashi and Rizu Ogata who were hugging and chatting together. It turned out that the little girlfriend was referring to them, so embarrassing.

"Teacher Bronzebeard, I have a relationship with Aoyama and Sakurajima, but it's not the kind of relationship you imagined. To be honest, I'm still innocent with them."

Huh?Why are you guilty?It's all because Mai Sakurajima didn't sleep well last night, which makes me unable to speak confidently now, which is very annoying.

Nishino Mu was a little flustered. If someone heard it and couldn't explain it clearly, he might not have married Mai Sakurajima. No one would believe that they simply changed rooms. In fact, nothing happened.

Could it be that these are the results of Mai Sakurajima's calculations?

Having been tricked by Mai Sakurajima once, Mu Nishino became very preoccupied, and liked to think a little more about everything. At this moment, he started to use his brain again, secretly thinking about how to prove the fact that he was still single.

For the rest of my life, I can’t just be trapped by Mai Sakurajima like this. Before meeting someone I like, a man must withstand the temptation and guard his future wife like a jade. Since amnesia, nothing has happened, and no temptation has been seen. I am quite happy Don't ask questions, come on, Teacher Bronzebeard, I'm not afraid of you!

Xi Yemu's eyes were firm, his body relaxed, and he naturally raised his legs and leaned against the soft sofa back.

On the other side of the phone, Teacher Bronzebeard's cold voice sounded: "I hope you are telling the truth, don't be sorry for Fumino and Riju, they are good children."

"No matter what I do, I will make myself clear." Xi Yemu was very clear-headed at this moment and knew how to answer.

"Righteous!" Guqiao Fumino gave a thumbs up with a smile: "Nishino, remember what you said today, I am optimistic about you."

"Thank you." Nishino Mu thanked politely.

"Wen Nai is by your side?" Teacher Bronze Beard asked.

"Yes, and Ogata."

"Call them, I want to talk to them."

"it is good."

Nishino Mu handed the phone to Fumino Guqiao, Rizu Asaokata smiled, and walked out of the reception room alone.

Stress is too much, get out and relax.

The building has many dubbing studios, half of which are empty and more than half are full of people.

Nishino Mu walked from the first floor to the third floor, and saw the slogan on the stairs of the third floor: White Dolphin Voice Actor Office.

I didn't pay attention to the sign when I entered the door. Is this building owned by the White Dolphin Voice Actress Office?

Aoyama Nanami's agency is FGH voice actor agency, no wonder Bian Hang refused to hire her because she was late.

Xi Yemu didn't go up any further. It would be bad if he ran into the security guards and was driven away.

He turned around and went back to the second floor, and saw a vending machine at the corner of the corridor. He happened to be thirsty, so he walked over without thinking.

"Please be my girlfriend!"

Heard great things.

Nishino Mu shook his head and smiled, took out coins from his wallet, and prepared to put them into the vending machine.

"We don't know each other. It's too much for you to suddenly ask me to be your girlfriend."

The owner of the voice, Nishino Mu, is Fumino Furuhashi.

Isn't she on the phone with Teacher Bronzebeard?How would it appear here?

Xi Yemu put the coins back into his wallet, came to the corner of the corridor, and looked around.

It can only be said that accidents are everywhere, and the line of sight coincides with that of Fumino Guqiao.

The man with his back to Nishino Mu was wearing a black suit, with long hair and a burly figure. He had a physique that could scare away a thin young man at a glance.

Guqiao Wennai stood gracefully opposite the burly man, looking at Xi Yemu with big eyes without blinking.

It's not good, there is an ominous premonition, Xi Yemu wants to turn around and leave.

But the burly man had already noticed that Guqiao Fumina was looking behind him, he turned around abruptly, his fierce face startled Xi Yemu.

"Who are you?" The burly man clenched his fist the size of a sandbag.

"People passing by." Nishino Mu stepped out generously, and innocently raised his hands to show that he had no malice.

"Get out." The burly man didn't want to cause trouble, so he chased Xi Yemu away.

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