"Yeah. Nishino, is it the same reason for you to have a girlfriend?" Ogata Ritzu muttered in a low voice, "Eat snacks first, then meat."

Since you can say such a thing?Nishino Mu smiled awkwardly: "Why did you say this suddenly? These two things are not comparable."

Having been a voice actor for a long time, no matter how pure a girl is, she will know a lot of dirty knowledge. Aoyama and Nanami held back her shame: "Seniors told me that there are three bases in dating. The first two bases are to eat snacks, and the last base is to eat meat , Rizu, you can’t just blame Nishino’s idea of ​​eating dim sum before eating meat, most couples in the world are the same.”

"No," Ogata Rizu said blushing anxiously, "I'm talking about dim sum referring to you or one of us, and meat referring to the woman Nishino wants to marry in the end."

Look, look, you will know that learning psychology is not easy, Ogata Rizu has been exposed.

But the question she asked was serious, was she warning me not to touch a woman I didn't want to marry?Or are you saying that she doesn't want to be a snack?

Nishino Mu secretly pondered, picked up his plate full of vegetable salad, and said as if thinking of something: "Ogata, falling in love and eating are different after all, there is a natural gap between snacks and meat, which cannot be changed.

When it comes to love, everyone is born equal, why do you regard me as a person who eats?You can completely regard me as snacks or meat, and be the person who eats by yourself. "

Ogata Ritzu was ashamed to death: "I am a meat eater? Shouldn't a man take the initiative in this kind of thing?"

Qingshan Qihai was dumbfounded: "Does Nishino mean to let us seduce you?"

ha?Xi Yemu deliberately explained to them: I mean, I'm just an ordinary piece of meat or snack, you don't have to come and eat me.

However, why should a man push the beautiful woman who likes him to other men?

It's fine if you hate that woman. If you don't hate that woman, it doesn't matter if you are selfish or a scumbag, anyway, Xi Yemu can't say it.

Thinking that these women around him would marry other men in the future, Xi Yemu felt a little irritable for no reason.

This irritability is definitely not love, it should be a man's disgusting possessiveness...

"Nishino, what's the matter?" Aoyama Nanami asked curiously, "What are you thinking about so preoccupied?"

"Oh, it's okay, I accidentally thought of something else."

"You haven't answered Nanami's question just now." Ogata Ritzu said.

"What's the problem?" Xi Yemu tried to get away with it: "It's not important, let's go back to the private room for dinner."

Ogata Rizu looked left and right, and said unnaturally: "The question is, does Nishino want us to seduce you?"

"Don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, men can't stand the temptation, if you come and fall for me once, things will be even more troublesome." Nishino Mu was terrified: "I mean, no matter if I'm a snack or a meat, as a People who eat, it’s not time to eat, so don’t worry about how to eat now.”

"But I already..." Ogata Riju wanted to report her age.

Qingshan Qihai interrupted her: "Don't panic if you are not twenty-five years old, our female voice actresses generally get married at thirty."

"That's right, it's still several years away." Nishino Mu said shamelessly.

Ogata Riju finally saw that Nishino Mu was unwilling to answer this question directly, so he had no choice but to give up.As Qihai said, there is no rush for this moment.

After all, according to what Fuminai said, I have tested Nishino's current view of love, and the future will be long, and I will slowly arrange it in the future.

The three returned to the private room and saw Wugeng Liuli fighting for a big crab with Mai Sakurajima.

"I haven't eaten crabs in three years, and you still rob me? Mai Sakurajima! Are you shameless?"

"It's just a crab, there's no meat at all, so what's delicious."

"If you spit out the crab leg meat in your mouth, I will believe your nonsense."

"Stop arguing, you can order another one, this is just what I got first."

"Bastard, this is the only crab I ordered. If you dare to steal mine, I will curse you, curse you with a green hat on your head, and your husband looking for a mistress! Curse yourself for being a mistress!"

"Ahem!" Nishino Mu coughed twice imitating the plot in the TV series.

"What? Got a cold?" Fumino Guqiao ate the shrimp, took out a tissue from the hand of the waitress who was wearing clothes beside him, and wiped his lips gracefully.

"I don't have a cold, I just want to remind you, it's better to pay attention to the impact." Nishino Mu sat back in his seat disheveledly.

His position is on the left of Wugeng Ruri and on the right of Sakurajima Mai.On the right side of Wugen Liuli are Ogata Lizhu, Guqiao Fumino, and Qingshan Qihai.

Because it is a round table, Mai Sakurajima is on the right of Aoyama Nanami.

Mai Sakurajima skillfully peeled off a crab, happily ate the tender meat inside, and did not forget to mock Nishino Mu after eating: "I really don't know why you are coughing. .”

"That's right," Wugeng Liuli quickly peeled the shrimp: "The purpose of your coughing must be to show your own existence, suffocating machismo."

very good!Ruthlessly exposed my lies, I owe it to you.

Nishino Mu put the vegetable salad he brought aside, picked up the papaya milk that someone ordered, and drank a cup under Wugeng Liuli and Guqiao Fumino's grief-stricken eyes.

Fumino Guqiao pretended to be calm and said, "I'm just a little thirsty, drink some milk."

The waitress immediately poured her a glass of papaya milk.

Wugeng Liuli looked at the big bottle of milk, saw that there was still a cup of milk left in it, and reached out...

The waitress pushed the milk bottle in front of Sakurajima Mai: "Just now, the black cat cursed that you will be cuckolded, your husband will cheat, and you are a mistress. In order to break her curse, drink some milk to calm your shock?"

Nishino Mu had an ominous premonition: "Don't stir up discord, Sakurajima won't drink!"

"You really don't want to drink it?" The waitress picked up the milk bottle and poured it into the glass in front of Fumino Guqiao: "If you don't drink it, you must remember this glass of milk when the curse comes true."

"I'll drink it!" Mai Sakurajima glanced at Wugeng Liuli, and got up to get the milk.

The waitress smiled and handed it to her, saying that it was too late, so soon, a small hand stretched out from the side of Nishino Mu and patted the cup.

The milk splashed on Xi Yemu's vegetable salad.

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