"A total of four words."

Nishino Mu suddenly felt that what he said could easily be misunderstood.

When boys and girls hear the person they like say three or four words to themselves, most of them will think that it means I love you or I like you.

It seems that there is no problem saying four words to Mai Sakurajima now, she is a beautiful woman, it is natural for men to like her, but unfortunately this kind of feeling is not love.

Not beyond Nishino Mu's expectation, Sakurajima Mai really wanted to go wrong, and she said with a trembling voice: "How about I say four words to you first, and I won't be so nervous when I say it myself."

Nishino Mu's heart was beating violently. Even though he was not a famous detective, he could still easily guess what the four words Mai Sakurajima wanted to say.

There's no need, there's really no need for her to speak out, and she won't agree when she says it out. Before she finds a way to solve the aging problem of the women around her, Mu Nishino is determined not to fall in love.

Although very touched, but in order to prevent Mai Sakurajima from saying four words first, and finally suffering from being rejected by herself, Muqiang Nishino smiled happily and said in a relaxed tone: "The four words I want to say to you are: Not going back!"

"I agree!" Mai Sakurajima said impatiently without even thinking about it.

Two seconds later, she realized that the four words Xi Yemu said were not the four words she thought, and immediately explained: "I'm not..."

Nishino Mu pretended not to understand her meaning, interrupted her, and said happily: "It's great that you understand me, I won't go back tonight, I will go back tomorrow after attending Teacher Kirisu's celebration."

Mai Sakurajima was silent for a long time, and smiled freely: "Okay, I understand, you deal with your own affairs first, and I will take good care of myself."

Unexpectedly, she was so reasonable, Xi Yemu breathed a sigh of relief.

As for people, as long as they relax, they will immediately talk without choosing words.

Nishino Mu asked cheekily, "Why don't you ask me what I'm doing?"

"You don't need to ask, if I don't even have this little confidence in you, why should I marry you in the future?" Mai Sakurajima said.

Where does this strong self-confidence come from?Why do you trust me so much?Why do you think I will marry you?

Nishino Mu was moved and panicked at the same time, he said a few casual words to her at a loss and hung up the phone.

"Nishino, who are you chatting with?" Teacher Kirisu, wearing a spotless black suit, with her pink hair tied into a princess braid, walked out of the bathroom with a dignified expression.

"With a friend," Nishino Mu hesitated, his eyes flickering.

I don't know if it's an illusion, but the current teacher Tongxu seems very indifferent, her words are cold and cold: "You promised me before that you will never be a scumbag, don't forget."

Is there such a thing?Can you say I forgot?

Xi Yemu exhaled lightly, showing a sincere smile: "I will never forget the teacher's words."

"I hope so." Teacher Kirisu sat kneeling on the tatami mat on the other side, with his back straight.

Nishino Mu looked at her in surprise, could the teacher be mentally ill?Is it schizophrenia? Just now is completely different from now!

I don't know how long it took, Nishino Mu finally found that Teacher Tongxu's face was rosy, and his fingers were kneading each other non-stop, which was a sign of nervousness.

"Teacher, Nishino," Ogata Rizu came out of the bathroom. She went in to take a bath with Kirisu-sensei just now, but she came out ten minutes late.

"Everyone is here, let's go." Teacher Tongxu stood up and said.

"I won't go." Nishino Mu raised his hands in a gesture of surrender.

No matter what time it is, he doesn't like to take aimless walks. He might as well play games to relax at that time.

"Go for a walk with us, it's good for your health." Ogata Rizu said pitifully.

Nishino Mu shook his head resolutely: "No, I'll go back to my room and sleep."

When I talk about sleeping, I actually go back to my room, play games, watch anime and listen to music.

"It's okay if you don't go for a walk, can you please prepare the ingredients for tomorrow?" Teacher Kirisu said in a slightly begging tone.

Nishino Mu spread his hands helplessly: "I don't know what to do tomorrow, how to prepare the ingredients? I should let Ogata prepare it."

"Ahem!" Teacher Tongxu coughed twice, and his eyes drifted to other places: "Maybe I will trouble you and Lizhu to cook tomorrow, you have the right to decide what to do."

Nishino Mu's thoughts were a little confused. It stands to reason that he cooked dinner tonight, so he shouldn't have to do it tomorrow. Isn't there Ogata Ritzu and Fumino Furuhashi?Why did you catch him plucking the wool all by himself?

"Mr. Tongxu," Nishino Mu said loudly, "If we don't come, you will definitely not be able to hold this celebration successfully." There is no doubt that it will not be successful. What he Nishino said, God can't change it even when it comes.

"This is why I specially invited you here. I must not lose face in front of my future subordinates." Teacher Tongxu stood up, serious as if he was reading the inauguration declaration:

"Recently, someone at school said that I was sloppy and my housekeeping skills were a mess. This severely damaged my dignity and almost made me a laughing stock. I need to hold a celebration at home to let them know that I am a good woman who can be independent. !"

Do you still want to be independent?Please give us less trouble.

Nishino Mu looked at Ogata Rizu, exchanged glances with her, and then they both sighed at the same time.

"You, you!" Teacher Tongxu said angrily, "One day, I will become an independent and excellent woman, which will impress you."

"But teacher," Ogata Rizu hit her: "You said the same thing many years ago."

Teacher Tongxu was taken aback, snorted coldly, stomped out of the house, Ogata Rizu smiled at Nishino Mu, and left with her.

Both of them left, which means that I have to deal with the ingredients for tomorrow.Xi Yemu walked into the kitchen in frustration and began to process various ingredients.

Teacher Tongxu seems to be very rich. The beef she buys is three stars and above, and there are a lot of various fruits. Xi Yemu couldn't help but eat a bunch of grapes and several bananas.

He shredded all kinds of meat, selected and washed the vegetables, and he was busy for an hour before he had time to take a shower.

Walking into the bathroom, there are two laundry tubs filled with dirty clothes, and the top of the tubs are black pantyhose.

Nishino Mu could imagine the scene where the two women were undressing here, they must have taken off their pantyhose from top to bottom.

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