Separated from Mitaka Jin and returned to Tongsu's house.

Guqiao Fuminai hurried to the bedroom after greeting everyone, she was not going to go into the bathroom to take a shower immediately.

Nishino Mu didn't have so many worries, he went to the bathroom to take a shower, and changed into the clothes he changed last night.Even though it rained a lot this afternoon, the clothes are still dry, which means that the weather last night and morning was hot enough.

Walking out of the bathroom, almost all the people eating and drinking in the living room stared at him brightly, as if they had never seen a handsome guy.

"Nishino-san, I heard that you have a good relationship with Sakurajima-san?" The middle-aged woman in a suit is a person in charge of culture and education. She kept chatting with Ogata Rizu during the meal. When she saw Nishino Mu, she immediately couldn't wait. inquiry.

Xi Yemu didn't understand what her purpose was, and said calmly: "She and I are just ordinary friends."

"Hahaha, that's fine, Nishino-san, please sit down." The middle-aged woman stood up and pulled the chair beside her away.

"No, no, I'll do it myself." Xi Yemu didn't accept this, but rushed to pull the chair away and sat down.

The middle-aged woman didn't force her, and said with a smile: "Principal Tongxu and I are sisters. Since you are her students, you are juniors in my eyes, and everyone is your own."

Who and you are on your own, can't you just talk about it if you have something to say?

Nishino Mu remained silent, and the atmosphere was a little awkward for a moment.

The middle-aged woman winked at Teacher Kirisu.

Teacher Tongxu raised her brows and ignored her.

The middle-aged woman had no choice but to take the initiative: "Nishino-san, I heard that your company has a printing factory?"

What is this for?Send business to your door?

Nishino Mu said truthfully: "The output of my printing factory is limited, and there will be no redundant production lines until September."

The middle-aged woman smiled, said no more strange words, and resumed the lively and normal communication with everyone

During this period, Fumino Guhashi went out to eat wearing the clothes of Mr. Tongxu, and was sexually approached by a middle-aged woman.

Finally, the party is over.

At this time, the weather was beautiful and the rain stopped.

Teacher Kirisu bid farewell to the subordinates and superiors who came to the party, and returned home to help clean up the messy living room.

"Teacher, take a break."

"Teacher, clothes! Vegetable juice dripped on the clothes."


Teacher Tongxu is rejected by a group of girls, so he can only chat with Nishino Mu and Yuwo Chengxin who also don't work.

"Only me, are you married to Runxiang?" Teacher Tongxu asked seriously.

"No, teacher. She is still participating in competitions abroad." Only me, Cheng Xin, waved his hands hastily.

"How many years, you can't do it, men should take the initiative sometimes."

"Teacher, I understand." Weiwo Chengxin nodded embarrassedly.

"Nishino, Simi will come again later. She should talk nonsense to you. You can do what you want. It's okay to refuse her. Don't give me face." Teacher Tongxu said.

Simi is the name of a middle-aged woman. Nishino Mu knew it at the party, and he asked Teacher Tongxu curiously: "What nonsense will she say? And won't rejecting her affect your work?"

"She should ask you to do something that will benefit her promotion. I don't know what it is. As for the second question." Teacher Tongxu said indifferently:

"Si Mei and I have a very good relationship. It doesn't matter if you reject her. She won't hurt me. In fact, the main purpose of her coming this time is to give me a platform and help me deter the school leadership. But seeing you and Fumino Riju After that, I had thoughts that I shouldn't have."

"So that's how it is." Nishino Mu tried hard to figure out Miss Si Mei's thoughts.

Because it was already [-] o'clock in the afternoon, and it was rainy, Kirisu Miharu didn't want to go home too late, so she left with Yui Chengxin.

Ten minutes later, Simi came to Tongxu's house again.

"Mafuyu, I'm here again." Simi embraced Teacher Tongxu who greeted her.

Teacher Tongsu's full name is Tongsu Mafuyu.

"Actually, I don't welcome you." Kirisu Mafuyu let out his unhappiness.

"Oh, I won't let your lovely student do bad things." Simi patted Tongsu Mafuyu on the shoulder, and sat down next to Nishino Mu.

"Nishino-san, you are Mafuyu's proud student. There were too many people before, and I can't explain some things clearly. Now there are only a few of us, so I will talk to you openly." Simi coughed twice and glanced Rizu Fumino, who was washing dishes in the kitchen, continued:

"I have an elder in Tokyo. He is a high-level person in charge of the Ministry of Culture and Education. Recently, he intends to promote the reform of national textbooks. He urgently needs textbooks that are more suitable for high school students. I hope you can help persuade Ogata-san and Furuhashi-san to compile a copy "Mathematics" and "Chinese."

"Talk to them directly." Xi Yemu didn't want to deal with such things.

Simi smiled wryly and said, "My elder was contacted by someone when he was in Tokyo, but they were ruthlessly rejected."

"Since they refused, what else is there to say?" Nishino Mu didn't want to help her even more. It's not just Ogata Rizu and Furuhashi Fumino who are better at mathematics and Chinese in the world. If they really can promote the reform of textbooks, find them It's definitely not difficult for a few.

What's more, he didn't know why Fumino Fumino and Rizu Ogata refused, so he couldn't say much.

"It is because they rejected my elder that I am more useful." Simi explained: "I intend to give the textbook written by Ogata-san and Guqiao-san as a birthday present to that elder. If the textbook suits him Mind, it is good for us and not harmful.”

Tongsu Mafuyu served tea for the two of them, and glared at Simi: "Why do you only talk about the advantages, not the disadvantages. If the textbook is not well written and your parents are furious, wouldn't everyone want to die together? "

"It's just a textbook. As long as he doesn't offend his old man's taboo, he won't take it out on others even if he is dissatisfied." Simi said: "Compiling textbooks is a heavy responsibility, and I certainly won't let Guqiao-san and Ogata-san work alone. If they Agree, I will promote the power of the city and the county to collect all kinds of data for their use."

Some things, you can't just make decisions for others.Nishino Mu knows that as long as he agrees to help intercede, Ogata Rizu will definitely agree, Ogata Rizu agrees, and Fumino Furuhashi may also agree, but this is a sign of disrespect.

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