"Nishino, I heard Mai Sakurajima mopping the floor is super clean."

Nishino Mu looked at the clean floor and said with certainty, "That's right."

"If you mop the floor clean, instead of filming, you should be a cleaning girl, and you should be able to earn a lot of money."

Nishino Mu smiled and said: "A former president told me that he can cook, if he can't be the president, he can become a chef.

I asked him why he wanted to be the president instead of being a chef, and he said that being a chef was not as fun as being the president.

By analogy, Mai Sakurajima will definitely not be a cleaning girl if she can film, even though she has the talent to be a cleaning girl. "

"Isn't Mai Sakurajima the cleaning girl in Gensokyo?" Yukinoshita Yukino said coldly.

Nishino Mu glanced at Mai Sakurajima who was cutting fruit in the kitchen, and blinked: "It should not be the cleaning girl, but a housewife."

On the other side of the phone, Yukinoshita Yukino was silent for a few seconds, her voice was awkward and stiff: "I need your help with something, my sister is looking for Hayama Hayato."

Hayama Hayato, a male classmate of Sobu High School, has a good relationship with himself and Hikigaya Hachiman (enemies and friends), secretly (apparently) in love with Yukinoshita Yoshino.

A beautiful boy with blond hair and blue eyes appeared in Nishino Mu's mind. Considering that Hikigani Hachiman once said that he betrayed Yukinoshita Yono, he asked puzzledly: "Why did your sister go to him, asking for peace?"

"Things have come to this point, even asking for peace is useless, not to mention that he wants to marry my sister, and my sister doesn't like him.

I was mainly worried that there would be too much conflict between them. If my sister beat him up in a fit of anger, things would become very troublesome. "

Good guy, neither of the two sisters in Yukinoshita is simple, one dares to meet the traitor, and the other is worried that the traitor will be beaten.

"What do you want me to do for you? To be honest, I was scared when I saw your sister." Nishino Mu said.

"What are you afraid of? Don't you like molesting me in front of her the most? Go to Ye Shan's house and teach Ye Shan a lesson. It's because of him that things have come to this point. I think he is very upset, but you can beat him. My sister not only can't, but also can't be involved in the matter of Ye Shan's beating, this matter is left to you."

It's so troublesome, Nishino Mu is not willing to go.

In the end, before he could refuse, Yukinoshita Yukino said unquestionably: "If you handle this matter well, I will forgive you."

When did I offend you?do i need your forgiveness

Xi Yemu watched the phone being hung up, without raising his eyebrows, rolled around on the sofa, and sighed helplessly.

It's really hard to be a man, if he calls again to refuse, Yukinoshita Yukino will definitely say that he is the most damned, worst, and least gentlemanly man in the world, and he will even push back a little favor from a friend.

Thinking about it, Yukinoshita Yukino just said that she used to like molesting her most in front of Yukinoshita Yono.

Why do you want to do this?Obviously, Yukinoshita Yoshino dotes on Yukino's younger sister more, and she is too strong to be messed with. If she wants to get revenge on her, she can only start with Yukino.

Here comes the question, how to respond to Yukinoshita Yono's criticism of herself at the scene of the car accident last time?She said she was going to castrate herself.

Nishino Mu grabbed his beardless chin, rolled his eyes, and sent a message to Yukinoshita Yukino:

I can help you with this matter, but you have to say to me in front of your sister: "You are so kind, much better than my sister."

Yukinoshita Yukino replied quickly.

"Why do you lose your memory and still deliberately anger my sister?"

"Perhaps we are destined to be enemies with her, just say you agree or disagree."

"It's a boring trick, don't take it as an example"

Talking about being boring, she turned around and betrayed her sister, Yukinoshita Yukino is an unqualified sister.

As for not being an example, whoever believes it, if there is one, there are two.

Mai Sakurajima came out of the kitchen with a watermelon cut into pieces, "Nishino, do you want to eat watermelon, it's super sweet!"

"To eat."

After eating a few pieces of watermelon, Nishino Mu drove away under Mai Sakurajima's reluctant eyes, and went to find Hikigaya Hachiman.

The bookstore headed by Hikigu Hachiman has recently changed its name to Wenyuan Bookstore. To be precise, all the bookstores under Wenyuan are called Wenyuan Bookstore.

This was a decision made by Shiraishi Kazuki after he became the managing director, and Nishino Mu did not stop it.

The bookstore under the management of Hikigaya Hachiman belongs to the second store within Wenyuan Company. When Nishino Mu arrived at the door of the bookstore, Hikigaya Komachi was reading at the front desk, and Hikigaya Hachiman was nowhere to be seen.

"Sister Hikigu, where is Hachiman?" Nishino Mu got out of the car and asked her.

"Ah, Nishino," Hikigaya Komachi unexpectedly saw Mu Nishino, and said in a sweet and soft voice, "Brother is distributing leaflets outside."

Nishino Mu glanced around the store, and there were a few young people scattered in the bookstore reading and choosing reading materials.

Business seems to be a little better than before.

"Where is he distributing leaflets, I have something to ask him." Nishino Mu said.

Hikigaya Komachi's eyes lit up, and he pointed to the door of the shop, "My brother is back."

Xi Yemu turned his head to look, and saw a cute Mr. Pan in a doll costume slowly walking in.

I didn't expect Hikigu Hachiman to work so hard. Although the weather is not very hot at the moment, it is still around [-] degrees. As a store manager, it is really inspirational to hand out leaflets in doll clothes.

With the help of his younger sister, Hikigaya Hachiman took off the doll costume, wiped the sweat from his forehead, drank some drinks, and asked unhappily, "Nishino, what are you doing here?"

"Can't I come to inspect the work?"

"Of course you can come to inspect the work, but I don't want to see you molesting female employees."

Nishino Mu shrugged at Hikigani Komachi, and said helplessly, "Tell your brother, did I tease you?"

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