Set a small goal first, and unify the world within a thousand years.

Keke, just kidding.

In a peaceful and prosperous age, he would stir up troubles only when he was idle and bored. As a longevity species, he didn't seek fame or fortune, he only wanted to fall in love with women.

Of course, falling in love needs to be escorted by appearance, power and wealth, and Nishino Mu decided to become the top boss in the dark of mankind.

Some things are not good to put on the bright side.

But secretly it's easy.

If there is a Nishino family secretly controlling the world, that would be the real excitement.

The people are scolding the rulers of various countries, and a few people pay attention to the financial groups and capital hidden behind the countries.

It's really forced to the point where it's nothing more than a change of dynasty. The Nishino family is still a giant in the new dynasty, and he can also be a hidden boss and play games in the world.

At that time, the ruler of each generation of the Nishino family will be himself.

Do you want to have more children?The growth of the Nishino family begins with the birth of a child.

Nishino Mu shook his head, threw out all the realistic plans in his mind, and looked at the door that was about to be opened.


Yukino under the snow opened the door and came in, standing cross-handed at the door, like a leader who found out that the employees were lazy.

Xi Yemu looked at her and turned away slightly.

"Why didn't you go to work?" Yukinoshita Yukino softly made a questioning voice.

"Today is Sunday," Nishino Mu sat sideways, spread out the light novel and held it up, secretly thinking of luck.

"Sorry, I've been too busy recently, I forgot, I thought you were being lazy." Yukinoshita Yukino nodded with a smile, walked into the living room and sat down, picked up the cat that rushed over excitedly, put her jade hands on her body, and caressed her face. Smile happier.

"It's great to be back," Nishino Mu said with a sense of fulfillment after finishing the work, with a relaxed look: "I didn't know how important you were until you were away."

"Really?" Yukinoshita Yukino brushed her hair, "Why do I feel like you are a wild horse running freely on the prairie?"

"Oh! I'm not that kind of person." Nishino Mu turned a page of the light novel: "I've been working hard on reading during this time."

"Except for the period of college entrance examination, you gave up reading halfway. I advise you to give up reading to improve yourself as soon as possible."

"What else can I do without reading?" Nishino Mu asked suspiciously.

"horse riding."

"horse riding?"

"Enjoying life to the fullest at the racecourse is what you should do." Yukinoshita Yukino said.

"Didn't you expect me to work hard before?"

Yukinoshita Yukino showed a gentle smile: "My sister is the governor of Tokyo, no one can stop us, of course you can relax."

With the support of her father and sister, her mother has decided not to interfere in her marriage, and Xi Yemu will not have any obstacles in marrying her.

In the future, Nishino Mu will work hard, and she will only get closer and closer to Shinomiya Kaguya. This is not the scene she wants to see.

Nishino Mu pouted: "No, I love learning, I like reading books, I want to secretly control the world, don't bother me."


Chapter 133

Facing Yukinoshita Yukino's puzzled eyes, Nishino Mu just smiled lightly and continued to read with his head down.

Yukinoshita stroked the cat for a while, then got up and walked towards the kitchen, her heels hitting the ground with a clicking sound.

"What's wrong?" Nishino Mu asked.


"There are Coke, milk and beer in the refrigerator. There is no boiling water today, and the kettle is in the old place."

Yukinoshita Yukino walked into the kitchen, opened the refrigerator and took a look, frowning slightly: "I don't need to explain it so clearly, I know all of this, is there anything I don't know about?"

Before Nishino Mu could answer, Yukinoshita sighed, picked up a bottle of milk, went back to the living room and sat down.

Nishino Mu's sharp eyes caught a glimpse that the milk in her hand was the one that Shinomiya Kaguya had bought before.

"The milk may have expired," Nishino Mu said, "You don't know about it, do you?"

Yukinoshita Yukino unscrewed the cap of the milk and took a sip: "I just checked the label and it hasn't expired."

"Not expired?" Nishino Mu looked surprised: "I thought it expired long ago."

Yukinoshita Yukino stared into his eyes calmly: "Since you think the milk has expired long ago, why didn't you drink it before?"

"Not my milk, Shinomiya's."

Yukinoshita was slightly taken aback, couldn't help smiling, nodded and said: "That's right, we don't want her things."

Nishino Mu muttered in a low voice, "I didn't ask for anything from her in the first place."

Didn't ask for it?Yukinoshita Yukino put the milk on the table in front of Nishino Mu: "What is this?"

"Milk." Nishino Mu said honestly.

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