it hurts!Grandma's first time.

Hiratsuka Shizuka didn't care to study the difference before and after she lost her body, she slowly climbed off the sofa nervously, grabbed the clothes scattered on the floor, and slipped into the bathroom in a panic.

She closed the bathroom door, took a serious look at her body, and realized that she had to buy some contraceptive pills, otherwise the consequences would be very serious.

He simply took a shower, threw the dirty clothes into the washing machine, went back to the bedroom with only a towel on, changed into new clothes, and ran out of the house in a hurry.

While driving in the garage, Shizuka Hiratsuka received a call from Mito Aiko.

"Aiko, what kind of candy did you give Nishino and me? Do you know that we two had an affair last night..."

"Okay, don't talk about it, I understand. When you were drinking last night, didn't you say that you liked Nishino and wanted to have fun with Nishino.

So I kindly helped you. The candy you ate was a small pill I bought specially for aphrodisiac. It just strengthened your desire for friends of the opposite sex and magnified your touch feeling. It won’t make you crazy like in the movie.

All in all, I just acted as a push, don't thank me. "

"Ha! Thank you?" Hiratsuka Shizuka pulled her hair like crazy, and shouted: "I did say that I want to be refreshed, but that was because I drank too much at the time, so it's nonsense!"

Yumen Aiko said awkwardly: "This, that, look, no matter what, it must be very cool to be able to sleep with a man like Nishino at your age. You are the one who took advantage of him, and you are not at a loss."

Shizuka Hiratsuka said viciously: "I am indeed not at a loss, but if this matter is exposed, I will be killed."

"It's not that exaggerated, is it?"

"It's that exaggerated!"

"Uh!" Yumen Aiko said hurriedly: "In that case, you come to my place immediately, we pack up and go abroad, and I will cover all the expenses."

Shizuka Hiratsuka asked depressedly: "Aiko, I really don't understand, why did you let me eat that kind of thing, and also asked me to give Nishino a piece of candy. It's a pity that I drink like that, and still know how to give him candy."

"I'm not doing this for your own good, you are already old, if you have a man you like, why don't you hurry up, why do you want to take advantage of others.

I recently read the news that a man in his [-]s or [-]s raped a beautiful girl of [-] or [-], and ended up in jail. Your conditions are much better than that man’s. You are greedy for Nishino’s body. As a man, Nishino I must be jealous of your body, isn't it just right, you two make a couple, there is no hesitation. "

"But I am so much older than him, there is no possibility for the two of us."

"Why do you care so much, enjoy it first."

"Enjoy it first?"

"Otherwise? You pick and choose yourself to be an older leftover woman. If you don't seize the opportunity, will you just pass by like this for the rest of your life?"

"Okay, I see, thank you."

"It's okay, just don't blame me for being nosy, by the way, be careful about contraception!"

"Got it, really."

Hiratsuka hung up the phone, sat quietly in the driver's seat and thought about what to do in the future, then patted her thigh for the last time, and drove to a nearby shopping mall.

After Hiratsuka left for about an hour, Nishino Mu slowly woke up. He looked at his naked body and the room with no one else, and sighed faintly.

He resisted the temptation of Mai Sakurajima, he resisted the temptation of Shiina Mashiro, he resisted the temptation of Kasumigaoka Shiwa, he did not expect to be carried in Hiratsuka-sensei's bosom.

Perhaps this is the legendary fate that I "love" you.

Xi Yemu rubbed his hair, picked up the mobile phone on the ground, and found that the guy didn't know when the battery was low and turned off automatically.

I turned my head and looked around, but I didn't find the charger, so I gave up.

Nishino Mu put the phone back in his pocket, put on his underwear, suddenly there was a light click, Hiratsuka Shizuka was wearing a casual suit, carrying a pocket, and pushed open the door with a smile on his face.


Nishino Mu hastily picked up the pillow on the sofa to cover his private parts, and showed a polite smile.

"Let me tell you first, the candy you eat can strengthen the primitive impulse of human beings. It was given to me by Aiko. She gave me two. I ate one and gave you one. This candy is the culprit of our relationship. , I didn't know there was a problem with sugar until this happened."

"En." Nishino Mu nodded understandingly, and began to think about how to deal with this matter.

Married Hiratsuka Shizuka?No loss!The key is that it is not easy to explain to Yukinoshita Yukino, Kasumigaoka Shiyu and the others, and the teacher is a bit old, and I am afraid that this immortality will make her mentally explode in her later years.

Hiratsuka took two deep breaths, stared at Xi Yemu with piercing eyes, and said with a smile: "You can help me experience the relationship between men and women for free, without any psychological burden."


Shizuka Hiratsuka said with an unnatural expression: "That is to say, I won't make you responsible, and you shouldn't make me responsible either. We are ordinary friends who covet each other's bodies."

Nishino Mu froze for a moment, and said slowly, "Isn't this the ****?"

"Bad, almost, this matter must be kept from Xue Nai, I'm afraid she won't be able to accept it."

"Why did you do this?" Nishino Mu said calmly, "You don't need to wrong yourself, I can marry you."

Hiratsuka Jing hurriedly waved her hand: "I'm not wronged, if I marry you, I don't know how many people will mock me behind my back and make me bear the infamy.

The main reason is that I am indeed a bit older, and I will maintain this relationship with you for more than ten years at most.

More than ten years later, I will be old, and you still long for the bedtime love between a man and a woman. At that time, it will be very difficult for both of us, so it is better to maintain this sexual relationship.

**Under the relationship, you can let me experience the happiness that a woman should have, and I can also let you vent pressure on me, the best of both worlds! "

Nishino Mu thought for a while, then nodded: "Okay."

This kind of relationship is indeed convenient for the two of them, and we will discuss again after finding a way to make Hiratsuka-sensei live longer.

"Since you agree," Shizuka Hiratsuka took out a box of condoms from her pocket and smiled happily: "Let's continue to have fun. Teacher drank too much last night and wants to experience life again."

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