Chapter 205 We Are Allies

On November 11, Eriri and Shiina Mashiro played until three o'clock in the afternoon, ordered takeaway, and when they were about to eat, they received a call from Ogata Rizu.

"Eriri, is Nishino at home?"

"At home, not in Gensokyo, if you want to come to him, I'm afraid it will be a waste of time."

Ying Lili said something with her mobile phone, got up and went to the kitchen to get milk, Shiina Mashiro ate the meat stuffed with green peppers with chopsticks, and the green peppers were put into her bowl.

"What does it mean to be at home and not in Gensokyo?" Ogata Ritzu asked suspiciously.

"It means that he has returned to his hometown, not in Gensokyo."


Ogata Rizu smiled happily.

"Why are you so happy?"

Ying Lili opened the refrigerator and carefully selected various flavors of milk. Which one should I drink?Never drink the plain milk that Nishino bought!No taste at all.

"Nishino said that he would take his family to Naruto Gorge to enjoy the red leaves. Fumino and I discussed it, and we will also go to Naruto Gorge."

Ying Lili's eyelids twitched, she was too lazy to waste time to choose, took the original milk bought by Nishino, forced a smile and said, "Shall I ask Nishino when to go to enjoy the red leaves?"

"Yes, Ying Lili, thank you so much, you are so kind."

"You're welcome, you're fine too."

After hanging up the phone, Ying Lili put the phone in her pocket, unscrewed the lid of the milk, leaned against the refrigerator, and took a sip.

After planning the time route in her heart, she made up her mind and went back to the dining table. When she saw the dishes in front of her, her expression changed: "Did I have more green peppers?"

"It has indeed changed."

"Why are there more?" Eriri stared into Shiina Mashiro's eyes.

"If I don't eat, it will become more."

"Huh? Give me something to eat, don't give it to me!"

Shiina Mashiro continued to eat the meat stuffed with green peppers in silence, and the green peppers were put into the pear bowl again.

"Zhenbai, are you a devil?"

"certainly not."

Ying Lili was very unhappy with this meal. She wanted to throw away the green peppers, but she didn't want to waste food. She wanted to stop Shiina Mabai from putting the green peppers in her bowl, but she was afraid that she would throw away the green peppers, so she could only throw away the green peppers with tears in her eyes. I ate it all.

After resting for a while, there was a knock on the door.

Shiina Mashiro keeps her ears to the outside world and concentrates on drawing manga.

Ying Lili went to open the door, and the people who came in were Fumino Furuhashi and Rizu Ogata.

"Why are you here?"

Ying Lili looked at the suitcases they were carrying, feeling a little nervous.

Knowing that she said something wrong on the phone, Ogata Rizu lowered her head and said nothing. Fumino Furuhashi said, "We are going to enjoy the red leaves. It's okay to stay here for one night. It's closer to Nakano Station."

Garbage reason!You are here to supervise me, you just don't want me to go to Naruto Gorge alone.

Ying Lili's face changed again and again, and finally she showed a beautiful smiling face: "Nishino is the owner of this place. If he is not here, I have no right to let you stay for one night."

"Then you call him and ask. Didn't you say on the phone that you would help to ask Nishino when to go to enjoy the red leaves?" Fumino Guqiao said.

That's a lie to Ogata Rizu, okay, even if I ask, I won't tell her!Who knew you ran over with her.

Ying Lili knew that Guqiao Wennai was not easy to fool, and she was afraid that she would not be able to drive her away, so she sighed helplessly: "Come in first."

A group of people gathered around the coffee table to complete the work, Shiina Mashiro remained indifferent and continued to draw her manga.

Ying Lili took a deep breath and sent a message to Xi Yemu.

"I heard you went to see the red leaves?"

"Yeah, I'm already leaving"

Seeing the reply, Ying Lili was taken aback.

"If you like Nishino, start packing your things," Fumino Furuhashi also saw the message.

"You are the one who likes Nishino, you all like Nishino! He is a scum, how could I like him!" Ying Lili yelled in a panic.

"It would be great if you don't like Nishino. To be honest, both Rizu and I like Nishino. Can you help us?"

Guqiao Wennai held Yinglili's little hand with a sincere expression.

"I like Nishino too." Mashiro Shiina interrupted suddenly.

"By the way, there's still Zhenbai, can you help us?" Fumino Guqiao continued to ask.

An emotion called grief and indignation was brewing deep in her body, Ying Lili breathed faster, and clenched her fists tightly, how much she wanted to knock down Fumino Guqiao with one punch, that's what the so-called murderous heart is like.

"You're joking," Ying Lili withdrew her hand, laughed dryly, turned her head and asked, "Lizhu, do you like Nishino?" After much deliberation, this girl is still easy to deal with.

"Hi, I like it." Ogata Ritzu said shyly.

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