Nishino Mu quickly said: "If they say something strange and misunderstand our relationship, please bear with me."

"it is good."

Kato Megumi walked up to Nishino's parents without arrogance or rashness, bowed and shouted: "Uncle and Auntie, hello, I'm Kato Megumi, nice to meet you."

"Nice to meet you." Nishino's father asked with a smile on his face, "Are you my Xiaomu's classmate?"

"Yes," Megumi Kato replied in seconds, without trembling eyelashes.

Call ~

Scared to death, thinking she wasn't his classmate, Xi Yemu wiped off a cold sweat.

"It's like this, do you know that my family's Xiaomu, Yukinoshita Yukino and Sakurajima Mai have a very good relationship?" Nishino's mother asked nervously.

"You know, doesn't Nishino have any real intimate relationship with them?"

"That's right." Nishino's mother glared at her son.

"I'll make it clear," Nishino's father said sternly, "Yukinoshita Yukino and Sakurajima Mai are our daughter-in-laws. If you are interested in my Xiaomu, let go, otherwise don't blame us for being rude to you."

"What a pity, Nishino is so good, can Yukino and Mai be worthy of him?"

Kato Megumi's tone was clearly expressing something.

Nishino's father asked suspiciously, "What do you mean by that?"

"As far as I know, the eldest lady of the Shinomiya family also likes Nishino. The Shinomiya family is the top dignitaries in the island country, and I don't know how many times stronger than the Yukinoshita family and the Sakurajima family."

Nishino's father fell silent for a moment.

Originally, he should be happy, but what the Shinomiya family said, he felt too unreal.

It is possible that the daughters of the Yukinoshita family and the Sakurajima family like their son, after all, they are classmates, but the Shinomiya family, what kind of international joke are you playing?The other party will go to ordinary middle school?

This is as suffocating as the son of a beggar suddenly falling in love with the daughter of the president of a big country. It is still possible for the son of a beggar to fall in love with the daughter of a restaurant owner, after all, they often meet each other.

One dumps the leftovers and the other picks up the leftovers.

Nishino's mother stammered and asked, "You mean Shinomiya, that super consortium in the island country? My TV, air conditioner, and washing machine are all bought from their products."

"My family is too." Kato Megumi said.

"Well, how could my son be attracted by the eldest lady of the Shinomiya family? Wait! He won't want to marry, right?" Nishino's father suddenly realized that if his son married the daughter of the daughter, wouldn't the Nishino family have no descendants?

"I don't know, it is said that the head of the Yukinoshita family's generation was married in." Kato Megumi said honestly.

Nishino's father's face changed. The Yukinoshita family is like this, and the Sakurajima and Shinomiya families should be the same. He finally sighed: "Forget it, our Nishino family doesn't have that kind of rich life."

It is not impossible to become a matriarch, the premise is that there must be someone to carry on the family, but the Nishino family is such a single seedling, if it becomes a matrilineal family, it will not be possible to have two sons, one with the father's surname and the other with the mother's surname, right?

That's impossible, it's just nonsense, after getting married, even Xi Yemu will have to change his surname, let alone the children.

A powerful woman's family will not allow the father not to change his surname, or the child to take the father's surname.

Think about it, in a family where the man enters the family, the child with the father's surname inherits a large amount of family property due to some accidents, wouldn't that be a perfect trick.

The woman's family was cannibalized by the man's family, and it existed in name only.

Ask yourself, Nishino's father knows that if he is the head of the Sinomiya family, the man who joins the family must change his surname, and the child must also take the mother's surname. The Higashino family is waiting for something messy.

"... Nishino is really outstanding. It's not that he's chasing women, it's the women chasing him. Maybe there's no need to change his surname." Kato Megumi said.

"Forget it!" Nishino's father waved his hand wearily, "I would be very happy to hear what you said a few minutes ago, and there is no need to mention it now."

He stared at Megumi Kato, and tentatively asked, "What kind of work are you doing?"

"Art supervisor." Kato Megumi briefly introduced: "The job is to see whether the art works are qualified or not. The monthly salary is about 50 yen. Counting the bonus, it can be 700 million yen a year."

"This is good, better than voice actors." Nishino's father said, "Speaking out will save face."

"Let me tell you," Nishino's mother patted her husband on the back and whispered, "Maybe he knows that girl Qihai, don't talk nonsense."

"I chose a seiyuu as a career, so why don't people say it?" Nishino's father curled his lips and continued dismissively, "Could it be possible to be a seiyuu?"

"Well, it seems to be really possible," Kato Megumin said, "Qihai has been very popular in the past two years, and she may have a lot of assets."

"Sorry, I'm sorry, but I still think the profession of voice actor is too childish. What do you think is the future of dubbing cartoons?" Nishino's father made it clear that he didn't like Aoyama Nanami who chose to work as a voice actor.

Nishino Mu frowned and said, "There are outstanding people in every industry, and Aoyama, who is a top voice actor, is already outstanding."

"Then go back and ask her parents to see what their attitude is towards their daughter's choice of voice actor as a career." Nishino's father took his wife's hand: "Let's go to other places and you two young people have a good chat."

Chapter 208 An Increasingly Heavy Topic

Nishino Mu came to enjoy the red leaves and brought some necessary supplies. He spread the tablecloth on the red leaves all over the ground, poured out a pile of snacks and drinks from his backpack, and clapped his hands as if they were covered with dust: "Come on, Kato, have a look." Is there anything you like to eat?"

"Hey, we haven't seen each other for a few days, is the relationship already so estranged?" Megumi Kato knelt on the bed sheet, and took out the thermos from the small bag.

Nishino Mu was stunned for a moment, and hurriedly changed his words: "Oh, sorry, I was confused, mainly because I think it's easier to call Kato."

"In that case, you can call it whatever you want," Kato Megumi unscrewed the lid of the thermos cup, used it as a teacup, poured warm tea into it, and handed it to Nishino Mu with both hands: "Taste it, I If you make it yourself at home, it may not taste very good.”

"Ah, it's okay, it's already a pleasant surprise to be able to drink tea here."

Nishino Mu reached out to take the teacup, and touched Kato Megumi's finger by the way.

[Contact with high-value human beings——Megumi Kato]

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