
"Have you encountered any happy things?"

A figure flashed in Nishino Mu's mind, and he subconsciously said, "Meet Hui."

"Hui?" Yukinoshita Yukino seemed to be frightened.

"Kato Megumi."

"I know it's her."

"Then." Nishino Mu said, "Then why are you reacting so badly?"

"Don't you think Yukino sounds better than Yukinoshita? When you call me Yukinoshita, I always thought you were calling my sister's name."

Nishino Mu laughed dryly: "Then I'll call you Xue Nai, okay?"


Xi Yemu was stunned for answering without reservation.

After hanging up the phone, Yukinoshita Yukino stared at the ceiling in a daze.

Yukinoshita Haruno next to him stared at his face: "Do you feel distressed?"

"No, what are you talking about?" Yukinoshita Yukino said, "I am Yukinoshita Yukino, and I will not fail."

"That's two different things. The Xue Nai I know will fail once, not twice."

Yukinoshita Yukino fumbled for the phone, and finally let out a sigh.

"I'll call Yinglili."

Yukinoshita Yona felt helpless from the bottom of her heart, she picked up her phone and dialed Yinglili's phone number.

Two minutes later, after asking about what happened to Xi Yemu when he came home, the ward was silent.

"Do you want him to come and see you tonight?"

"It doesn't matter if he comes or not. He met Hui and commented on several women in front of Hui. Nothing happened, did he?"

"Yeah, he really dares to say it." Yukinoshita Yoshino slid the phone screen and said seriously: "I have already told those who have been evaluated, this is a rare opportunity."

Yukinoshita Yukino closed her eyes, it was impossible for her to stop her sister, she could only silently hope that Nishino's pressure would not be so great.

On the other side, Nishino Mu cleaned up the room and received another call from Xiazhiqiu Shiyu.

"Do you hate me?"

"Ah, why do you ask that?"

I don't know when, Gensokyo was so calm and scary, Nishino Mu was a little nervous.

"You told Hui that I was too bold, and sometimes it scares you."

"That's what I said, but I don't hate you, but I want Hui to cheer up."

"Why cheer her up, what happened?" Kasumigaoka Shiyu stood in front of the French window of her home, looking at the busy traffic outside, with a hint of confusion in her beautiful wine red eyes.

Nishino Mu said: "I don't know when it started, I always feel that Hui is very inferior, I want her to have more confidence."

"That's right," Xiazhiqiu Shiyu muttered to himself, "It's a pity that I made you hate me."

"No, I don't hate you."

It's definitely not a good thing for Nishino Mu to speak ill of others behind his back, and the original owner came to him, but he really doesn't hate Xiazhiqiu Shiyu.

"I said, Mr. Wood."

"You should call me Nishino."

"That's not the point," Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu said, "Isn't it okay to call you Mu? The name is just a code name."

"Huh? Can I just call you Shiyu?"

"Why not, come on, let me hear." Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu's voice was full of teasing.


Nishino Mu was sure that Xiazhiqiu Shiyu knew that she couldn't scream, but she still said that.

"In other words, the name is really just a code name. Everyone will be happy if you call us by our first name instead of our last name."

"Honestly, I can call your names if you don't mind."

"Can you call me? Call me by my name."

Nishino Mu hesitated for a moment.

"Mr. Mumu, I really hate you. I hate your attitude of not being responsible. I hate your laziness of living an ordinary life despite being capable. Even if you tell me directly, I want you to be my secret lover. Will I refuse? I won't! You know I won't, but you just don't say it! So I hate you, I hate you so much that I want to get you and then abandon you!"

For a long time, Xiazhiqiu Shiyu had been talking calmly, but at this moment she began to speak indiscriminately.

"Shi Yu," Nishino Mu clenched his fists and whispered into the phone: "In short, even if I promised you something verbally, it's still zero points for you."

"It's not zero." Xiazhiqiu Shiyu wiped away tears, pretending to be normal and said, "Even if you say some false sweet words to me, I can be happy all day, so can you not be so cruel?" , can you say a few nice words to me once in a while?"

"Well." Nishino Mu raised his head and looked at the bird outside the balcony: "I don't like to say false sweet words, I only tell the truth."

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