"What? Cough! So what?"

It's too much to actually come to me to show off after buying the game.

It seems that in Kato Megumi's eyes, I am the kind of existence that can satisfy her vanity, ah, what a bad taste, Kato-san!Hui sauce!Your place in my heart has dropped.

"I can lend it to you. I don't play games. I was surprised to buy this game, because I was the last one to buy it."

"Really? Are you sure?"

Nishino Mu was halfway through his trousers, and when he heard the surprising news, he was so happy that he forgot about wearing trousers.

He likes "Emperor's Grace" very much, and his obsession with this game is no less than his love for a certain 5V5 battle game in his previous life.

"It's true."

Kato Megumi's flat voice sounds really nice now, I want to take back what I said just now, Hui-chan, you are really great.

"Cough! In that case, I really don't know how to thank you."

Nishino Mu has money, but he knows that Kato Megumi is not short of money. Apart from money, he doesn't know how to thank this good woman for the time being.

"I don't need to say much to thank you, but this puppet cat in my house is really not easy to take care of. Can you come and teach me how to take care of her?"

"absolutely okay."

Nishino Mu readily agreed.

Chapter 217 Open the Letter Smartly

Because I want to go to Keto Kato to play "The Great Grace of the Emperor" and teach her how to take care of cats.

Nishino Mu thought that today was Thanksgiving, and the company was not working, so she simply ran out of the house and followed the navigation to her house.

Megumi Kato's family is a middle-class family, and like most ordinary island families, they live in two small buildings.

Nishino Mu walked into the entrance of Kato's house, and Kato Megumi knelt down with slippers, intending to change them for him.

"Uh," Nishino Mu blinked, a little at a loss.

"These are the slippers I just bought, with my left foot raised."

"Thank you, thank you."

"Okay, get dressed, well, I'm cooking, if you don't mind, let's stay and have dinner together."

Kato Megumi stood up gracefully wearing an apron.

Nishino Mu raised his foot and took two steps, feeling that the slippers really fit.

"Don't bother you, I'll take the game and leave."

"Aren't you going to teach me how to raise a cat?" Kato Megumi asked.

Speaking of the cat, the guy who came to the new home is sleeping soundly in the nest, and the old owner didn't know to come out to greet him, which is really too much.

"What, I think this cat is living a good life." Nishino Mu glanced at the bad cat who didn't miss the old master's old love.

"She's been so fat recently, two catties fatter than when she first came here, I'm a little worried about raising her."

Two catties is too much, it's only been here for a few days, if you continue to raise it like this, it's likely that you will be raised and useless.

The two sat in the living room.

Nishi Yemu said: "The cats should be fed according to the feeding standard of the cat food package, and the ingredient list should also be checked. Grain has no effect on the cat, and it is very fattening. If it is really not good, we should eliminate the corn."

"Okay, got it." Megumi Kato poured hot water into the teacup and handed it to Mu Nishino: "This is freshly brewed tea, be careful not to burn your mouth."


Xi Yemu took the teacup and took a sip. The taste was not bad, better than the one he drank in the red leaf forest last time.

"Today is Thanksgiving, and I don't have to go to work," Kato Megumi said, sitting opposite Nishino Mu, holding his face.

"Yeah, this is a rare vacation, you can have fun."

Even during normal working hours, there is still a lot of time to play, but it is even more enjoyable to play during the holidays.

"The scariest thing about playing games is spoilers," Kato Megumi said.

"Yes." Nishino Mu took a sip of tea vigilantly, and was ready to plug his ears. If Kato Megumi suddenly spoiled it, he would say 'no spoilers' as quickly as possible.

Megumi Kato opened her mouth, but she didn't say any spoilers after all. She had already played "The Great Grace of the Emperor", and thought that she could have some common topics with Nishino.

"The most powerful thing in "Emperor's Grace" is the formation of troops. I don't know how to choose a lot of powerful troops. I can only barely beat the simplest levels." Kato Megumi said.

"This type of game is indeed a bit hardcore. Many people can't play it well, but it doesn't matter if you can't play it well. The fun of the game doesn't come only if you play it well. You can have fun if you don't play it well."

"Yeah, dropping nukes is really interesting."

Kato Megumi didn't understand the game, but he knew what was the most powerful in the game.

"Nuclear weapons are the strongest weapons. It takes at least ten hours of playing to develop them. You have been playing for so long?" Nishino Mu discovered that Kato Megumi's dark circles are not so obvious.

"Take it out to play when you have time, and save it if you don't have time. Slowly, there will be nuclear weapons. At the beginning, I didn't find it, and I didn't know how to use it. Finally, I was blown up by the enemy first, and then I discovered that there is still a nuclear weapon."

"It's already very good. It's the first time to play such a hardcore game. It's very hard."

"It's not too tired, because it's a game, no matter how tired you are, you won't have no way to rest."

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