"Thank you for your patronage, one thousand yen."


Shinomiya Kaguya was the first to take out a [-]-yen banknote from her wallet.

When the aunt who collected the money changed, Shinomiya Kaguya said again: "Xiaolu is a successful person, and he needs to be praised. We also want to take a photo with him. Just ask me for [-] yen."

"Okay, here, eight thousand yen, welcome to visit next time."

After taking the change they found, they casually stuffed it into their wallets, Shinomiya Kaguya and Nishino Mu went to Xiaolu first.

Xiaolu's smooth and delicate body was paralyzed on the round platform, happily enjoying the touch of each tourist.

After the couple in front left, Mu Nishino and Kaguya Shinomiya came to the round stage.

"Are you two lovers?" the breeder asked curiously.

"No." Shinomiya Kaguya shook her head, her voice full of anger.

The breeder glanced at Xi Yemu, smiled understandingly, and said, "Since the two of you are not lovers, can you stand on both sides of the path hand in hand?"

Nishino Mu and Shinomiya Kaguya looked at each other, and said first, "Yes."

Shinomiya Kaguya raised her head in surprise.

Nishino Mu smiled: "It's something I'm looking forward to taking pictures with a beautiful woman like you holding hands."

"Yes, that's right." Shinomiya Kaguya brushed her hair shyly.

"Please hurry up, both of you, there are still so many people queuing up behind you." The breeder said.

"it is good."

Nishino Mu jumped over the sea lion and grabbed Shinomiya Kaguya's hand.

The photographer immediately pressed the shutter and took this beautiful picture.

After taking the photo, Shinomiya Kaguya asked, "I wonder if we can touch the path?"


Nishino Mu and Shinomiya Kaguya squatted down, stroking the slippery body of the sea lion.

"So soft." Shinomiya Kaguya said happily.

A layer of skin with a thick layer of fat underneath.Xi Yemu pressed the sea lion slightly harder, causing the animal to look up and stare at him in dissatisfaction.


The people around me instantly regained their spirits. It would be too bad not to take pictures of the sea lion's human eyes. The photographer pressed the shutter again without hesitation.

After taking a photo with Xiaolu, Nishino Mu and Shinomiya Kaguya went to take a photo with Xiaomi, and finally the two got the photo and walked out of the aquarium.

"Nishino, you said you have something to do with me, what is it?"

Shinomiya Kaguya put her hands on her lower abdomen, and followed Nishino Mu, asking with a hint of expectation.

"I heard that you want to kill three competitors recently. Is it your brother?" Xi Yemu stopped in his tracks and turned his head to ask.

"If I say yes, will you think I'm cruel or heartless?" Kaguya Shinomiya was silent for a while, and asked nervously.

"Your brothers treat you badly?"

"Is the relationship between the princes who competed for the throne of the emperor in ancient times good?"

Nishino Mu sighed softly: "I have a grudge against your third brother, can you tell me that he is there? You don't mind if he dies in my hands."

Shinomiya Kaguya frowned: "Don't meddle in this matter, I can handle it."

"Don't question my ability, at least I'm the person you like, right?"

Chapter 220 Shinomiya Said That On Purpose

Although you make me believe in you, what should I do?To believe in you is to take you to a dangerous world, and to not believe in you is to ignore your dignity.

Shinomiya Kaguya pursed his lips, with a touch of tenderness on his face: "The person I want to defeat is my brother, you better not get involved, if you really killed them, maybe there will be a thorn in my heart." prick."

Killing Sigong's brother and enjoying her admiration, this kind of behavior, Nishino Mu thought it was weird.

"Sigong, if you have time, can you go to the nearby restaurant with me and have a good meal?" Nishino Mu invited.

The most urgent task is to dissuade Shinomiya Kaguya from doing dangerous things.

"Okay, there's nothing to do today." Kaguya Shinomiya nodded happily.

Looking for an ordinary restaurant, Nishino Mu and Shinomiya Kaguya sat down face to face, each ordered a sushi roll.

There were a lot of people in the restaurant, and there were five men eating and drinking at the next table. Listening to their conversation, it seemed that one of them was broken in love, and the other four were comforting him.

Shinomiya Kaguya picked up the sushi and ate quietly.

If it wasn't for Xiye's sudden call, she would have been separated from her third brother by now.

Nishino Mu watched Kaguya Shinomiya eating gracefully, and sighed softly: "To be honest, I sometimes envy the children of big families like you. When I was young, I complained more than once why I was born in a peasant family instead of those I often think that if I live in a rich family, I don’t have to struggle, and I just eat and wait for death.”

"Uh, I am the commander-in-chief of the Shinomiya Foundation and the eldest daughter of Shinomiya Yanan. As his daughter, it is my luck and my sorrow." Kaguya Shinomiya put down the sushi and said, "Maybe you think I She is the proud daughter of heaven, and she has left brilliant achievements in various fields such as martial arts, music and martial arts at a young age.

However, my success in these fields is a matter of course in the eyes of my father and others. Many people think that I should have achieved these achievements. Learning music requires hours of practice every day.

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