"No," Shinomiya Kaguya walked towards the residence unhurriedly, and his voice was cold to the ears of every passing servant: "Most high-profile people like to show off, blindly confident, exaggerated, and reckless, which makes people uncomfortable. Reliable, but low-key but has its own people, thoughtful, measured, humble, stable, and gives people a sense of security."

"The third young master is a high-profile person, and Xi Ye is a low-key person?"

"Isn't it?" Shinomiya Kaguya turned around with a smile on his face.

"Yes." Ai Hayasaka naturally would not be ignorant of Kaguya Shinomiya's intentions, the lady was obviously expressing her love for Nishino, and let the old-fashioned old man accept Nishino in advance.

Things did not go as expected by the master and servant, less than ten minutes after returning to the room, Patriarch Shinomiya, who happened to be free today, sent someone to call Shinomiya Kaguya for questioning.

In the spacious and bright study room, Shinomiya Kaguya was sitting upright, opposite to the head of the Shinomiya family behind the desk.

"Still thinking about that Nishino Mu?"

Patriarch Sigong closed the newspaper in his hand and asked indifferently.


Shinomiya Kaguya's tone was very firm.

"Do you think that a mere commoner can be compared with the third son of my Sigong family?"

"Why not? Father, what is covering your eyes, so that you feel that there are no talents outside the Shinomiya family."

What Shinomiya Kaguya said was particularly blunt, but Patriarch Sigong was not angry at all, and he appreciated the capable eldest daughter.

"I'm not underestimating the talents of the world. If Xi Yemu is really good, you can't marry him."

Before Kaguya Shinomiya could be happy, Patriarch Shinomiya said again: "But after much deliberation and investigation, I think that the most powerful thing about Nishino Mu lies in his appearance. With his family background, he can be compared with Sawamura. The eldest lady of the family, Shiina Mashiro, Yukinoshita two sisters and others maintain a good relationship, besides appearance, I can't think of him having other advantages."

Shinomiya Kaguya suddenly realized: "You allowed me to return to China before because you wanted to use Nishino's network?"

"That's right, I allowed you to contact Mu Nishino because I want you to use him as a springboard to build a good relationship with the eldest lady of the Sawamura family, the two Yukinoshita sisters, and others."

"What's the use? I'm not the sole heir of the Shinomiya family!" Kaguya Sigong was upset, she didn't like her father plotting against Nishino Mu.

"Don't worry, your brothers are also capable people, I have to give them a chance, of course, I personally value you the most." The patriarch of the fourth palace said calmly: "If you want to be the patriarch of the fourth palace, you must work hard. Build a good relationship with some dignitaries, such as the eldest lady of the Sawamura family, our Shinomiya family has a lot of business in Sakura Country.

Also, you have recently pushed Yukinoshita's family to become the governor of Tokyo, and you have performed well, and through Nishino Mu, your relationship with the Yukinoshita family has become closer. Unfortunately, why not let Yukinoshita Hino What about marrying the third child?She really changed her surname to Sigong, she is one of us. "

Old man, what are you pretending to be!Aren't you deliberately using the position of governor of Tokyo to test the strength of me and the third child?If I hadn't won Yukinoshita Yono and let her marry the bastard third child, I'm afraid he would be the one who was called in to chat today.

Shinomiya Kaguya has long understood his father's routine, whoever can win over the governor of Tokyo will be the future head of the Shinomiya family.

In order to balance the power, the Patriarch Shinomiya deliberately asked Shinomiya Kaguya to push Yukinoshita Yono to be the governor of Tokyo, and also asked the third child to contact Yukinoshita Yono, intending to get the two engaged.

After some tugging, the outcome is still undecided. At present, Shinomiya Kaguya has the absolute advantage. The Patriarch of Sigong originally didn't want to care about this matter, but the incident of the third child being attacked a few days ago touched his inverse scale. He allows his children to fight each other, but he doesn't want them to kill each other, because if the internal fighting is not serious, it is conducive to the good competition within the family. If it is serious, it will only damage the strength of the family.

"After all, my relationship with the three elder brothers is not very good. If the third elder brother marries sister Yang Nao, I will feel very uncomfortable." Sigong Huiye said.

"It's still a family anyway," said the Patriarch of the Four Palaces, "We still have to get along well. By the way, your third brother was attacked a few days ago. The governor of Tokyo told me that the villa used to be a waste recycling station, and it was caused by someone digging things up." Explosion, what do you think?"

"That's what she told me too."

"Well, okay, I see, you go back first."

"Okay, I'm going back."

Shinomiya Kaguya stood up and bowed, then retreated quietly, leaving Patriarch Shinomiya in the study quietly thinking about life.

"Hey, why did this girl Hui Ye fall in love with a seemingly incompetent person? Low-key? Hehe, weakness and ignorance are not obstacles to survival, but arrogance is. Try him sometime."


This is an unfair duel between Hiratsuka Shizuka and Yukinoshita Yukino.

The reason Nishino Mu thought this duel was unfair was because Hiratsuka Shizuka was acting too weak now, just like stealing someone else's man.

She combed Yukinoshita Yukino's hair carefully, and every time she was stared at by Yukinoshita Yono next to her, she would tremble all over and put on a smiling face.

"Teacher Jing, I'm really fine, you don't have to take care of me like this."

Yukinoshita Yukino is very helpless, she has not yet figured out what happened.The bold-tempered Shizuka Hiratsuka saw her as normal, but something was wrong when she combed her hair.

"Hey, you kid, you didn't notify the teacher when you got into a car accident. The teacher has no right to know? If Yang Nai hadn't told me, I wouldn't have known you were lying in the hospital."

"There's really nothing serious, and I'll be out of the hospital soon."

"How fast is soon?" Hiratsuka asked.

"Why do you know so much?" Yukinoshita Yoshino took a sip of milk tea and checked the phone's website, "I was scolded by Mai just now, and she asked me if I ordered the director team to add more scenes."

"Add drama? What's the situation?" Xi Yemu bought the milk tea, but he didn't have a share, and the milk tea was divided among several women.

"Oh, it's just that the movie shot by Mai has a little more stuff, and the director called out a few more sound cards. She wants to come back, but I'm afraid she will have to wait until February next year, and she won't even be able to come back for Christmas." Yukinoshita Yoshino said .

"Mai is so pitiful." Shiina Mashiro said while holding milk tea.

"Poor? Not necessarily," Ying Lili curled her lips in disdain. If the public enemy of all women, Mai Sakurajima can come back for Christmas, she will help wash clothes for a month.

Chapter 222 Ordinary Nostalgia For Them

A few beautiful women gathered in the small ward, Xiye Mu really felt that the air was fragrant.

It should be the smell of cosmetics.

Yukinoshita Yukino was wearing a hospital gown, put her hands on her lower abdomen, rested her head on Shizuka Hiratsuka's legs, and closed her eyes to enjoy her head massage.

Shizuka Hiratsuka is really weak, how could she overcomb Yukinoshita Yukino's hair and give her a head massage, I haven't enjoyed it yet!

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