"Our women's group, why pull you a man, besides, didn't you lie to me that you don't know the rhythm?"

"Forget it, let's settle the matter!" Nishino Mu smiled wryly and waved his hand.

"Who is clear with you! Let me ask you, why did you lie to me?" Ying Lili raised her brows upside down.

"I think it's good to hide that you don't know the rhythm. Don't people say it's so cool to pretend to be a pig and eat a tiger. I want to try it."

It's just an excuse and it doesn't matter.

Anyway, I can't say that I'm deliberately hiding my good side, and the purpose is to prevent you from liking me more.

"What's the use of pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger? Young people, the times have changed." Ethan patted Xi Yemu on the shoulder: "Don't hide your strength at the critical moment. You should be high-profile. Isn't it good to be famous? You have to play low-key .”

Everyone has their own difficulties, Xi Yemu is very embarrassed, he doesn't mind being famous, but the price of being famous is terrible if the women around him like him more.

They are all too good to refuse.

"Nishino," Ying Lili pointed to the piano that had not been removed from the stage: "Can you play a song for us? It's not convenient."

The last sentence is to prevent Nishino Mu from really not knowing the rhythm, and to give him a step down.

"Hey, let me play a song for you as an apology."

Nishino Mu didn't understand Ying Lili's good intentions, and went to the stage full of apology.

"You really know the rhythm, Mai didn't lie to me." Ying Lili muttered to herself, and then remembered that Nishino Mu had given Mai Sakurajima a room in a hotel and played the piano for her, and she gritted her little tiger teeth angrily.

There was a row of audience in the audience, and Nishino Mu was not stage-frightened.

After simply testing the pitch of the piano and the timbre of the low, middle and high tones, I played the piano music with all my concentration.

"The song has a touch of sadness, but it's just the taste of happiness and troubles in it. What's on your mind?" Ethan asked curiously.

At this time, Nishino Mu had returned to his seat and sat down.

"No, I'm having a good time."

Nishino Mu took the water that Ying Lili handed over, and took a gulp.

"What's the name of the song?" Ying Lili asked.


"I've never heard of it." Ethan shook his head blankly: "Is it a little song? It's obviously very nice."

"Of course it's a small piece." Ying Lili said excitedly: "The piano piece "Helpless" was created by the famous pianist Kun Yin more than a hundred years ago. I didn't expect Nishino to play this piece."

That's right, Nishino Mu was dumbfounded.

Because he has obtained the world's super piano performance ability, he knows a lot of rhythm and piano music, but he has basically never taken the initiative to understand the origin of piano music.

I originally thought that "Helpless" meant literally, but I didn't expect it to be helpless because I couldn't find the one I love. Doesn't this play imply that I haven't made up my mind on who to choose as my wife?

Hiratsuka Shizu-sensei, I'm sorry.

Chapter 226 The Capitalist's Negotiation

"Helpless" is the best evidence that Nishino is hinting that he has not decided who to marry as his wife. Eriri personally expressed that she is very happy. She asked, "Nishino, when did you learn to play the piano?"

Supernatural abilities cannot be explained in detail to others, Xi Yemu pondered for a moment, and replied: "Occasionally, it will happen somehow."

"Turned out to be a genius," Ethan praised approvingly.

"That's right, I knew Nishino was a genius," Ying Lili said happily.

A woman's love for a man must always have a bit of admiration, perhaps admiring the characteristics he possesses, or admiring the way he behaves in the world.

In high school, Eriri admired Nishino's unique strength and self-confidence, and admired his ability to know everyone's character like the back of his hand.Now I appreciate his unique skills, his willingness to be in a calm state of mind, and admire his determination to stay calm in the face of stunning beauty.

Ying Lili looked at Xi Yemu with a smile, her eyes were full of admiration and affection.

Both men and women like to be admired by others, and men like to save face, and being admired by women, especially beautiful women, is the pride of any man.Xi Yemu was embarrassed by Ying Lili's stare, and turned his head shyly, but he felt very happy.

"Hahaha, don't flirt in front of me," Ethan clapped his hands, gave Xi Yemu a meaningful look, and gave a look to one of his subordinates.

Seeing this, the subordinate immediately took out his mobile phone and secretly took a photo of Xi Yemu, and then started sending messages and chatting.

Ying Lili smiled unconsciously: "There is no flirting, I don't like him."

"Okay, don't be stubborn, are you hungry? How about we go eat something?"


Ying Lili was eager for the end of the topic, and she agreed quickly without caring about rebuttals.

"What would Nishino want to eat?" Ethan asked in a natural tone.

"It's colder, how about some boiled or grilled food?"

"Ah?" Ethan was a little surprised and said, "It's amazing, you are a master in the field of love, and the word "or" finally gave us the right to choose, satisfying our vanity. "

What a small detail, and yet I hadn't noticed it before.Nishino Mu said: "It's just a personal habit."

"Since Nishino said that, can we go eat boiled food?" Ethan asked Ying Lili's opinion.

"Okay." Although she felt that Ethan was a little weird, Ying Lili didn't think much about it.

A group of people set off to the hotel that had been prepared long ago.In the private room, when ordering food, Xi Yemu was asked by Ethan again what he wanted to order.

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