Seeing Xi Yemu, the woman was slightly startled, and said softly: "Because this store is regular, women give massages to female customers, and men give massages to male customers. There are many female masseuses in the store, so the female customers who come a little more."

"What about those couples?"

"There are discounts for couples coming together."

Nishino Mu nodded: "Is it okay for a man to go in alone?"

The woman rolled her eyes, and said with her head held high, "Ahem, no, if a man goes in alone, the store will tell you that there is no male masseur and ask you to wait in line. You can find a woman to pretend to be a couple, and couples will arrange massage first." division."

"Understood, thank you for telling me this," Nishino Mu bowed and thanked.

The woman waved her hands again and again: "No thanks, no thanks, it's just a little effort."

Xi Yemu turned to leave, but the woman bit her lip and said blushingly, "If you can't find a female companion for the time being, I can go in with you."

"Ah, no, thank you for your kindness."

Nishino Mu didn't dare to agree, and left in a hurry. If she teased another inexplicably, I'm afraid it would be even more tiring.

Back in the car, Mu Nishino called Shizuka Hiratsuka: "Where are you now, can I find you?"

"Wait," Hiratsuka said in a low voice, "Don't, don't come for a while, my parents are here with me."

"Uncle and aunt know my existence, is there any serious problem?"

"No, they must call me an old cow and eat young grass, and tell me to teach me."


After hanging up the phone, Mu Nishino planned to go back to Gensokyo again, to find Eriri and Shiina Mashiro, since he didn't want to go to the company anyway.

Unexpectedly, before he started the car, he received a message from Ying Lili.

【Let's go to see Xue Nai, we will have dinner at her place, don't be ours when you cook】

Probably because you were not there when you were needed, Xi Yemu scratched his hair irritably.

He looked at the storefront of the massage shop, took out his mobile phone, swipe the screen, looked at one contact after another, took a deep breath, and called Fumino Guqiao.

"Wen Nai, are you free now?"

"Tell me what you want to do with me first. If it's something I'm more interested in, maybe I'll be free."

"Uh, I want to go to the massage parlor, can you come with me?"

"Massage shop?!" Fumino Guqiao's last drowsiness disappeared in an instant, and he jumped out of the bed suddenly: "If you plan to take a woman to a massage shop, can you bring Rizu?"

Xi Yemu scratched his hair with his hands, and said awkwardly: "I want to find a place to relieve the pressure, and I didn't want to bring a woman who likes me to stare at me."

"Then wait for me, send me the address, and I'll go right away."

"it is good."

After finishing the call and sending the address to Fumino Guqiao, Mu Nishino leaned on the steering wheel and watched the people coming and going in front of the car.

After an unknown amount of time, a woman in a hoodie and trousers came to the car and waved at him.

Chapter 236 The day I was asked to go to work

The clear sky in late autumn is like an endless calm blue sea; the pretty person in front of the car is like the beautiful face of the goddess of wisdom.

Seeing that Nishino Mu had noticed him, Guqiao Fuminao took a few steps quickly, gently opened the car door, sat in the passenger seat, with a happy smile on his face, turned his head and asked, "Do you want to go to the massage shop in front?" ?"

Nishino Mu nodded: "Yes."

Fumino Guqiao asked in surprise: "You can enter by yourself, why do you want me to accompany you?"

Nishino Mu held the steering wheel with one hand, looking like you don't understand: "That massage shop is very formal, men have to wait in line for the male masseur to go in, couples can be given priority when going in, if I am a big man going in alone, I must Queuing for a long time, who told me to go back just to experience it, I don’t want to wait in a long queue.”

"Really, the rules in the massage parlor are really weird," Fumino Guqiao was taken aback for a moment.

"That's not it," Nishino Mu smiled, "A lady told me that there must be no fakes, and it won't do her any good to lie to me."

"Uh, okay, shall we just go in like this?" Guqiao Wennai smiled slightly. It's not like she hasn't been here before. They really lied to you because of you. "Will we be noticed by the clerk? Lovers, and then get driven away?"

"Impossible, we are also customers anyway."

"Okay, let's go."

When the two got out of the car, Guqiao Wennai and Nishino Mu naturally walked side by side. I don't know whether it was intentional or not. Many passers-by looked at them strangely.

Nishinomu gritted his teeth and hesitated for a long time, then asked Fumino Guqiao next to him in a low voice: "Could it be that we are so unlike a couple? How come they can tell at a glance."

"I can't tell," Guqiao Wennai raised the corners of his mouth, "Compared to other couples, we are indeed not very close."

The reality is, those passers-by just saw that Nishino Mu and Guqiao Fumino were handsome and beautiful, and they were too conspicuous, so they couldn't help but look at them a few more times.

Fumino Guqiao knew, but she didn't want to say it.

Xi Yemu looked at the people passing by, and found that the male and female groups could be seen as lovers at a glance, almost all of them were holding hands or girls were holding boys' arms.

Nishino Mu bit his lip, and said, "Why don't we pretend to be a little bit like this."

He originally wanted to go to a massage parlor because his emotions were not strong, but more because he wanted to experience the decompression method Kato Megumi said. He belongs to the kind of person who doesn’t regret it if he doesn’t know if he goes in, but he doesn’t regret it if he doesn’t go in. At most, he has a little regret .

But after calling Guqiao Fumino, Nishino Mu felt that it would be a loss if he didn't enter the massage parlor. In order to enter the massage parlor, he had the cheek to call a woman. If he didn't go in, it would be poisonous.

Fumino Guqiao tapped his left cheek with his left finger, and asked with erratic eyes: "What should we do to be more like a couple?"

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