"She will spit it out if she doesn't like it. If she doesn't spit it out now, it means she likes it too. Since she likes it, it means I'm feeding it right."

"How can you say so disgusting, it's really shameless."

"It's not a saying that if you don't refuse, you will acquiesce."

Nishino Mu said, seeing that Shiina Mashiro had almost eaten the apple in his mouth, he took another apple and fed it to her.

Shiina Mashiro opened her mouth obediently to catch it.

"True white!" A spark flashed in Yinglili's eyes.

Shiina Mashiro held an apple piece in her mouth and glanced at her.

Ying Lili persuaded: "Hey, spit out the apple and say something, and refuse Xiye to feed you again."

Shiina Mashiro shook her head.

"You child." Ying Lili angrily grabbed an apple and put it in her mouth.

"Wait a moment!"

"Why?" Ying Lili asked suspiciously as she swallowed the apple in two or three bites.

"Don't eat it up, save some for Zhenbai, I think she likes it very much."

Shiina Mashiro finally had nothing in his mouth, nodded: "It tastes good."

Yinglili said with a blue face: "Where did you buy this apple? Buy some for me."

"If you want to eat, go buy it yourself. There are plenty of supermarkets next door. Buy the most expensive one." Nishino Mu gave Shiina Mashiro another apple.

"..." Ying Lili clenched her fists, full of jealousy, and criticized: "It's obviously not Zhenbai's boyfriend, but he feeds her apples, defends her everywhere, spoils her everywhere, even if I eat an apple, I will be preached, Nishino, you are really bad."

"That's it." Xi Yemu said, "It was the same way before, didn't you say nothing?"

Ying Lili snorted coldly: "The past is the past, and the present is the present."

Shiina Mashiro can be regarded as free, she tugged on the hem of Laying Lili's clothes: "Ying Lili, don't be jealous."

"I'm not jealous!"

"Let Mu feed you."

"I, I don't want anyone other than my father and boyfriend to feed me."

Xi Yemu picked up a piece of apple and stuffed it into Yinglili's slightly opened mouth: "Okay, I'll give you one too."

Chapter 240 The Feeling of Being Valued

Monday, December 12, the day before Christmas Eve, Christmas Eve, Christmas and New Year are getting closer, and some employees of the company have already entered the holiday.

It was afternoon when Nishino Mu arrived at the company. He noticed that there were fewer employees in the company. Those who were absent had gone home early to enjoy their vacation. When the real vacation began, they had to say goodbye to their family and friends and come back to work overtime.

"President, do you want to cancel our annual meeting?" The assistant said that the cash on the company's books was almost gone, and he was one of the insiders.

"It's better not to cancel the annual meeting." Nishino Mu said, after working hard for a year, how could the annual meeting be less.

"Yes, President. If the annual meeting is not cancelled, what is our budget?" Now that the annual meeting is starting, there may not be enough time, and the assistant looks sad.

Nishino Mu was silent for a while, and had to change his mind, "I thought about it carefully, and it doesn't matter if the annual meeting is held or not. Give each employee an extra reward of [-] yen, and the annual meeting will not be held."

In this way, it will cost several million yen, which is much more cost-effective than holding an annual meeting.

"The president is wise." The assistant showed a compliment.

"Ah~" Nishino Mu sighed, it's not that he didn't want to hold the annual meeting, it's just that the company doesn't have so much money for him to squander.

Nishino Mu waved his hand: "Go and make arrangements, and make sure that every employee of the company can get the [-] yen."

"Yes, President." The assistant left to arrange related work.

Nishino Mu sat behind his desk, looking at page after page of reports on the computer screen.He has the self-consciousness of being the president of the company, and he knows that the reason for the company's annual meeting is to buy people's hearts and boost morale.

"It stands to reason that [everyone's demeanor] has been working. Even if you don't do these things deliberately, everyone will be loyal to me over time. It doesn't matter if you want to buy people's hearts or not, such as the annual meeting." Xi Yemu thought about it and nodded happily.

He decided to deal with the suppression of Wenyuan Company by the three giants in the industry.

"After thinking about it, what the company lacks is not word of mouth, but light novels and cash."

As the island country's first free light novel website, Wenyuan's reputation has been widely spread among certain groups of people, and its reputation has always been good.

After all, it's all free, so what more bicycles are needed.

"At present, light novels are hard to say. In terms of revenue, advertising is still the company's main source of income. In addition, membership, animation copyrights, live-action copyrights and other messy things can also bring some profits to the company, but it is still not enough. "

Nishino Mu knew very well that advertising alone would not be enough to make a profit, so he asked Yukinoshita Yukino to develop services such as listening to books, dancing, songs and even live broadcasting. These can greatly increase the gold content of members and bring huge profits to the company.

However, Yukinoshita Yukino was hospitalized just after completing the listening business of Wenyuan Novel.com.

After Yukinoshita Yukino was hospitalized, Nishino Mu followed the rules and established the singing and dancing area.

Listening to books and singing and dancing have attracted many people to sign up for membership, but these are not enough.

Nishino Mu firmly believes that the best way to beat competitors is to work hard to improve yourself.

So after he bought time for Wenyuan's development with supernatural abilities such as [Love Obsession], he immediately thought of earning more money, because only with more cash can he develop other businesses at the fastest speed and make Wenyuan more profitable. Build a giant-level company.

"Where do you get cash?"

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