Xi Yemu chose a bag of apples, looked at the milk next to him, and said, "I remember Xue Nai likes to drink milk, why don't I buy another carton of milk."

Xiazhiqiu Shiyu said playfully: "I suggest you buy papaya milk."

"Okay." Nishino Mu agreed, and brought up a box of papaya milk. He knew a little about the effects of papaya. If she bought it for Xue Nai, she would be very happy. After all, it is a good medicine for "illness".

"Well, I think you will be scolded for buying this flavor of milk, because women will think you are implying that she is small."

Aoyama Nanami roughly heard that Nishino Mu was going to visit Yukinoshita Yukino with Kasumigaoka Shiwa, and at the same time he was relieved, and walked out from behind the cabinet.

"Qingshan? What a coincidence." Nishino Mu greeted her with a smile, put down the milk by the way, and picked up the strawberry flavored one.

"What a coincidence," Aoyama Nanami grabbed a bag of potato chips to hide her embarrassment.

"What a coincidence, Qihai." Xiazhiqiu Shiyu naturally approached Nishino Mu, "I really didn't expect you to be here so late."

"There is a live broadcast today."

"Oh, as a top voice actor, he looks very busy, doesn't he even have time to spend Christmas Eve with his family?"

"There is still time, but I can't find anyone who can accompany me, and my parents haven't forgiven me yet." Qingshan Qihai said, even if she was tired, she couldn't show it when facing her rival.

"It's amazing to work until [-] or [-] o'clock in the evening and still have time to spend with my family."

"Don't just talk about me, what about Shiyu? Is Shiyu thinking about how to continue writing the novel every day when she sleeps, and I heard that overuse of the brain is not good for hair."

"I'm also worried about whether my hair feels good to the touch." Kasumigaoka Shiyu showed a embarrassed expression, held a small lock of hair, and tapped Nishino Mu's cheek with the tip of the hair, "How does Nishino feel? Being entangled by my hair Would it be comfortable to live there?"

"Oh, it's a little itchy." In fact, this is not what Nishino Mu wanted to say. He watched Kasumigaoka Shiyu wrap his hair around his fingers, and his thoughts drifted to the 18 forbidden anime that he had just watched a few days ago. He remembered the male lead in the anime It was vented with the heroine's hair.

Sensing the strangeness of Nishino Mu, Kasumigaoka Shiyu raised the corners of his mouth, glanced at the dazed Aoyama Nanami, and continued: "Nishino, I have no advantages, nothing more than a high degree of education, proficiency in the three languages ​​of Sakurajima, and a nice voice. I'm tall, with a big bulge, straight legs, and nothing else but hair, and if you don't like my hair, it's embarrassing."

Nishino Mu opened his mouth, and looked at Xiazhiqiu Shiyu from beginning to end, feeling an inexplicable impulse.

"Phew! It's Christmas Eve tonight, do you want to find a place to finish what we didn't finish in the hotel last time?" Xiazhiqiu Shiyu took advantage of the opportunity to hug Nishino Mu's arm, leaned into his ear and said this sentence again.

Breathing into his ears, Xi Yemu shuddered, and subconsciously wanted to agree, but he glanced at the green mountains and seven seas next to him, and quickly said: "We will talk about this later, the green mountains are still there."

"Okay." Xiazhiqiu Shiyu smiled, but still hugged Nishino Mu's arm.

"You two are going to the hotel?" Qingshan Qihai pursed her lips and said, "I'm going to visit Xue Nai."

"Huh? I didn't plan to go to the hotel, but it's too coincidental." Nishino Mu looked at Xiazhiqiu Shiyu, then at Qingshan Qihai, and said in surprise: "I didn't expect that both of you wanted to visit Yukino."

"Well, on Christmas Eve, Xue Nai cannot be left alone in the hospital." Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu said.

Now that we met, there is no reason not to go together.Nishino Mu bought something, went to the hospital with Xiazhiqiu Shiyu and Aoyama Nanami, and opened the door of the ward.

The three of them were slightly startled, and saw that besides the two sisters Yukinoshita, Fumino Guqiao, Liuli Wugeng, Rizu Ogata and Kaguya Shinomiya were all there.

"You came to the hospital much faster than the snail, and you even had one more shell than it, but it doesn't matter, anyway, a lot of bugs have come. Come and sit." Yukinoshita Yukino pointed to the chair beside the bed.

The shells in her mouth refer to Xiazhiqiu Shiyu and Qingshan Qihai, and the worms refer to other women who came in the house except their sisters.

Chapter 245 Endure Day After Day

This is a beautiful night scene. There are a group of beauties playing around in the hospital, and there are tall buildings full of colored lights outside the hospital.

Well, don't go back in a hurry, just play here for a while.Nishino Mu set up a shogi board at the end of Yukinoshita Yukino's bed, and nodded to Ogata Rizu, "Come, let me see if you have improved recently."

Seeing Nishino Mu and Ogata Rizhu playing shogi, Wugeng Liuli lowered her head in disappointment.

"There's nothing to be sad about, just go and play with him later." Guqiao Fuminao sat in the living room, flipping through the book in his hand.

Beside, Wu Geng Liuli's tone was a little rude: "There are so many people, who knows if he will leave later."

"Don't worry, it will be delayed until at least 12 o'clock, and Christmas Eve will be delayed."

"You guys play, it's better to rest early, I'll go back first." Yukinoshita Yoshino said.

"Sister, go slowly."

"Miss Yang Nai, go slowly." Aoyama Qihai said.

Successfully holding Christmas Eve and Christmas is the most important political work in Tokyo these days. Yukinoshita Yono is very busy. She is roughly sure that Nishino Mu will not have a relationship with any woman on Christmas Eve, so she bids farewell and leaves with confidence.

Then, after Yukinoshita Yoshino left, Guqiao Fumino said happily: "Neither we nor Nishino can play here for one night, if sister Yoshino was here, she would definitely accompany Nishino to see us off, now that she's gone, Do you understand?"

Wugeng Liuli suddenly realized, "Hmph, it's just a time to get along with him when he sent him home."

"Hahaha." Guqiao Fumin just smiled, and exchanged a glance with Xiazhiqiu Shiyu.

Shinomiya Kaguya glanced at Wugeng Liuli: "I don't want Nishino to send you home, so why don't you go back yourself?"

"Why do you care so much, the majestic Miss Sigong, who has been chasing a man for almost ten years and can't catch up, what right do you have to mock me?"

"You, you, simply..." Kaguya Shinomiya's smile disappeared, she glanced at the room where Yukinoshita Yukino was, and said anxiously, "Shut up, don't be so loud."

"What's wrong with me talking loudly, what a coward." Wu Geng Liuli clicked her tongue at Shinomiya Kaguya disdainfully.

"Excessive! If it weren't for Nishino's face, do you think you can stand here and have an equal conversation with me?" Shinomiya Kaguya stared at Wugeng Liuli angrily.

"I see. Are you telling me how noble you are? I'm so scared." Wu Geng Liuli waved her hand and said perfunctorily, "Please Miss Sigong be merciful to me."

"Damn it," Shinomiya Kaguya frowned, and said annoyedly, "Miss Wu Geng, except for Nishino, I didn't offend you, right? Why are you targeting me so much?"

"You didn't offend me. I hate the rich. Who made you a capitalist?"

"Five more glazes!"

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